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Posts posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. Thats just so important to me I don't even know why. 


    You may also want to consider this question - and very seriously, too! There are good reasons for wanting a serious relationship and children - but in some ways how and why you come to this conclusion is more important than the conclusion. So explore the question.

  2. My therapist pretty much said the same thing.  

    I want to change the thinking pattern so what do I have to do? I want to do whatever I have to do to be what someone else will date.  Everyone has said the be happy without a guy. I don't know what to do to make that happen.  Had I never experienced a relationship it would be different because you can't miss what you haven't had, but I had it.  It was perfect kind of.  Anyways I want to make the changes just don't know where they would come from. 


    The best place to start is to open yourself to new types of thinking. Open yourself up to ideas that you've typically been opposed to - nobody is saying you have to begin to agree with them, but if your positions don't change, they may be strengthened. With a better sense of not only what you believe but also why you believe it (especially as regards your views on life, love and happiness), you can likely move forward in a more positive way.

  3. Also, any opinion on places like Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Heidelburg, or Tübingen? I was told by the German dept at my school that they would all be places to look at, but since they're non-philosophers, I wasn't really sure. I'm a bit hesitant about getting my PhD in Europe because of advice I received from a PhD at Keele. He basically told me if you get your PhD in Europe, it'll be one hell of an uphill battle getting a job somewhere (worse than in the US was the implication). So basically, if I'm going to study in Europe, I'm shooting for a place that has a good placement record. 


    I'm not a philosopher, but I can confirm that these are the three universities (and I might add Freiburg and Wuerzburg myself) that are known here for philosophy. I'm currently studying politics as a non-degree seeking MA student in Tuebingen. Fantastic medieval city, and wonderful philosophers have come through here over the last five centuries. Reading Hegel in a cafe here is really something else. As for each department's specific strengths, I will defer to the much more knowledegable users floating around the boards.

  4. Not sure why gr8pumpkin and TakeMyCoffeeBack feel the need to make snarky remarks about feminism. This thread really needs to be closed.


    Right, I always forget that feminism is a dirty word and that any attempt to raise the level of discussion (or provoke new considerations, even if the same conclusions are reached by the deliberating individual) should be discouraged.

  5. I never thought of it like that. It is just something you say. No one digs that deep into it. It doesn't matter obviously whoever the person is found happiness with someone else. If they think that person is hot then ok I probably don't and that's fine. It's not like I'm walking up to these guys saying "wow you're hot but your gf looks like poop" it isn't a big deal. I see it I go on about my day. It isn't that big of a deal.


    Well I have thought deeply about it, and this was provoked by another "deep" friend. But I want to point out: notice how quickly your tone changed when you did consider it?

  6. I would never do that.

    There is definitely a such thing, some people don't want to acknowledge it and that's fine I guess.


    It doesn't matter how pretty or how ugly any guy's next girlfriend is. She's a human being, and to consider her an upgrade or a downgrade is degrading, not only to her, but to you (or whoever the point of reference is). This arbitrary "ranking" of women is offensive and retrogressive. 

  7. As someone walking through the mall seeing a hot guy with a girlfriend less than attractive, I am going to think wow she is way less pretty than her boyfriend. I would also probably say "he can do better" these aren't uncommon feelings, I have had entire conversations with friends about it. Have you never heard of a downgrade? You have never had a friend who was in a relationship that ended and the guy moved on and she said "oh his new gf is a downgrade"? Maybe not but I have heard it a lot, even said it a few times.  I don't know that amazing qualities the girlfriend has and I don't necessarily care. I am looking at her and thinking "wow she is much less attractive than the guy she is dating" so call it what you want but I have said it, my friends have said it and that is that. 


    I hope you write a book so that it can be subjected to feminist critical theory.


    There is no such thing as a downgrade.

  8. I don't know how reliable Peterson's is, but those numbers seen less than accurate to me based on conversations I've had with people in the dept. 


    Regardless, your reasoning on Harvard seems valid. Harvard in general is also notoriously bureaucratic, so this delay does not at all surprise me.  


    Well, those numbers were accurate once upon a time. Maybe they aren't from last year as I suggested, but they are the numbers Yale shared at one point.

  9. I'm curious as to why they take so much longer than the other programs. Anyone know how many applicants they typically get and how big their class size is? I understand that Stanford usually has a small class (and had 440 apps this year), but Yale gets around 600-700 and still managed to report last week...I can't imagine Harvard is getting significantly more than that. 


    Last year Yale had 432 applicants and accepted 49. Harvard had 441 and accepted 35 (source: Peterson's). I'd chalk up the difference in time to departmental policies and timelines, and the knowledge that very few people will turn down an offer from Harvard (whereas some lower ranked programs, or even programs that often compete with Harvard, will want more time to court students).

  10. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. I removed my acceptance/rejection info from my signature recently, and now I'm bragging just by pointing out that I am NOT leveling these complaints because I PERSONALLY feel hurt/bothered by this thread due to a lack of acceptances? Someone might think that the only reason I was complaining is because I was mass-rejected and salty about it. Somehow I am the braggart for taking the position that although I do have multiple offers, we don't need a thread to humblebrag about the "embarrassment of riches?" I'm not naming schools, I'm not talking about myself as an applicant. I'm purely concerned about this thread becoming a circlejerk for the fortunate among us and nothing more. If that concern is stupid, then it's stupid. I don't really care to defend it any further, clearly all of the accepted people disagree with me (surprise! Don't ruin our fun!) so whatever. Go ahead. Just don't act like I'm trying to brag about my status when I don't include it in my signature and don't name schools.


    The bolded information is completely unnecessary (and in many ways counterproductive) to your argument, and you have found it necessary to include it several times, while chastising others for doing the same with the intent of seeking help to hash out their choices. I see only one person bragging in this thread, no matter how many times you throw on the cape of pity for those who were not successful (to those in this situation: I was in your shoes last year, and you can come out of it and succeed, as many others have done) - although they haven't asked for your defense or pity. It seems that this is a chance for you to let everyone know that even though you have several offers, you can still sit atop moral mountain passing judgment on all the peasants below. There are different ways to brag, and there are even ways to share information without any intent of arrogance (of course you consider this humblebrag, and you're welcome to this opinion). 


    For the record, how is this topic not a 100% valid discussion for anyone faced with a very difficult decision that will play a huge role throughout their professional careers? Perhaps the forum should be segregated into sub-Philosophy forums with "Philosophy Still Waiting/No Acceptances," "Philosophy One Acceptance," and "Philosophy More than One Acceptance," so that those in the latter group can seek advice about what they should be considering? I'd be willing to bet that even if one has excellent LoRs, there's no guarantee that they have an adviser they feel comfortable hashing out the details with. GradCafe was good enough for them to seek application help, but not decision help? And why do you get to be the judge of what information is valuable for other forum members?

  11. This seems like a thread where people who have gotten accepted to multiple schools can brag about how "tough it must be" to choose between them. Woe is me! As much as I'd like to join in the fun and namedrop my schools, this thread will help nobody, and will instead make those who haven't been accepted feel bad.

    TL;DR: No need for the humblebrag.


    This thread cannot possibly be helpful to anyone, but will just serve as another circlejerk for those of us lucky enough to have multiple acceptances under the belt. 



    ...Its like a bunch of CEOs getting together in the company discussion room and, right there in front of the minimum wage employees, having a big merry chat about how they each are going to decide to spend this year's 5 million dollar bonus check that they received at the expense of the poor wage laborers.

    ...The discussion is just breeding ground for humblebrags and can't even help the humblebragging parties.



    Here's what might be helpful: A list of possible considerations that people might make.

    However, saying "I chose Michigan over UC Davis because, DUH, Michigan is awesome and UC Davis is not as good for these billion values I have" will just make that applicant who has only managed a waitlist at UC Davis feel even worse.

    Here's something that might be interesting as well: When someone makes a decision, if they made a decision that seems counterintuitive (reject Princeton for...Wisconsin or something) they could say what reasons they had for making such a decision.


    What I've learned from this thread:


    TheVineyard has multiple acceptances

    TheVineyard doesn't want to brag about her/his multiple acceptances

    TheVineyard wants you to understand that even though s/he has multiple acceptances, s/he will not participate in the humblebrag-iness

    TheVineyard is just like that metaphorical CEO, but more like a CEO with a heart, because s/he isn't a humblebrag



  12. Should I go ahead and assume a rejection from Georgetown for a Masters? I have heard NOTHING, even though I know another person on here has also applied. George Washington University should be sending out information either the end of this week or beginning of next.

    Last year I didn't get news from sfs til march, so don't assume anything.

  13. Should I go ahead and assume a rejection from Georgetown for a Masters? I have heard NOTHING, even though I know another person on here has also applied. George Washington University should be sending out information either the end of this week or beginning of next.

    Last year I didn't get news from sfs til march, so don't assume anything.

  14. http://graduate-school.phds.org/rankings/political-science


    FYI: an interactive NRC ranking of political science programs. Breaks down the data in an easy to read way. If you open up the school's individual page, you can go to the tab "outcomes" and see - at the time of the last NRC ranking - approximately how employment breaks down. MIT is 53% academic hires, 26% postdoc (presumably with an academic goal), 9% private sector and 12% government.

  15. The email I received specifically says if admitted, I will be fully funded for 5 years.


    My application status did not change on the website.


    Maybe they've adjusted their funding scheme? We can only hope... They have been inching up the rankings - hopefully they start to feel the responsibilities of being a true academic force.

  16. Okay, also in their defense a little bit (though I still think it's not okay not to fund PhDs): it was made very clear to me that most people who go to Georgetown unfunded find funding most semesters - it's just not guaranteed and they have to apply each semester. In fact, I met a woman who was completing her Ph.D. there, and she only paid for her first semester. Still, that's a big risk to take.

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