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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. AWESOME!! CONGRATS!!!!! I'm so happy for yoU!
  2. Hope you are feeling better to day, Crystaldee!
  3. Okay, which one of you Malaysia ETA's did an interview on NPR this morning? Well, not THIS morning, but I heard it this morning. I only caught the tail end of it, but in sounded like they were talking about their Arab descent? Cool to hear about a Fulbright scholar on national news this morning
  4. We've already discussed this at some length, but it seems pretty clear that Fulbright really does not care what school you went to, and may even go so far as to avoid having a lot of scholars who come from prestigious schools. From some of the people I have talked to who have applied for a Fulbright, and went to a prestigious school, I can say that I felt that they relied too heavily on the fact that they went to a top school, and just expected to get a Fulbright. It seemed like they did not develop their application as fully as they could, thinking that going to Yale or Harvard would be enough. I think Fulbright is interested in sending more of what could be seen as the "average" American. I could be misinterpreting what you are saying, but it sounds to me like you place too much value in those schools as well, at least in regards to Fulbright. I don't think Fulbright is as interested in the research as you think they are; it IS important, but I believe what is most important is developing relationships between countries. I think perhaps they are hoping to encourage future international diplomats or ambassadorship in students who might not have been given a chance at something like that otherwise.
  5. Last night I had a dream that before flying into Germany, I had to go to Japan first, and meet with another ETA, and then we would fly to Germany together. Really? Fly to Japan first?? That makes so much sense, brain!!
  6. Really, really sorry to hear that!! Keep your chin up, you never know what could happen! And go ahead and apply for next yeaer, your application is already really good, obviously, now you will have even more time to improve!!! Aweeesommmmme!!! SO happy for you!! Congrats!! Insert Latvian potato joke here!
  7. Awesome!! That is so good to hear. That's the first time i've heard of someone being notified via phonecall, but hey, whatever works!! Congrats!
  8. At least they are keeping you updated. :/
  9. Awesome!! Congrats!! So happy for you!! I have not made one yet, but I will. Have you joined the facebook group? Maybe I could just friend you on there and send you my url once I have it up.
  10. Lol, a Blue missionary? Isn't it usually the the other way around?
  11. That's true! If I make it back there again someday, I probably would get over it. Just didn't work out in the long term, last time. And let's face it, can't be THAT much worse than the Midwest, can it?
  12. It is weird how a place can do that to you. I fell in love with the Blue Ridge Mountain areas of the Carolinas, I'd love to live there some day. Unfortunately my political and social values don't fit in too well in that area, though, so that makes it a bit uncomfortable.
  13. HEck yes!!! That is so good to hear!! SO happy for you!!
  14. baaaaaahahhahahahahahahahahahaha. lmao. That is priceless! It sounds like you probably have a lot of similar stories. My favorite part of the story was you singing Backstreet Boys with coworkers.. and the little Chinese lady laughing herself silly. That sounds AWESOME. Truly, truly awesome.
  15. Ahh!! Awesome!!!! I am so, so happy for you!!
  16. Drunk in professional contexts? LOL.
  17. Ha! I know. I browse Reddit a lot, which is full of critics, so I often had to remind myself I'm not there! Everyone here has been ridiculously nice I second the motion on not accepting CrystalDee... I still have hope for yer yet, though. Why they didn't accept her is insane. I haven't heard anything about Austria. I'll be in Germany, though, if you make it to Austria, be sure to look me up if you feel like hopping over!
  18. Wow. That WOULD be the thing I was remembered for X.x
  19. There are plenty of people who are still waiting...
  20. It's a good idea, but I can't imagine it would be good for gas mileage.
  21. bahahah. okay. Now I'm gonna tell you another. I sometimes have a poor filter, and when I'm tired, it's even worse. I can speak pretty impulsively, which sometimes gets me into trouble. So this is another story about that trip with my uncle. When we arrived in Germany, my cousin's and my luggage was been lost. It was eventually recovered, but for the first couple of days, we had nothing. Why we didn't just buy a few things, I'll never understand, but instead we just borrowed a few things from my uncle. This was pretty much okay for my cousin(male), but for me?? Yeah.. So on this one day we were going to Neuschwanstein. I was experiencing jetlag quite badly that day, and my brain was about three steps behind. So my filter was worse than normal. You have to climb a hill up to Neuschwanstein, but it was raining, so my cousin and I grabbed a ride on a carriage to get out of the rain. We happened to share the ride with a group of American college students. My cousin and I happily chatted with them, as we hadn't encountered anyone from the States for a bit. We swapped airport horror stories, and I told them that we had lost our luggage. I then went on to tell them that I had to borrow clothes from my uncle - underwear included. At about the time I finished that sentence my brain caught up to my mouth and I though, "Dear god, I just met these people, why am I telling them this?!" I guess I thought it was funny (well, it is), but the uncomfortable looks on their faces told me that maybe that was sharing a bit much with people I had jut met. For the rest of the trip, my cousin and my uncle kept teasing me that they were going to have to "hold me back" from new people because I would scare them off by telling them I was wearing men's underwear..... LOL. And now I told a bunch of internet strangers as well.
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