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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. Sounds good to me!!! Bahhahaha. That reminds me of a funny story.. I honestly can't remember if this was in Switzerland or Austria, but it was one of the two. My uncle took my cousins on I on European trips when we graduated highschool - one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had. My sister and my cousin who is a few months older than my sister went when they graduated, and then a few years later when I graduated, he brought my 16 year old cousin along, too. He was a hoot. Anyway, so there the three of us are, sitting outside at a cafe in either Switzerland or Austria, extremely stoked for the meal we were about to be served - a full course fondue experience. YUMYUMYUM. So we are just sitting there, at these nice little collapsable bistro tables, made so that they could be folded and stored inside the shop when they closed. Yeah, I'm sure you know where this is going. So, here comes our server with trays laden with food, meats, breads, veggies, and the cheeses and oil to cook the meat in. The waiter sits our food down on the table - and it promptly collapses under the weight of all that food. We sit there in shock as mushrooms and bread chunks go scattering across the cobblestone street, as people stop to stare. Then the waiter looks at me, ( I had my legs crossed under the table) and says that I kicked the latch on the bistro table that kept it stable which was why it had collapsed. I'm kind of just like... Uhhhhhh... what?? I nearly had boiling oil in my lap and you are just gonna blame it on me?! The ended up bringing out more food a good 30 minutes later, I'm not really sure if they charged us twice or not, but I wouldn't put it past them, being Europe and all. We still have a good laugh about that to this day!!
  2. Baahahaha, you guys rock! You're making me feel better! I plan on eating my weight in gelato and Spaghetti Eis while in Germany. And lots of Kinder Happy Hippos, and reiber knodle, and pretzels. Oh man. It's going to be amazing. Hopefully I won't rip any jeans, but I gott say, that is IMPRESSIVE!! I ripped the crotch/thigh out of some jeans, though, trying to mount a horse in front of a group of kids.. that wasn't fun! I was watching Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives the other day and the went to a famous Italian beef place in Chicago. I don't remember where it was, but OH MAN, have I been wanting to go there!! That show is like crack!!!
  3. Oooh man. I have really been wanting to visit Chicago. I have a hankering for an Italian beef sandwich and some deep dish! Look at me, food is ALWAYS the first thing on my mind when visiting someplace. Good thing I started doing Zumba!! Geez, you would think Latvia ETA's would hear SOON considering Latvian full grants already got their notice. I know in the past though, there has been as much as almost a month in between the time German full grants got their notification and the ETA's. I don't get it. X.x
  4. YES! Exactly what I was thinking!! Saving money on traveling means MORE traveling. We'd get to build more of a Fulbright community, and our "Host" that we would be visiting could show us all the best places to eat and visit. So, win, win , win, as far as I see it!!
  5. Argh, I know exactly what you mean. It really puts everything on hold. Speaking of bikes, my little brother has been trying to convince me to ship my road bike to Germany with me. He is a hardcore biker, and got me into it, which is why he is trying to convince me. I think I finally convinced him it was not a good idea when I told him how difficult it can be manovering around airports and trainstations with a big, bulky suitcase. I have to admit, it would be cool, but I think just buying a used bike somewhere would be a much better option. :/
  6. So for anyone who is still lurking, for those of us who are in similar regions of the world, I was thinking it might be cool to do a Fulbright couch surfing type deal. That way we could do more traveling. Say I want to go to Latvia and someone in Latvia wants to go to Germany, maybe we could put each other up for a few days? Maybe people already do that already and I'm clueless. But it seems like an awesome way to get to know more Fulbrighters that we might not get the chance to ever meet, other than messaging on this board. It's also probably a bit premature and would depend a lot upon what type of housing we all find, but it's something to think about I personally would feel better couch surfing at another Fulbrighter's place than finding a random couch surf on the net. Seems like it would be a lot more hospitable than a Hostel, too.
  7. I gotta hand it to you folks, I think I would have committed a crime by now, if I were still waiting. This is really getting crazy!!
  8. Awesome!! Good to hear you have so many options!
  9. Good luck with your studies abroad! We enjoyed having you around!!!
  10. Wow! Awesome day! A big hearty congrats to those of you who got the good news. I'm sending big hugs and positive vibes to all those who weren't selected or put as alternates. For the not selected, reapply!!! This was my second go; I didn't even make it through the first round the first time. The second time around is so much easier. The FPA on my campus applied for a full grant SEVEN TIMES before he received one.. so.. perisistance alone can surely pay off!! To the alts, hang in there, we have already seen quite a few applicants get bumped up from alternate status, so it really does happen! I know a longer wait was not what you were hoping for, but good things can still happen. And if it doesn't happen this time, reapply!!!
  11. I guess that's what happens when you have bannas for hands :/ But yes, I agree!
  12. WooooohoooOO! Congrats!!! That is so awesome!
  13. The thing is, I think they are assuming that most of us will be flying into Frankfurt, which I think is the best airport to fly into to get to Koeln, which is where our orientation is. That is they way it sounded from our paperwork we just got. I'm trying to decide how earlier I will go. I know people I could stay with, or I might go visit some family in Croatia. I'm not to keen on lugging around a years worth of luggage though...
  14. WHAAAA?? Orientation starts JUNE 28TH and they still haven't made announcements/!?
  15. That is really awesome to hear! So glad you got bumped up! Before I started reading this forum, I just assumed that people rarely got bumped up, but it sounds like it happens quite often. So congratulations, I'm sure you must be so excited!! My fortune cookie said, "You will be singled out for a promotion". Do you think fortunes from cookies are transferable? Do you think I could send my fortune to CrystalDee? Normally my fortune cookies justs say something crazy like "The wisdom of your soul flows like water", or "A cheerful heart blooms eternal".
  16. T_T I can't believe that the Peace Corp would do that. As far as I'm concerned it's no one's business but my own whether or not I've seen a counselor in the last year.. and what it's for. I wouldn't put it on my application simply for htat reason.
  17. Don't give up hope yet!! You never know!!! I'm rooting for you!
  18. Sorry to hear that. Hang in there, though, you never know what could happen!
  19. :( Man, Fulbright obviously really dropped the ball letting you and CrystalDee go. It's really unbelievable to me. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sending big internet hugs your way! You really should apply next year, especially if this was your first time applying. Take solace in the fact that you made it this far your first time - I didn't even make it past the first round last time!! The application process will be so much easier the second time around - I have a feeling China is in your future, unfortunately it might just take a little longer than you had hoped!
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