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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. OH MAN. You said something about that earlier, right? And I forgot. X.x Okay, that is a legit reason to not be happy it's Friday!
  2. Yes, but at least you know you don't have to stress over the weekend. And no work/school! WIN WIN.
  3. Yes, you can study as many as you want. I will say, it seems that some languages have more and better material than others. For example, the German lessons seem quite good, however the Croatian is pretty basic.
  4. So sorry to hear that, that is definitely frustrating. Just remember though, there will be candidates who accept Masters or other programs, so it is always a possibility that you will get bumped up! I will be crossing my fingers for you!!
  5. I haven't tried that yet, but I plan to once I feel a little more confident with my German! I'll try and let you know then
  6. IT's only $29 for a year, really not too bad!
  7. The coolest thing is that other learners will check your work for you. For example, I will do a German exercise and an Austrian friend will check my work, then he will do an English review and I check his work! It's really cool.
  8. Finland. It was stated several pages back.
  9. Wait, does this mean you guys are XMEN?!?! There's something new to add to the Fulbright roster!!!
  10. no worries!! Good job going to the gym though did you feel the BURRN?!
  11. hahahahahahhaha., true!! this is what happens when I am bored at work.
  12. DAAAAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pouts in corner*
  13. Hey... Have you guys heard the word?
  14. I just used it too!! WHat is your username, we can be language buddies!
  15. FYI, here is another good site to work on your language skills. http://www.memrise.com It's for building vocabulary. I really like the method they have set up for learning, the vocab seems to stick with me much better than when I make my own flashcards. They have tons of different languages and have study sessions already set up, which I really like. Not having to enter in my own words is very nice!
  16. Those of you with student loans, do you plan on defering them while you are on your Fulbright scholarship? I think I will..
  17. 6 weeks?? That doesn't seem like much to me at all.. I was in Germany for 3 months and I got mine! I wouldn't worry.
  18. Speaking of sceret menu's , I went to the old 8bucks a week or so ago and asked my barista to put amaretto flavoring in my White Chocolate Mocha. She looked at me like I was crazy and asked what amaretto was. Is that only a alcoholic drink thing? I didn't think so.. and I couldn't believe she didn't know what amaretto was. Maybe she wasn't 21? I don't know.. but I was very disappointed and I just ended up getting their new hazelnut drink instead, which was not very yummy. Normally I love hazelnut, but this just tasted icky and burnt.
  19. Hahaha. I love that gif. For anyone wanting to know how to embed images, surround your image link with the tags {img} and {/img}, but substitute the { for [ and ]. I can't figure out a way for this forum to show code so I'm just using the { .. . So your code should look something like this {img}http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1353/74/1353743507682.jpg{/img} , only the curly brackets should be replaced with straight brackets. Make sense? I only dabble with coding :/
  20. Hahaha yes, I had noticed that as well. Considering all 500 something posts I have made have all been to this thread, I can say I may be a contributing factor to the size of this thread. When I first read this I thought you said we were either very chatty or "abnormally obnoxious!!" LOL. Which is kind of what I am afraid everyone things of my 500 something posts! (or at least, it's getting close to 500, I believe. )
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