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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. NP. I just want everyone to know and then we ETAs can agonize over our placement. Although, actually, I really don't care WHERE they put me because... I'M GOING TO GERMANNNNNYYYYYYYYYYY!
  2. oh my. thansk for making me think of ice cream :( trying not to eat junk.. At first I thought you meant an email from Blizzard, the software/gaming company. They made WoW and Diablo, i was going to say, oooh man... trhey got you addicted ?!
  3. This is REDONKULOUS. When are the rest of you guys going to hear?!?! GET IT TOGETHER, COUNTRIES!!!
  5. Aweeesomeeeee!!! Congrats! So exciting :)
  6. Just a heads up, I think it costs somewhere in the range of like.. $200 just to hold one for like 10 minutes. Totally worth it, IMO. Baby pandas are my favorite animal ever!! Red pandas are a close second though... Maybe you could hold a red panda for a bit less It would be awesome to at least go and see it!! I'm sure you could see the pandas through glass or something if you didn't want to cough up that much money! As I said, it's on my bucket list, so I would TOTALLY do it!! I sure hope you get your award!!!!!! And not just because I want to you to go to the Panda reserve
  7. Hey, here is a good deal with Livemocha, although I'm not entirel sure what it entails.... I figured someone on here might be interested http://www.groupon.com/deals/livemocha-42-evansville?pt=aUVyQBDAAAAAfc9xUOMUQvR6n5ZkJaDYm
  8. Speaking of which...I need someone from China to promise to go to the Chengdu panda reserve and take pictures and post them!! Going there and holding a baby panda is at the top of my bucket list!!!
  9. Hahaha, thank you!! You are too kind!! Now, I am everybody's designated cheerleader!!! The sad/weird thing is, I still feel the compulsion to check my email every two minutes!! I guess I've been conditioned now! I thought I would be more productive now
  10. :( Awww, I'm so sorry!! Hang in there, though, and try again next year!!
  11. So sorry to hear you weren't selected.. those tricksy Fulbright awarders Sending big hugs your way.. but try again!!!! I can't speak for other Taiwan ETA's, but I received an ETA to Germany, and I have no formal teaching experience. The closest thing I have was being the program director and instructor for a summer camp horseback riding program!!! I can only hope it helped, since I have had experience with kids from ages 6-16! Imagine trying to keep a bunch of six year olds on horseback in line!! Crazyness! Actually.. just trying to get them ON the horses was bad enough............
  12. Ha! Sometimes the daily grind of office life can lead one to do things they wouldn't normally, like spreading rumours. Just look at The Office! It's hyperbolized, but there is some truth in it!! Some days i really feel like I am working in that office. Yep, I watch Game of Thrones! I just started the second season,and I kno whwat you mean!!
  13. Thanks for the advice! I want to share it with my coworker friend, because I know he will be happy for me, but you are right about not telling it if I don't want it to get around. I probably need to just wait for a few months until I feel more comfortable about it.
  14. That's what I'm thinking!!! thanks!! It might be prudent to add though, that there are plenty of other people in my dept that could provide adequate training, so it's not like I would have to train someone should they decide to replace me. I would be very surprised if they, did, though. I think they have enough people to make do.
  15. There are just so many hilarious gifs of oprah! Shoot, i just love reaction gifs, in general!!
  16. Hmm, sounds like you made the right choice in telling them. I just didn't think there was any reason to mention it at all until I knew for sure. That's funny about someone asking you if you are engaged.. I have a coworker that jokingly always asks about my husband, even though he knows I'm not married. I'm pretty sure he just does it because he knows it annoys me!! My role seems to be pretty secure.. I work in a dept with about 5 other people who do the same thing, so they aren't going to be like, lost without me. We had recently hired a couple new people as our workload increased, but then one of them accepted anoter position, and the company decided not to replace her. So I kind of wonder if they would just decide they don't really need to replace me either, or , if they might be willing to hold it for me? I HAVE NO IDEA. Which is why I wonder if I shouldn't just talk to them. I would love to come back here, post Fulbright, if at all possible, but that might be overly optimistic. I've been working in this office since Dec of 2011, but was a contractor from Dec 2011 to June 2012, so I am technically just coming up on my one year mark. I think it's a little early to make any declarations, but I want to have a plan!!
  17. hey now!! I'm an ETA recipient and I don't like it being referred to as a baby fulbright :( .. I worked hard, too. *sniff*
  18. Wow, what a great boss! That's awesome! I don't know, really. I don't think I should tell them now, maybe like.. a few months before I leave? Two, three, maybe? I feel like my gut is actually saying, give a lot more than two weeks notice, they might actually work with you. BUT. that could just be me being overly optimistic/ hopeful. I've also thougth about asking a coworker I trust, but I'm kind of afraid to trust him to much. That might end up biting me as well; I've always been taught not to trust your coworkers that you think are your friends. I hate that.
  19. A baby Fulbright? What is that, exaclty?
  20. Yeah, I think so, too! I just don't know what to do in my case!! What was your employer's reaction, if you don't mind me asking?
  21. Also interested in this. I assume it just has something to do with a difference in Spain's program?
  22. Wonderful!! So excited for you!! Isn't it amazing how quickly your mood can do a 180?! Yesterday, i was walking on cloud nine! I went and had the best Zumba class ever! Could not stop smiling!! The rush of dopamine and seratonin (i guess!) was amazing!!
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