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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. I live in southern Indiana, you? Right now, if I were able to comprehend a research article, i would feel like a GENIUS. I will be happy to make it through Harry Potter, at this point. I haven't even thought about using my German since '09.
  2. Well, at least you are taking a class! I haven't taken any since I graduated college in '09! Gulp! But I'm going back over stuff, so I think with enough focus, I will be ok.
  3. It sounds a little like German. There are tons of different ways to write nouns and pronouns, depending on whether they are the subject, direct object, or indirect object of the sentance. I've never really counted out how many different variants there are, though!
  4. This is what I am trying to do. Just get exposed to it. I am the same way; the listening comprehension is the hardest part, as well as response. I think that's fairly common though. The TV station Bayrische Rundfunk has quite a bit of their material available online to stream, which I have been watching. It's nice because it varies from children's programs, which are easier to understand, to soap operas, to talk shows. I've watched a few German movies on Netflix, so that works too. Also trying to listen to German Radio while I'm working (yaay! Iphone app!) Seriously, in this day and age, there are so many opportunities to prepare. I can only imagine what it will be like 10 -20 years from now!
  5. Yep, that's pretty much how it is in German, as well. There are like.. three different sets of prepositions? Two sets have their one case, the third set's case is dependant upon whether or not the verb is transitive or not. Woo. At least I THINK that's a good way to describe them.
  6. Yeah, I was just thinking about that yesterday. I'm in tornado alley too! Hopefully we won't get too bad of weather. .. So last night I was going through my German grammar book, reviewing prespositions, and I started feeling overwhelmed. And then I tried watching some German TV online. Even worse. I started getting that "Oh god, what was I thinking" feeling. Then I remembered that my brother inlaw, who is from Iraq, uses "by" for just about every prepostion, and I will be ok if I don't always remember my prepositions. Lol. Still though. I haven't had to use German in forever. X.x
  7. Woooweee! Anyone else having beautiful weather today? I love it, but it's doing something awful to my allergies!! I feel very woozy. I will take the warm weather, please and thank you, but you can HAVE the allergies :(
  8. That WOULD be super tough. The job search is so frustrating as it is, without adding Fulbright on top of it. I don't relish the thought of looking for another job when I get back; I'm hoping there might be something open at the company I currently work for.
  9. Geez, Switzerland isn't sending emails until May? That's absurd!!
  10. That is definitely something to worry about. I'm not sure what I would do in your situation, but I know I would feel worried. That's not to say I wouldn't go, though. I remember when I went to Germany in 08, missiles were being moved to Poland (I THINK by Cuba?) and I was worried about that, as Germany borders Poland. Obviously not quite the threat you are worried about, but just trying to relate and say I can understand your concern.
  11. Maybe you should just put a sign around your neck that says "No, I haven't heard yet. Yes, I will let you know when I do." I would get really tired of telling people, lol.
  12. ಠ_ಠ Well, shoot, guess they don't want you going to Colorado, either? That's kinda funny.
  13. No, I'm not yet! I know, I need to!! I don't check the forum over the weekend, mostly because almost no one hear's anything then. But I am about to do it right now
  14. Hi! Welcome to the board! Otherwise known as "Fulbright Anxiety Support Group"! Sorry, we don't have 12 steps. just three 1. Apply for Fulbright 2. Wait for results 3. ???!!! 4. Profit!!
  15. The worst thing was how much my heart rate would increase every time I got a new email in my inbox. It would take several minutes for it to go back to normal. It made me feel crazy!!
  16. Congratulations!! That is so cool!! Doesn't it just feel like the best day ever? The day I found out, I went to my regular Zumba class and had one of the best workouts ever. I felt like I was walking (..er..dancing) on cloud nine!!
  17. It was so close ... I think one more hour and they would have sent us home. We have to be connected to our server to do anything, so it was wasted time. Luckily I had my Ipad with me, so I played with that until the battery died.
  18. Wait.. Estonia heard back? Or just someone new who is waiting?
  19. Wow. The internet at work was down for three and a half hours. We were unable to do anything during that time.. ridiculous!!!
  20. Hogwarts owl, maybe? Because this whole process makes so little sense that I think there would have to be some magic involved!!! Congrats to edyrdahl on your acceptance!! That is fantastic, albeit crazy, that you got it in the mail!!
  21. Man, even though May is only a month away, for annoucements to be that late just seems UNFATHOMABLE!!!!! I'm rooting for you guys though... you've got to find out sometime!!!!
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