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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. I KNOW! Because it would be adorable!!! And a horse-sized duck would be terrifying. Even worse, a horse-sized goose!!!!
  2. Sweet! AMA time! Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?? But seriously, I wonder how one would track down similar programs in other countries?
  3. ha. It's kind of like.. Hey, are you depressed?? Why are you depressed? Being depressed is dumb! You should just not be depressed!! Oh, right, I'll just stop that, then, shall I ? It's not really the same, but that's what it made me think of!
  4. I wouldn't say it was elitist, and it wasn't just one person. Some people were jsut saying that they only check back every once in a while, aznd it can be hard to wade through all the conversations to find who has heard results. Someone was upset about their inbox being filled from notifications from our posts. I think most people are fine with the conversation. The weird thing is, some of those most vocally against the chatter have still been lurking around this thread... So I guess they don't mind the conversation all that much, after all! *shrug*
  5. Yeah, it was quite a few pages back.. A bunch of us had just been shooting the shit and someone came in saying something to the extent of "Wow, this forum blew up. 4 pages of nonsense. I hope you guys don't do this every day." And kept telling us to stop being so anxious. I'm like.. telling me not to be anxious makes me MORE ANXIOUS. lol. But whatever. I have no problem with two threads. Do whatever. Just don't stop me from getting to know some other applicants!!
  6. Wow. *hugs* that is so rough. I'm really sorry. I told someone else here this earlier, but I'll tell you, too. If it means anything, if I were on the Fulbright board.. YOU WOULD TOTALLY HAVE IT!! yeah. I know, that doesn't do much for you
  7. Yeah, I got frustrated with that, too. I didn't mind so much that some were asking to have a thread just for results, but the rudeness was unwarranted. But whatever, not going to stop me. The whole point of all of this is fostering communication and relationships, right? Not just cross culturally!! If I had a lot going on right now, I might have taken a step back from the board but it is one of the few things keeping me sane!! I am really sad to hear you got alt status. I think this is the first I have heard of this.. did you post about it earlier? I would have a hard time posting that, too. I don't blame you for being bummed, alt status is much more stressful than a flat out no! But you are right, there is still hope!! At this point, i think the best answer I will probably get is an alt status.. so. I am trying to prepare myself, lol!
  8. Psh. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
  9. anyone around interested in meeting in the chat room?
  10. This is my second time applying, so at least this time was much easier. I felt like my first essay was kind of just like "Ummm.. I want to go to Germany...cuz it's really awesome.... And.... you should send me to Germany....cuz...I'm really AWESOME!" Second time around I actually knew what I wanted to say and had more conviction. Hope I have a better outcome I already made it farther this year, so that is good!
  11. Ha! Sometimes writing for an hour was a really good day for me!! some times i just couldn't get anything out
  12. God, I hope so! I'm not quite sure what I will do if that plan does not pan out. I'm sure I will think of something. I mean, obviously, if I get it
  13. Do a project that is not specific to a region, or a country? Becasue i would think it would be a good idea to do something that relates to your host country - just not so that you have to do it in a very specific place. In my case, I researched the Therapeutic riding association in Germany, and looked at their list of accredited facilities. They were all over the country, but some states had a lot more than others. I ended up putting my top three choices of state placement as the states with the highest number of therapeutic facilities. It was really the only way I could think to do it!
  14. I don't remember when i started writing but... when i first started, they weren't even drafts. I can't even say they were outlines. Well, I made an outline, and then I just started writing and writing about each topic I wanted to cover. I had SO much down on paper, I bet I didn't even end up using 1/3 of it. And then I just edited it so much it hardly looked like what I had started out with anyway. I find I do better that way, writing and writing and writing, and then pairing it down to the most important elements. I also did better if I worked in short chunks of time, rather than trying to mash out a draft all at once. But that's just me; I'd write for a little while, remember I needed to do the dishes, and then get distracted by something else and not come back to it for another couple of hours (or days..lol). I wish I would have employed this method more in school.. I bet I would have done better!
  15. That sounds like an awesome Idea.. I really wanted to work with youth as well! Unsurprising, really, given the nature of our grant And yes, the hardest part about the proposals was how ridiculously short they had to be!!!!
  16. Thanks! Your idea sounds really cool too - and yes, the first few drafts were awful. I think ended up with at least 13 drafts of my statement of purpose, by the end of it. The personal statement was a bit easier, and I think it only took half that many drafts!!
  17. Thats cool - I don't know what type of music you are interested in.. choral, intrumental, both, whatever, but you should look into some of the boys choir schools! That would be an amazing thing to work with! Germany and Austria are well known for their boys' choirs! During my study abroad experience, the group i was with went to a fairly well known boys choir boarding school in the city I lived in - it was an incredibly cool experience. We got to sit in with several classes and answer students questions. The most amazing thing was that while we were sitting in with a fourth grade (maybe?) class, one of the boys raised his hand and asked if the Lehmen brothers were responsible for the collapse of our economy. This was in '08 so it was very relevant. Either that kid came from a family that discusses politics and world news a lot at the dinner table, or German students are just much more culturally aware than American students are. Actually, it was probably both. We also tried to explain what we knew about the housing bubble, and the subprime mortgage crisis. When we were explaning it the best we could ( a group of American students studying German - not economics- lol) the teacher cut in on us and said something to the extent of "No, no, I'm not asking about credit cards! I'm talking about the housing crisis" We were like...yeah...that's the problem, because to economically conservative Germany, subprime mortgages are on par with a risky credit card. Oh man. smh. It was quite the interesting experience. Even cooler, though, was sitting in on choral practice for a group of second? third? graders? I was just... blown away. These teeny tiny, rambuncious boys, who were able to sit and focus and produce that kind of controlled sound. It was amazing!
  18. IS that the fairy tale show that's on one of the prime time channels? (NBC, ABC, CBS?? Can't remember)
  19. That sounds pretty cool! How did you spin it so that your project would be something that would work in Germany, specifically? I had a hard time with that, at first. I have been volunteering with a therepeutic horseback riding center for developmentally disabled children here in town. I hope to go to grad school to become a Speech pathologist, so I thought this would be a good way to get experience working with disabled kids (and combine my love of horses and riding as well!) Riding therapy was actually started in Germany, so I hope to be able to find a center close enough where I can volunteer and learn some techniques first hand from therapeutic riding's birthplace! Then I can bring what I learned back home and hopefully have some new ideas to incorporate into the center with which I volunteer! There are some really big, official therepeutic riding centers in Germany that I hope to be able to visit and maybe go to some kind of workshop or something? That would take a bit more traveling, but I hope to be able to to work it out! Originally I was just going to try and job shadow a speech pathologist in the school system, but since my FPA said I could do that anywhere, I had to rework my idea. Then I found out the therapeutic riding I had been volunteering with started in Germany! Seemed like a pretty fortuitous revelation at the time.. I just hope it proves to be so!
  20. I still think it's going to be tomorrow.
  21. Actually, I meant, what did you propose as your extracuricular community involvement project? What do you plan on doing outside of your classroom time?
  22. Since there are a lot of German ETAs waiting around, I would be interested to hear what others have planned for their side projects as well!
  23. Sending a telegram to Germany: Dear Deutschland, <STOP> Don't stop!!!! Your there'sanappforthat
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