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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. You make a fair point. I sincerely hope you are wrong.
  2. Not a UKer but i'm thinking we'll all hear back around.. October. .... At this rate, anyway.
  3. I might have some questions for you once I find out whether or not I get the ETA, otherwise, they will probably be a bit premature! Care to stick around?
  4. GRR. It's Friday and I am READY TO GO HOME!!!
  5. Hha, yeah, I think so. I know better than to expect to hear results, myself, though.Come on Germany!! *shakes fist*
  6. Well, it's Friday!! Surely, someone will find out today, right guys?? ........Right???
  7. Right on! Fellow Germany ETA applicant! High five!
  8. Take the risk, go for B! Of course, I usually choose the riskier option, but maybe that's just because I like a challenge! I think living in a city you like is BIG!! I am living in a city I practically despise at the moment, and it takes a huge toll on you. Almost every day I think, "What am I doing here?!" A fews years back, a friend of mine had to make a choice between two grad schools and ended up taking the offer she thought she "should" take, but I just don't think her heart was in. She ended up really disliking the city, and was borderline depressed for the two years she was there. I am fairly sure that she ended up making the choice to go to school there because it was the safer option, and I think she got a bigger stipend. She was pretty miserable the whole time. Sure, you might not end up in that sitation, but like everyone else has said, it sounds like you already know what your heart wants anyway!
  9. I have never played Civ V, but my boyfriend loves it. I'm not a huge computer gamer anymore. I prefer the Wii or Xbox!
  10. LOL! I totally didn't mean it that way! It's just that most people are applying for several different grants/fellowships and several grad schools and the only thing I'm applying for right now is the Fulbright. Kinda makes me feel like I must not be trying hard enough.
  11. Heh, yeah, except, most people here are in the middle of a Masters or a PHD and have cured the ebola virus. I just have an bachelor's under my belt I hope to get there some day, though!
  12. I know that feeling. Just seeing everyone's signatures on this darn board, I keep thinking, "What am I doing here?"
  13. YES!!That came is awesome! I tried to install it on my computer, but my computer is too amazing to run that program. Real first world problems. They just came out with a new Sim City, but it is getting terrible reviews.
  14. I meant to tell you this last night, but I LOVE your user name!! It's from Sim City, right?? My whole family used to play that game like crazy. We were all reminiscing about it one day and I said how much I loved hearing "reticulating splines" while the game was loading and none of them knew what I was talking about!! Glad to know I'm not the only one!!!
  15. The very top right hand has a search bar. I THINK there is a way to search just within the topic. I haven't tried to use it though! I haven't made an NPR donation in a while, although I should! It's pretty much all I listen to! I'm a bad person
  16. Woah, that is really tough. If I were you, I think I would have rathered they not even send the email they did today!!!!
  17. Crossing my fingers for you!!! Hope you get it I wish I had gotten a similar email from GermanY
  18. Well, shit! I'd fit right in! Most days I'm at home doing something or other like reading, watching TV, or playing video games. Or knitting. I like to make things :BAnd I think I'm pretty weird. So. At least I have that going for me The onnly problem would be actually forcing myself to study! I'm such a procrastinator!
  19. Lol, I keep hearing that, but the thought of getting in over my head in Physics or Calc class terrifies me!
  20. I studied graphic design and minored in German. I'd like to go back for a masters in Speech Pathology. I had been set on designing since about age 14, so that was what I went with. Turns out I may not really want to do that anymore I have thought about mechanical engineering because I have always enjoyed putting things together (legos, furniture, installing new doorknobs, you name it), but my math skills have always been sub par. I don't know that I could keep up with all the higher level math classes.
  21. Honestly, I don't have a huge problem either way. If the topic had not been brought up in such a rude manner, I wouldn't have batted an eyelash. The people who have simply said "yeah, it would be nice to have a forum where I can just skim through and not have to read through comments because I have school and only check a few times a day" is one thing. Telling someone that their conversation is a bunch of nonsense is another altogether.
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