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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. Oh, ok! I did vote yesterday, but I didn't see that there was a way to view the poll results. Is that something only the creator can see?
  2. I'm fine with that as well. I think, if I recall correctly, that there were maybe three people who said they were in favor of opening another thread. They can if they want to, I guess!
  3. Wondering if anyone else is ready to save ourselves the headache and go ahead and open our own thread for those of us who like to chit chat? I think I would rather not dealn with an angry mob. I am to the point where I am just here for the companionship anyway. The email will get here when it gets here; knowing that Austria or some other country received their emails is not going to make mine get here any faster. It seems like everyone applying to the same country gets their email around the same time, so knowing two minutes in advance hardly seems important.
  4. Ha. I feel kind of bad brining up Reddit to all these people who are still in school. It is a damn good thing I didn't discover Reddit until after I graduated. My favorite subs are AskReddit, WTF, Lifeprotips, thewalkingdead, Frugal, Sherlock, Loseit (trying to get in shape ), AMA, TIL, Explain Like I'm five, and Lanl_German. If you have an Iphone and don't already have it, you should download the Alien Blue app. Dear god, it's wonderful!
  5. I looked at it last night, and it seems things are picking up a bit now that emails are going out. Still probably not as active as this forum, but I think you could definitely find out info on what countries have sent emails on Reddit.
  6. Haa! Glad to hear there is more on TV than ridiculous reality shows. When I was in Germany in 08', the only American shows I remember seeing were Family Guy (dubbed, weird) and Room Raiders from MTV. Of course, I really didn't spend all that much time watching TV. Big Bang and HIMYM are much preferable to Jersey Shore, but those still aren't anything I would watch, and I'm sure they don't have as much access to less popular shows. Or older movies. One of the movies that I am definitely going to make sure to put on there would be The Sandlot. And probably The Princess Bride as well. And Goonies.
  7. Sounds like a win-win either way!
  8. Same here! Last week was hellish!
  9. I'm so glad it isn't like that. I don't know that I could deal with it. I already feel like I am competing against people who are much more qualified for such an honor than I.
  10. I am always surprised at how many people haven't actually heard of it. I mean, Josh Lyman on the West Wing was a Fulbright scholar!!! Just kidding. I usually have to explain to people what it is, and the ones that do know of it usually say something to the extent of "Gosh, it's really competitive, isn't it? Do you think you have a chance?" Thanks, thanks a lot, for that vote of confidence!
  11. EXACTLY!!!! A bunch of sadists, the lot of them!
  12. I really don't think there is any rhyme or reason to it. We tried to figure it out already and were proven wrong.
  13. Maybe you hadn't noticed, but this board is here to fill many people's needs, not just yours. If some people need to pass the time with others who understand what they are going through, so be it. Sorry we are being such an inconvenience.
  14. LOL. No more upvotes for today, but imaginary karma, anyway!
  15. No kidding. You'd think a group of people interested in traveling and learning about other cultures JUST MIGHT be interested in Swedish film. Methinks someone must not get much exposure to the internet..
  16. Yeah, turn off the notifications. If you aren't interested in having a conversation while we wait, maybe you should find another forum.
  17. Awww, don't say that! My FPA is worse though. I ask her something and she's like, "Yes, I can confirm that you will find out...sometime..."Oh, well, right! I'll just set alarm for sometime, then, shall I?
  18. That wasn't helpful in the slightest. You should write your FPA back and say "HEY! Thanks for telling me something I already knew!!" Jk, jk.
  19. O_O I don't even. That would be one hell of a black out!! Oh yeah, I went out for drinks one night, four years later I woke up with PhD! It was crazy!! (how long does a Phd take anyway??)
  20. I have been listening to Pearl and the Beard's album "God Bless Your Weary Soul". I discovered them at an Ani Difanco concert. One of the best opening acts I've ever seen!! Also, Ani of course. I've been listening to Miike Snow a lot lately, as well.
  21. I was thinking of this Beck: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCg-3nxT8E. Hence the confusion. Anyway. If I get an ETA, I'm going to have to load my external hard drive up with lots of movies and TV shows. Hopefully, at some point, I would be able to share some of them with my German students. I want them to know there is more on American TV than the Jersey Shore and Desperate Housewives!!!!
  22. I just discovered this, and I thought you all might find it amusing, so I'll share. I have been walking around the office with toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Still not as bad as the time I had a long trip of it tucked into my pants. My god, I'm a dork.
  23. You have some good ones on there! I got a little confused at first, not realizing you were including music! haha. Also, I would like to add The Walking Dead to my list. If you aren't watching it already, OHMYGODWHATAREYOUDOINGWITHYOURLIFE?! Edit: Wait, what? Okay, Now I'm confused. I've never heard of a TV show called Beck. SOmehow I thought you said you were including music as well. Man. This brain.
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