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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. I know!!! My jaw dropped! I am also kind of wondering about how much you are taxed. I have heard your stipund is taxed, but you have to pay it later when you file taxes, or something. That would be great to know, so you could just save it in advance. I should probably just wait to ask these questions until I get an email and I was actually accepted. but. I'm kind of bored ATM.
  2. How could you not?! My family is so Sound of Music crazy though, so, that kind of makes me biased!
  3. Oh My god, how do you solve a problem like Maria??? Hahahahhaha. That amused me to no end. Was that awkward? Did you hang out with the nuns?(Lol, I doubt it, but I had to ask!) I mean, I feel like it might be weird having guests of any sort over. 200 euro a month sounds like a steal though. Did the apartment have a kitchen and what not?
  4. I plan on it, so at least there is me! I could probably do without the distraction at work, but I'm sure I'd just find something else. That is unless, I get rejected and it hits me harder than I think it will. I will still be curious to see who gets it and who doesn't!
  5. Wait, you get the fulbright stipund AND wages??
  6. It's also a great source of anxiety! Don't get me wrong, I love the camaraderie, but it also heightens my stress levels.
  7. So, it sounds like there is at least one current German ETA, so I have a question for you. I'm hoping you are in contact with other ETAs and might be able to answer this. I have heard that the school where an ETA is placed will sometimes help with finding housing. Is that common? Also, in your experience, has the monthly stipund seemed to cover most of your expenses, or have you had to use your own savings? THanks!
  8. Interesting. Doesn't fulbright cover your return flight anway,though?
  9. How long can you extend your ETA? Isn't it just a few months?
  10. Sometimes the ETAs are announced later than the Full Grants. I wouldn't worry too much, yet.
  11. It is indeed. I'm not sure if you have been lurking for a while or not, but so far, when we have tried to find a pattern we have been mostly wrong. Doesn't stop me, though. :B
  12. Yeah, I feel the same way. I am very greatful to have a job, even though it really doesn't have anything to do with my degree. It pays well and has good benefits; I just don't want to stay here forever. Seeing how long it took me to find a job with good pay and benefits, though, I really probably shouldn't be so quick to walk away from it. That's neither here nor there, though, I guess.
  13. I just noticed someone on the board has the username LisaFrankXOXO - freakin sweet! OOOh the nostalgia! I had a bad ass Lisa Frank sticker collection which I always traded during recess. My favorites were the teeny tiny stickers of just about any theme! Esp the teeny tiny horses and unicorns :3
  14. I'm sure that is their canned answer. I have been tempted to call, but have refrained as I figured they wouldn't really tell us anything new.
  15. I currently have a pretty decent job (just not what I ultimately want to be doing) right now, which I will stick with. I want to go to grad school, but that will probably wait until my boyfriend is able to go back and finish school.
  16. Wasn't it last week? Edit: Nevermind, I don't think so. It's all starting to blur together anyway. *Sigh* Hnng. Last year France and Germany sent out emails on the same day. But.. must... not.. draw.. conclusions.
  17. Hang in there. I think we will definitely hear back in the next two weeks. If not, well, then commence stressing.
  18. Go! Go! WOoo! (trying to come up with new ways of congratulating people )
  19. I have no idea. Really, I don't think it would have an effect until maybe next year, but what do I know?
  20. *cries* I wonder if it could have an impact on how many ETA slots they have.
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