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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. OHMYGOD. BOURBON BALLS. I went down to Lexington last year with my mom and sis to do a tour of the Heaven Hills distillery and bought some amazing bourbon balls. Incidentally, I was also right behind a German couple in the line for the tour. I kept thinking I was hearing "Genau", so I started getting a little closer, to hear. At the end of the tour, I asked them if they were from Germany, and we had a nice chat. They complimented my German which made me happym as I really have not had to use it for some time. I will have to remember to take some small bottles of bourbon with me, as Germans really seem to love it! It would make a nice gift if I end up with roommates or something
  2. So do what are your thoughts on their most recent unsuccessful tests?
  3. Haha, you are in Kentucky? Maybe i'll come down and share one with you because I could sure use one too! I'm in Indiana!
  4. Hah, yeah, that's true. I had heard the tests didn't go well.
  5. Interesting. My friend from SK never really seemed perturbed by North Korea, either, but she hasn't lived there in a while. She goes back to visit her family often enough for her to know what is going on over there. She was always really annoyed when our coworkers would asker her questions about North Korea like it is just an extension of South Korea. She would just tell them most South Koreans didn't really know a lot about what went on in the North and didn't have contact with them. I got a bit worried about her family near Seoul, though. That's good to hear that it is unlikely they will pull funding. I would really hate that for South Korean applicants!
  6. Did Columbia find out the same day as Brazil and Peru? I don't remember.
  7. I imagine he is trying to prove himself. I wonder if recent events might be enough to cause Fulbright to pull funding from their South Korean programs, out of worry of some sort of dispute? I haven't been following the Fulbright committee that long, so I don't really know what the did in the past regarding struggles between North and South Korea.
  8. Yeah, I didn't think China would support an attack by North Korea. I am more just wondering if North Korea has actually been gearing up for some sort of attack, or if this is just more posturing, and not really something to bat an eyelash at. Also trying to get some kind of other discussion going, because, as I said, I could use a distraction. Doesn't look like anyone else does though
  9. That's what I figured, as far as the nuclear attacks go. I know China is North Korea's only real ally, so it doesn't seem like they could stand much of a chance, should fighting break out.
  10. Umm. Just in case anyone else needs a bit of a distraction at the moment. I knew about North Korea doing nuclear testing, but this is the first I've heard about this; apparently NK is scrapping all non-aggression treaties with SK. I also read in another article that I can't find, and I kind of question the veracity of (it may have been the Daily Mail??), that North Korea also threatened a nuke attack on the US as soon as Monday. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21709917 I North Korea is well known for their constant posturing and threats, but I don't know enough about the situation to gauge whether we should really be worried about this. I figured ya'll smart'uns might be able to fill me in! Even China does not seem to be backing them in their threats, so it seems like should North Korea start anything, it would likely be squashed quickly. That doesn't mean there couldn't be bloodshed in South Korea, should they attack. I hope no one is applying to South Korea in this forum. It sounds like it could get dicey. A good friend of mine is from South Korea, and her family is still there, so it worries me for them.
  11. Man, I really hope you are right!!!
  12. Last year Full's were first sad for me, good for you! WHere are you proposing to go in Deutschland?
  13. I have too much nervous, pent up energy not to post. And I would drive all my friends and family crazy if I prattled away about this all the time. So I do it here, and drive you people crazy.
  14. Last year they were not, I don't think. Are you an ETA as well? I have hope that they will this year, though. They seem to be doing things a little bit differently this year.
  15. Oh yay! Torrid is on! Now I have a fellow German applicant to commiserate with!
  16. Oh maan! I didn't realize you meant you got it!! *DOH* CONGRATS!!!!!!!
  17. It's ok. I may not be applying to the UK, but I can hold hands and cross my fingers with you!!
  18. I may as well go home. I don't think I'll be getting any work done today.
  19. My heart is pounding even though I know Germany probably won't come out around the same time as Austria.
  20. Oh man. I just checked my email, and got really excited when an email started to load. Nope. Just an email from my stupid bank. *pulls out hair*
  21. WHOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOoo!!! CONGRATS!!*crosses her fingers that Germany will follow suit*
  22. LOL. Yeah, there is an app for everything. I'm not even sure why I picked that username. For some reason, that phrase always got stuck in my head from those dumb commercials. And that was the first thing that came to mind. I used "Update" as my alert. I'm still not convinced I set the alert up properly, though
  23. *hugs* Hang in there! That's tough!! You never know though, you could still end up going! The wait will be no fun, though.
  24. FOILED AGAIN!!!! haha, no but awesome!
  25. Congrats!!!! That's awesome! Way to go!! And yaaaay! Someone DID get results today!
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