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Everything posted by there'sanappforthat

  1. FOR REAL. Don't leave us hangin, man!
  2. *hugs* I could go sit outside their office, glaring menacingly until they agree to bump you up. I'm not very intimidating though D:
  3. I am really sorry to hear that, but I agree, there will have to be some alts that get bumped up. Hang in there, you never know!!
  4. I can only imagine that reason that it took so long to get a reply was that it must have been a very,very difficult choice.
  5. NOO. WTF. THOSE IDIOTS. I'm so, so sorry. Hang in there though, you could certainly get bumped up!!! URRRGH >.< WTF.
  6. AAAAH!! YAAAAY!!!!!!! AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Wow, hath the flood gates opened?!
  7. I'm really sorry to hear that. You should definitely apply again next...er...this ..month.. Seriously though, I felt so much better about it my second time around. Big hugs!!!!
  9. *Crossing fingers for secretlyismaili*
  10. Step 1: Find a fat fluffy kitty Step 2: Place fluffy kitty belly over face Step 3. Snuggle* Step 4. Enjoy! *Abort if cat begins to scratch face
  11. I think I'm going to call up IIE and tell them, "Seriously, you guys. I don't think you understand the depth to which these people's suffering is reaching. Hurry up, already!!" I guess it's not necessarily IIE's fault, but I'd have a lot of phone calls to make if I called each country.. If you don't hurry up and let them know, there aren't going to BE any Fulbright scholars, because they are all going to be in the hospital from mental breakdowns!!!
  12. The sign says "No passing for 20 miles". I don't know.
  14. It was actually two years ago, and no, I hadn't found a forum. I definitely think it has made me more anxious, but I've enjoyed it
  15. That's pretty much how I was the first time around, but I think I wasn't as invested in it then.
  16. LOL. I was quite angry before I got my email. And the first time around was much, much easier. I blame this forum for the increase in anxiety. That's okay though, because I got to meet and talk to such cool folks It's worth it.
  17. Really sorry to hear that. I hope you get bumped up, hang in there!! Also, WTF Switzerland?!
  18. Sometimes everyone else's anxiety on the board makes me anxious and I'm all, daaaamn, When am I gonna get my email? >.< And then I'm all... oh...yeah...
  19. Seriously?! When do most grants start?? I have to be in Germany by Sept 3...
  20. It's really only "social media sites" like FB, Twitter, and Youtube. Thankfully Reddit and random forums aren't blocked
  21. Uhm. I can't link it because I'm at work and Youtube is blocked, but search for "Guy on a buffalo" Hilarious. Edit: OH GOD. THIS IS MY 666TH POST.
  22. LMAO. actually, not sure whether to laugh or cry?
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