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Posts posted by pears

  1. you have to be persistent about it, but try to participate in as many psych studies and focus groups as you can. local universities' psych and med school department websites are good resources, as are focusgroup.com and findfocusgroups.com. i wouldn't rely on it, but i started doing various studies and focus groups when i was an undergrad and struggling to cover my rent; i usually made an extra $150-$200 per month, as long as i stayed on top of new postings. i also picked up occasional babysitting and pet care jobs when i could. same deal: not a lot of money, but it helps when you're in a really tight spot, and persistence is rewarded.


    edit (more thoughts): also, it really depends on what your field of work is, but the pathways program sets up current and incoming students with federal jobs. might be past the app deadline but i've got a lot of interest calls rolling in for jobs that pay $15/hr or more, some of which are in locations with extremely low-rent on/near-site work housing. if i nab one of those jobs, i could make a semester or more's worth of tuition in a solid 12-16 weeks of work. if you're in enviro sci or social sci, poke around on usajobs.gov for a while.

  2. tumblr_miwpxr6mvB1ri87b4o2_500.jpg


    bumping with practical advice and wonderful grumpy cat gold: if you're stressed out, consider a walk, run, or bike ride if it's nice out. you might glare into the sun and generally look like a total grumpus, but just because your expression is cold doesn't mean the fresh air and sun aren't warming your heart!

  3. pears = favorite soap brand, favorite poached fruit, and an aesthetically (aurally and visually) pleasing word, i think.


    also, pears are notorious among fruit trees for being particularly bad at successfully growing and making pearbabies on their own; they're dependent on the support of others who think they're worth helping along, and their own ability to survive through various weather extremes. the payoff is tasty, though! so, i suppose it's an odd metaphor for my studies: don't be afraid to accept help, savor collaboration, be perseverant (even when things get super tough), and reward yourself and others well for all the work in the end.


    as for my avatar, well, it's grumpy cat in monty python trimmings. i don't think i really need to explain or justify myself there.

  4. i applied to 7 MA programs: withdrew from 1, rejected from 1, unofficial waitlist at 1, haven't heard from 1, accepted at 3. woof! i regret wasting my time and effort on the one i withdrew my application from, so i'll call it 6 applications, which i think it average-bordering-on-many for my field.

  5. i've wanted to be an archaeologist since kindergarten. 19-odd years later, i still love dirt and old things and what i jokingly refer to as "mental masturbation" (aka learning for the sake of learning), but my academic and work experience in recent years have made me see the field in a completely new way. in short, i can keep mentally masturbating and make peoples' lives better, but i need to go to grad school to get all the know-how and the piece of paper that seem to be prerequisites for doing that.

  6. I AM DEFINITELY LOSING MY DAMN MIND! It has been 20 (!!!) long weeks since I submitted my application to Uni of Toronto OISE, and still no news. According to the results search, no one seems to have heard anything from them either. You'd think they'd be more efficient considering the C$210 application fee...


    I've been dreaming every night (vividly, may I add) that I heard back from the 2 schools I applied to, and it sucks whenever I wake up and realize it was just a dream. :unsure: Pure unadulterated torture!!


    i had a vivid dream about receiving an acceptance from my sort-of-first-sort-of-second-choice program the night before i got an email containing "I am please to inform you" from the department head. maybe it's just a long buildup to some good news for you, too..!

  7. yknow, i'm always freezing, and i used to hate cold weather, be it snowy or windy or damp or whatever. i always thought i'd end up doing my undergrad somewhere warm (most of the schools i applied to were in california, texas, and the mid-atlantic), but i ended up in boston. turns out "cold" isn't so awful once you're thoroughly clothed and find a hobby that's dependent on snow or ice that suits you! then again, i discovered my inner adrenaline junkie thanks to snow sports, so i might be a biased source. :) mostly, you just need to get used to layering up your clothes, and planning out travel routes to maximize warmth and safety.

  8. nohika, you should totally get some pet hissing cockroaches, just for spite/giggles!


    i made the mistake of telling my mom (we're quite close; my father and i, less so) early on in the process that one program was my top choice. what i really meant was it was the best research fit— this was before i'd realized that they literally have no funding for MA students, are more expensive by $9000 or so annually compared to my second choice program after rent etc., and has fewer lab resources than my second choice.


    unfortunately, my second choice program (which, as you've probably gathered, is switching places with my once-top choice) is much closer to where my S.O. and his family live, so now my mom is convinced that i'm just trying to be closer to him. i mean, obviously, it's a perk to be closer to him and my coworkers/friends/family in a state i'm already familiar with, but really, it's coming down to money, research fit, PhD options down the road, and the availability of labs and whatnot for my research. i really value her opinion and i want her support, but it's so hard to convince her that i'm still putting myself first!

  9. I really enjoyed IQ84. Some people have complained that it's too wordy... and I suppose it could be more concise in places, but I like the way Murakami writes so much that I don't mind having extra pages.   :-)


    I've also read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Norweigan Wood, and Kafka on the Shore. I haven't decided which of his books I want to read next - it will probably be whatever I can find at Half Price Books, haha. Any suggestions?


    hah, that's funny! i love the rhythm of his writing, and the poignancy and ennui he captures so well in his own quirky ways. i'm curious to see what i think of the new stuff!


    really enjoyed hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the worldafter dark is a relatively quick read, although i didn't totally fall in love with it the way i did with his other work. a wild sheep chase is fun, just to follow the evolution of his style. if you're looking for something new but want to stick in the murakami vein, i would recommend raymond carver and kenzaburo oe, whom he loved and was once criticized by, respectively. 

  10. i have a spreadsheet, too! my considerations include all the basics: fit, location, cost of tuition/fees, cost of housing, cost of travel, financial aid options (work study, TA/RA spots, etc.), lab and research facilities, research interests, courses (variety, number required), and job placement (and connections with federal agencies, as that's where i will hopefully be headed). i have them weighted separately, and sifted into general categories that i weighted, too.


    i tried to leave the more subjective things out, like proximity to my S.O., proximity to my family, availability of outdoor stuff, how well i mesh with students and professors, and so on. proximity to my family is a non-issue, as my parents' gift to me was to cover my travel costs whenever i see them; proximity to my S.O. is a mess, as it matters more to me, and he's bouncing around a lot for work. outdoor resources are a nice bonus. if i don't mesh at all with students or professors, the rest doesn't matter; i don't think i could be somewhere i felt totally out of place. it's hard to rank things like that!


    actually sitting down and looking at my spreadsheet has pretty much made my top 2 programs switch places, largely because of a huge cost difference (like.. at least $9000 a year kind of huge difference). now the issue is convincing my family that it's not because of its proximity (for now) to my S.O.  :wacko:

  11. there are some good paleo cookie recipes out there that aren't terribly unhealthy! lots of coconut, if that's your thing. you can also modify lots of baked goods to include protein powder and such, like these guys: scone-muffin hybrids, complete with delicious blueberries and protein. i've even seen recipes for protein brownies and similar things. as long as you're fairly athletic and need a high protein intake anyway, there are definitely healthy sweets out there. :)

  12. The last book I read was Haruki Murakami's IQ84. I have read and loved several of his books.


    I'm currently slogging through The Brothers Karamazov by Dovstoyesky. This book is killing me. I have been trying to read more classic literature to educate myself on that front, but man, it has been slow going. I'm usually too tired to read more than a few pages of this at night.


    I plan to read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay next, if I ever finish B.K.


    sounds like we have similar taste! how is IQ84? i haven't gotten to it yet (thanks, workload) but i'm a big murakami fan. i'm actually considering incorporating a personalized take on a "wind-up bird" into a future tattoo!


    i'm glad to see all the love for hiaasen and YA books in here! my mom works for a big YA/children's book publishing company, and i often worry about the future of books; it's becoming much more about making money and keeping up with technology, rather than choosing the highest quality art and writing. her apartment is full of beautiful art, and books were a huge part of my upbringing, right down to being the source of my love for archaeology. glad to see her stuff and YA books in general are still getting lots of love. :)

  13. What's with the down-vote on obsidian?  Grammar aside, I can't find anything wrong.  


    +1. upvoted for the name (lithics nerd ahoy!) and location.  :)


    iowaguy: it's all good and fine for (qualified, motivated, etc.) people who intend to pursue academia sooner rather than later, but for those of us who intend to continue "pounding the ground," it's rough. i'm taking my sweet time moving towards a PhD, but i really hope the funding climate will be better by the time i'm applying to grad schools again. i don't want to get weeded out just because i don't intend to dip my toes in the academic waters until i'm too old or too burnt out to be in the field 24/7. that said, i have an extremely tenuous grasp on how PhD programs look at applications and how they weight applicants' career goals, so maybe i'll be okay, too!

  14. getting back in shape, for sure! joined my local YMCA recently, since they gave me some financial aid. totally stoked to be sweating out all my emotions again! also trying to eat better. my goal is to be the same weight as i was a couple of years ago (read: before my metabolism hit a brick wall and the beer started winning..), but to have a lot more muscle. i'd rather be strong than skinny! especially since my S.O. is a firefighter- he's crazy in shape, so i always feel like i have to catch up to him!


    i'm also nurturing my inner adrenaline junkie. every weekend has involved something outdoorsy: long road/mountain bike rides, snowboarding, sailing, bouldering, moto/dirt biking, and so on. nothing to take your mind off decisions like a huge rush of energy following some slightly questionable decisions.  ;)

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