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indefiniteintegral's Achievements

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  1. Join me at YDS!
  2. How much does the sentiment of "MDivs are a dime a dozen, and they'll let anyone into the program; MA/MTS/MARs are the smart ones" pervade your school? Is this due to the fact that religious studies programs are typically more selective than MDiv programs? Is this due to the theology vs. religious studies strife in some academic circles, i.e., how can you objectively study a subject you profess? Is this due to a combination of these? Other factors involved? I find myself frequently having to defend why I intend to do an MDiv (typical question: "Oh, so you're going to be a preacher." A: No, intend to go into academia.) instead of an MA/MTS/MAR, but this may be my own insecurity. Want to see how others feel.
  3. That sounds like a dream!
  4. Missed this--"Courses in Duke’s Department of Religion do not count within this limit." Thanks! Ordination is def. on my path, so not doing it is not an option right now. Of course, MAs are always advantageous prior to PhDs, but are MDivs, practically, at that much of a disadvantage when it comes to PhD admissions?
  5. You and me both. My background will be of no use, haha.
  6. I'm planning to enter a MDiv program in the fall and intend to continue my studies in a PhD program afterward. I'm doing an MDiv instead of a MAR or MTS because (1) I want the extra year of studies because I don't have a religion/theology background; (2) I want a bit more time to get some languages under me; (3) I want to be ordained so I can officiate services and serve the Eucharist on occasion (and it means a lot to me to have the Church's "stamp of approval")--Episcopalian. One thing I've noticed in my discernment is the difference between programs where the divinity school and graduate religion studies departments are completely separate and where they are combined (the divinity actually awards the MAR). For example, Duke (separate) vs. Yale (combined). This make a huge difference to me, in part, due to the course offerings. Duke https://registrar.duke.edu/sites/default/files/unmanaged/bulletins/divinity/2012-13/html/DivinityBulletin2012-13/!SSL!/WebHelp_Pro/DivinityBulletin2012-13.htm Yale http://www.yale.edu/printer/bulletin/htmlfiles/div/areas-and-courses-of-study.html Granted, both MDiv programs have curriculum requirements (and define how many classes you can take outside the div. school (Duke--only 2), but it appears that Yale's offerings are more broad because it includes what may be deemed "graduate religious studies" courses, in addition to typical div. school courses. For example, YDS has a Milton course, a course on meditation, etc. Any thoughts? Reading too much into this or not interpreting it correctly? Also, can anyone comment on class size? I know Yale is smaller than Duke, but, for example, will my intro to NT class in both be >100? >50?
  7. I'll be in at YDS on Apr. 10 too. Look forward to meeting you!
  8. Yes--and now, some serious discernment will be taking place...
  9. Will be entering an MDiv program in the fall, but one of my academic interests in Biblical scholarship. Worth it to join and go ahead and plan to attend the national conf. in Baltimore in Nov.? Or pointless until I have some knowledge under me?
  10. Likewise. I have made my significant funding offers from other schools well-known to Duke--with emails weekly to them. Still, nothing.
  11. Are you so sure? It would make sense that how admissions offices treat potential future students may be indicative of treatment once enrolled. Some admissions offices have surely felt more welcoming than others--it feels like they actually want me there. Others, not so much.
  12. Still no Duke Div. aid email...
  13. Kind of agree with you here. Duke Div. Admissions has been the least responsive/helpful out of all of the schools I've been dealing with. From response (email) times to the actual substance of the information they have given.
  14. Still deciding between Duke MDiv and Yale MDiv. I am about 90% one way but waiting to decide until after YDS Admitted Students Day.
  15. Still waiting on funding info from Duke, but it's down to Duke and YDS. Looking like I may see you in New Haven in the fall!
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