The best thing about getting a CSD degree is that applying to schools will be so much easier because you do not have to worry about applying to only schools that offer admissions to those without a CSD degree. However, if you ever decide that slp is not for you, you do not have many options with that degree. Also, you will need to be taking your slp re-reqs while also taking other classes unrelated to your major, which in my opinion is a pain. Since I was still contemplating on the school psychology and occupational therapy fields, I decided to major in psychology instead since I would not be prepared for those fields if a majored in slp. After researching the fields I realized that slp was right for me, and honestly I personally would not change a thing about my decision because I think it helped me stand out when it was time to apply to grad school. I have also heard that people without a csd undergrad background perform better in grad school because they take all the required courses in 3 years instead of stretching them out in 6 years. But, it is at least 3 years in grad school instead of 2, which means if you get your undergrad degree in 4 years you will need to be in school for a total of at least 7 years instead of 5 and a half or 6.
Both have their pros and cons, you just need to decide which decision is best for you.