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Everything posted by Kadisha

  1. If they're anything like other schools you should hear back from each school separately.
  2. For those of you planning to attend the open house I think it would be nice to get to know each other in the Columbia thread in the Meet and Greet sub-forum. I bumped the thread up. Sorry to hear that. I know it's easy for some one that's been accepted to say that, but keep your head up.
  3. He's been doing this for the last 2 weeks. Most of us that have been here for a while have chosen to ignore him and his whiney attitude. I suggest you do the same.
  4. It would help if you tell us what your career goals are.
  5. Exactly! You're a soldier (or were one) treat it like a war, and this is just a lost battle. Refit and go back out when you're ready. You even have time to take those Kaplan classes if you really want to. Sometimes being set back is worth it. It's only what you make of that time that matters.
  6. Thought I'd bump this thread to see who is planning to attending the open house on the 9th of April. It's funny a few days ago GU was a definite for me, but after being accepted by SIPA and seeing their generous YRP funding along with my a dream of mine to live in NYC I could not turn it down.
  7. Cheer up man. At least you got in somewhere. Would it be possible for you to defer with Syracuse and try to get a better quant score and reapply? Don't even know if that's an option, but at least it's something to think about.
  8. I'm assuming that there isn't much competition for those 12 slots. The reason I'm saying that is because they make you place a deposit on the 1st of May and you're not able to apply until the May-June time frame. It's kind of messed up if they reject you in that case. Thanks for the links.
  9. Just to update on decisions here especially for those of you in the military. I've been emailing back and forth with the VA rep at Columbia to figure out how much my GI Bill benefits would cover along with the YRP. I'm still having a hard time believing this is true, but around $38,000 per academic year is covered at SIPA. I was on the fence between going there and GU, but this just made making up my mind a whole lot easier.
  10. I'm seriously having an issue deciding where to go since I would much rather work in the private sector and I am not sure which program gives me a leg up in that area. I'm thinking that SIPA's location in NY would help with that, but I'm not sure. Anyone care to chip in on this?
  11. Not this one. Even though I got accepted in ESIA, SAIS, SFS, and SIPA. I wonder what they didn't like about my application.
  12. Still waiting... this is annoying.
  13. http://youtu.be/9jK-NcRmVcw It's the 21st century. No reason for it to only play in your head haha. PS: Today's my first day of the TAP Workshop. Shoot me now.
  14. Today's the day guys. Hopefully we'll hear something back before 5pm EST today. I've personally been waiting on SIPA to make my final decision. It's a good problem to have when you don't know what school to choose. Hopefully I get in and I get that fellowship I applied for.
  15. There's a salon in San Francisco according to the admitted students page, but I don't think that matters much to you since you're in NY. http://msfs.georgetown.edu/admitted/timeline But it looks like that's about it.
  16. I'll probably see you at the open house then.
  17. Whose planning on attending the SFS open house on the 11th of April?
  18. Check your inbox.
  19. As some one that's currently in the military and is witnessing the effects of budget cuts and sequestration and the dovish policies of the Obama administration, don't do it. And if you're going to do it then hopefully you'll be doing it to serve your country and not the money because things are going to get more rough as we withdraw out of Afghanistan and Obama continues spending our money on giving illegal immigrants more rights and subsidizing the poor instead of educating our military men and women. Excuse my little rant, it's St. Patty's day. I've had one too many stouts, and I've been up for nearly 36 hours
  20. Good enough. Thank you. FYI, I apologize for my aggressive tone earlier. I was on 24 hour staff duty. Cranky and over-caffeinated would not even begin to describe the mood I was in.
  21. Thanks for the clarification. My problem is right now is trying to figure out if spending the extra money on tuition versus going to a school that gives me a free ride through the YRP is going to be of benefit.
  22. More than likely going to be attending GU as well for the MSFS program. I'm going to be getting out the military, and I'll be damned if I'm going to wait to find housing till August haha. I need to plan to put my mind at ease. I'm not going to move there till August, but I'm going to have my plan laid out. I was actually hoping to meet a few people on here for possible roommates. Probably link up during the open house for admits to discuss things.
  23. As a Molecular Biologist I would expect you to give a reason. Also as a molecular biologist I can't take what you say seriously since this field is no where close to yours. We're not kids over here. Support what you're saying by stating reasons or else keep to yourself.
  24. Definitely makes sense. I emailed them earlier anyway. Waiting on a response. I'm sure their inbox got flooded with the decisions being released. Edit: Recieved a response. I don't have any conditions. GU is looking like it's going to be it, but still waiting on SIPA.
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