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Everything posted by captiv8ed

  1. Is that lame? I was on the Dean's List and President's list at my community college, and my Associate's was with high distinction. But the school I now attend doesn't do grades and we don't have departments. Should I just not create a section on my CV? Or should I create one and list my academic honors for my earlier school? Should I include my stipend from Americorps for my undergraduate service? Am I the only one wandering around with no accolades?
  2. I don't see how it would help. It might not hurt but it might. I would put it in the "why risk it?" category. Others may feel differently though.
  3. Sort of. You know the whole computer tutorial part? I was so nervous about the test that I could not read or understand or follow directions on that part. I thought for sure I was sunk. If I would have been hit with verbal first thing, I would have been sunk. Luckily in the writing section, I was able to settle down. I am so sorry about your score. It sucks on so many levels, not the least of which is the time and money you invested in a second go round.
  4. Sign me up please. I need a place to blab about stress and inadequacy
  5. Check out this http://www.cic.net/Home/Students/FreeApp/Introduction.aspx I applied for it, and heard back from a few. Indiana said I am not an underrepresented minority and don't qualify. UIC called and asked what department I was applying to. I haven't gotten back in touch. Illinois-CU offered it to me, which is funny because I didn't ask for one from there. So, it is worth a shot maybe. But it did seem to take a long time to go through. I think Washington had said that you could request a fee waiver.
  6. rising star, how many classes did you have at once for your MA?
  7. What field and what type of degree are you looking at?
  8. Yes, I have already submitted all the transcripts. I just wasn't sure if I also needed to put them on my CV
  9. Thanks for the input. i am really leaning towards just pointing the school I get my degree from, and maybe the school where I got my AA. I went to several different community colleges before my four year school, so it would make the list quite long.
  10. Associate's degree
  11. I feel like the queen of stupid questions right now If you have gone to more than one college, do you list them all on your CV or just where you got your bachelor's? If you got an AA, do you list that school?
  12. Thanks!
  13. Yes, it is bad in a lot of places. But California is really bad. For me, I would probably still consider those schools if I didn't have a family to think about as well, but so many of the cuts are in education, and my family needs quality education across the board: Grad for me, Undergrad for DH, and High school, middle, and elementary for my boys. AND a quality special ed program
  14. I am in sociology as well. I was planning to apply to UCSB, Berkeley, and maybe UC Davis and San Diego I took all the California schools off my list the summer due to the budget issues.
  15. My school doesn't have departments, so I have no idea about the whole funding process. On the Princeton app, I have to click whether I am applying for external funding. Am I hurting myself by not applying for some? If I should, how do I find out about it? Sorry for such a stupid question.
  16. I am a mom and an undergraduate. I am actually a 5th year senior because the economy is so crappy that I opted to hide out in academia while applying to academia.
  17. OOh, I will be working on my Princeton SOP over the weekend, but for sociology. I would suggest emailing the department about word count. I don't feel like I have a good enough handle on the SOPs to be very helpful in critiquing. Sorry!
  18. Maybe this isn't very supportive, but that just really made me laugh!
  19. I had planned to apply to more high ranking schools, but then I took all California schools off my list because of their budget issues. As a low income family with a husband that is undergrad and kids in pubic schools, California is too scary right now. But that blew a big hole in my list. And also with a family, I am trying to avoid cities as much as possible, due to housing costs.
  20. I am going with the NRC and US News and World Report rankings. Good to know that NRC is 15 years old!
  21. No my AW is actually fine. It is mostly my quant: V 600/ Q 590
  22. That is a bummer, that there isn't a breakdown. Of course in my field, there are two rankings that I find online, and the variations are HUGE. I am applying to the sub 50 program because my advisor knows the dean well and has heavily suggested it. The program is a good fit. And the quality of life there is incredible. This is a very important factor because I am going to be going there with my husband and 3 kids, who will be in middle and high school before we are done. Also, the dean (that my advisor knows) is new, so there is a chance that it will turn around. Honestly, right now I live in the PNW and I would be happy to stay here for eternity. My low end school is in the PNW and should be able to net me a job here after. So it is funny, my first choice is a top 3 school and my second is something like 58.
  23. How many top schools vs mid vs low? And how significant is ranking for your field? For my field, I have read it is good to stay in the top 30 if you want a job. Below that and you have to make a name for yourself outside your school. And of course, job placement is horizontal or vertically down. I was originally applying to all top 30 with one under 30 thrown in. As time has gone on, I have shifted. Now I have 3 top 30 programs and 4 30-50 programs. One even falls below 50 on one of the scales, I think. So now I am wondering if I am leaning too heavily in the wrong direction. How is your balance?
  24. I am so sorry! That is the same sort of thing that happened to me, only on the Q side. Cram cram cram and then totally different stuff shows up on the test I hate the GRE
  25. Me, I am going for honor. If you have a super strong application, I don't think that using words like honor or privilege is going to be seen as sucking up too much. I ran such statements by a friend of mine who is a professor and she thought they were good.
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