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Everything posted by rising_star

  1. Mox, I think that's perfectly fine. I'm doing an MA in geography beginning in the fall (after doing a BA in literature) so I understand the fear of committing to the PhD without knowing whether its the right thing. Good luck!
  2. Ummm... yea, I'd go to SOAS but that's because I love studying Africa and they are one of the best in the world for that. SOAS is expensive and London is more expensive than NYC. If you know you're gonna do a PhD afterwards, maybe go to New School and see if you can do a semester over at SOAS??? GOOD LUCK!!
  3. Hey mox, I don't think any degree is worth $30K, particularly one that won't really improve your job prospects. I'd go for the less expensive degree and focus on publishing and presenting at conferences to make yourself an extremely attractive PhD applicant.
  4. Wow! Am I the only one thinking about doing a funded summer program to get up to speed in my discipline? Well, I haven't committed to it for sure but it is mighty appealing at this point.
  5. How much vodka (or alcoholic beverage of your choice) can you buy on that Wisconsin pay? I'm just thinking that you'll need something to keep you warm...
  6. Yeah, I've got funding but for whatever reason I'm just not excited about going to UGA. The thesis didn't go that great but at least it's over.
  7. University of Georgia, Geography MA
  8. I'm not actually first-generation (dad was JD, mom has PhD that she got when I was in elementary school) but managed to be low-income nonetheless. Surprisingly enough, my mom wasn't very helpful for the applications process because she literally applied to one school for her MS and one for her PhD and could not fathom why I was applying to 6 and thought it a complete waste of money. LOL. So in that sense, her grad experience didn't help me out. Congrats to all!
  9. Why graduate school? I have a fairly useless undergrad degree, no desire for a real job (all my classmates do investment banking and consulting; I'd rather be dead), and tons of academic interests that I haven't pursued yet. Oh I considered going for a second BA then realized that that would cost money (though maybe not if I could get in under either Stanford or Harvard's new free college for low income families program). But seriously, I want to learn. I love taking classes and doing research and by studying sustainable development in the third world, I have a chance to actually make a difference and that's important to me. I could never get a good job with an NGO or any branch of the UN without a master's degree and some work experience so I'm getting the MA now. Oh yeah, I want to be a professor some day so I'll get that PhD.
  10. rising_star


    I'm actually kinda bummed that I won't be a TA, unless I do it on top of the other assistantship I got offered. I really wanted some experience with grading papers and maybe giving a lecture or two since I'm in a master's program. I know that when I get to the PhD level, they'll probably just throw me into a classroom since I'll have a MA. I have to tell you, one of my biggest concerns about being a TA was age... I'm also 21 (skipped a grade many years ago but went somewhere where I'd be forced to do four years of college because my mother didn't want me starting grad school at 20) but I feel a lot more mature than that mostly because all of my friends are 2-3 years older than me. I digress... If you're worried about looking too young, dress kind of nicely at the beginning, wear some makeup to make you look older, shoes with a bit of a heel or that are a bit fancy, etc. That'll separate you from the class and let them know you mean business.
  11. Do you really want to start a PhD program with $30K in debt?? How much will that hinder the rest of your life plans. It's just something that I'd take into consideration...
  12. So I just wanted to let everyone know that I decided on UGA. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Hopefully this will be a step in the right direction.
  13. Just emailed everyone at UGA and told them I'm accepting their offer. Still worried that I didn't make the right choice. But, I have no clue about housing or anything like that. I definitely want to find a roommate but I'm worried that may be a bit difficult since I'm in Jersey till June. I don't suppose anyone else is considering the Summer Bridge program?
  14. I'll tell you what I know about Penn keeping in mind that a lot of it is anecdotal (and Ivy League gossip) so some of it might be wrong. Penn has a great location. it's in Philadelphia, for better or worse. Some may tell you that West Philly is the ghetto or a place of violent crime or horrible or whatever but that is not true and certainly untrue of the area directly around Penn. Good housing near campus can be difficult to find but that's because it is a city with lots of residents and college students. Driving near campus can be crazy so a bike might be a good idea. I remember seeing some cool shopping areas near campus. SEPTA (the mass transit system: http://www.septa.com) runs a great train system that connects the UPenn area with the rest of Philly and the surrounding areas (Delaware, south NJ and through NJ Transit to NYC though that takes a few hours on commuter rail). That's all I've got. Hopefully someone else can help you out. To the OP: where else are you considering? (personal curiousity)
  15. Hahaha, you might be the oldest one here. I'm going straight from undergrad to MA and I might continue on to the PhD if I like what I'm doing and the job possibilties.
  16. Sucks that you're still waiting on NW, Bobb. Any other options out there for you?
  17. I agree with Bobb. Can you really live in a city on $7500/yr? If not, how much in loans are you going to take out? In that sense, wouldn't the PhD be better?
  18. What field are you in, Dan?
  19. Shelly, that's so exciting. It sucks about having to max out credit cards and stuff. Good luck, yin. I was really hoping you'd get in somewhere!
  20. Hey Godwin, Have you checked the Ohio State website? I know I never actually got my admissions letter (and i'm in the US) but I found out online that I'd been accepted.
  21. I keep putting off making a decision. Congrats Sibilance. If I do get in, we can definitely talk apartment hunting since it'll be my first time ever doing that. Postcolonial lit is the best, btw.
  22. Locura, is the grad school assistantship at UGA really that much? (I got one but never read the paperwork, blame my thesis) And what are the work requirements for that? Just curious...
  23. I second what everyone has said about on and off campus blending together. My sister lived 'offcampus' and was on the campus-only shuttle line and lived across the street and half a block closer to the main buildings than she did as a 1st year. Coming early to arrange housing is always best but I'm guessing that's nearly impossible for you Cridamour. Maybe if you find a potential roommate, they can arm themselves with a digital camera and then you two (or more) can decide that way and secure something before August. As far as internet, the library is open till 2am which is generous for an Ivy (because some close at midnight) so you might be fine without internet at home. I dunno, if you've got roommates and split it, the cost really isn't that bad.
  24. Afrolatinoamericans is a very interesting topic. I wanted to do something on that for my thesis but couldn't find what I needed. I dunno, I think interdisciplinary is better because then you can use other disciplines to look at the same material which might give your historical writing some dimension that not everyone has. *blinks* did that make sense? I am very tired and trying to edit thesis (due Mon and not yet completed)
  25. I totally agree with everything Leah said. You need to not be selfish and take away a spot and funding that others are desperately hoping to get. Visit the website and read every page, email students then ask if you can call them, call and email professors, the grad chair, the dept chair. Learn everything you can. But sometimes, you've just gotta take a leap. I spent 3.5 years of undergrad (i spent a semester abroad) at the one institution i never visited. And honestly I didn't know anything about it till July and classes started in Sept. It can work out. You can pick without visiting. Just go with your gut instinct.
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