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Everything posted by emd89

  1. Hey, thanks. This is all great info. I'm looking into taking an econ course online - I live in Korea and my Korean is not exactly ready to be deployed in a university classroom - and getting one of my teacher friends to proctor for me. I did the full IB program in high school, so I took macro, micro, calculus, etc., and did well, but that's going on 8 years ago now. One thing I hadn't taken into account is the applied math courses I've excelled in, and that I took out-of-major because I was truly interested in the content. There's no math or econ, specifically, but what do you think about these: ENGR 350H (Sustainable Engineering Honors): A PS 399H (Principles of Population Honors): A- MB 230H (Intro to MicroBio Honors): A Thanks again for your help. I will definitely be addressing the issue head-on.
  2. I'll be applying for MPA/MPP/MAIS concurrent programs for Fall of 2015. My geographic area is constrained by my desire to build a west coast network and my husband's choice of MBA program (he's narrowed down to Berkeley, Stanford, or UW). I am most concerned about my lack of math prowess, and I won't be able to take a math class between now and my application cycle. For career goals, I'd love to end up in the Foreign Service in 5 or so years but realize the chances are miniscule. I'd be happy working in an environment where I spent a lot of time in the field, developed my language skills, and was able to travel. I'm looking at large non-profits with a strong presence overseas. I would love the community's opinion on how to address my math deficiencies, what other programs come to mind when you see my profile, and any red flags you see. Thank you so much! School requirements: I'm applying to UW's concurrent MPA/MAIS program, so a combo of the Evans School and the Jackson School, and Berkeley's Goldman MPP. I'm a west coast girl who wants a west coast network. GPA: 3.63, with a 3.85 in-major (English) which I don't think they'll care about. GRE score: 152Q/165V/4.5 AWA Work experience: One year of alumni program administration at a large research university. Two years of running a pilot government education program in Seoul, South Korea. Internships in Germany (youth development) and stateside (non-profit homeownership foundation). Language skills: Spanish: I could argue fluency, but I've tapered off my study in the last few years. German: Elementary Korean: High comprehension, reading, and writing, but my speaking is kindergarten-level. Quantitative requirements: NONE and this is what I'd like advice on - I have two math classes on my transcript. One is the only C I've ever received, and the other is the only class I've withdrawn from. My GRE Quant score isn't bad, but I am terrible at math and my transcript shows it. How should I address this? I work with budgets and other numbers in my job (and my previous jobs) with no problem, but in a math classroom I'm a sad idiot. Overseas experience (work, study and teaching): Yes, I've travelled extensively in Europe and Asia, worked in Korea for 2 years, and interned in Germany for 4 months. Statement of Purpose: I love writing and feel confident about this section.
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