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Status Updates posted by NavyMom

  1. 38 days til graduation!!!

  2. It's been a while since I checked in here.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Finished my 2nd year, 1 left to go.  Already began working on my thesis, and about to get my 1st chapter signed off. :)

  3. It's is weird that I have been on break for a month, and I am already anxious to start year 2? I still have another 2 months... I think I am going to read ahead.

    1. ahlatsiawa


      It is always a good idea to read ahead.

    2. NavyMom


      I think so too. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when school is officially done.

    3. Threeboysmom


      For me attending part time the finish line seems so far away.

  4. So one year into my program (two left to go)... already landed an interview for a policy analyst position (making double what I make now), and nailed the interview. I have already been told I am a top contender and I will definitely be coming back for a second interview. :) I have a good feeling about this!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ahlatsiawa


      Great news. Congrats!

    3. Munashi


      Congratulations! That's awesome news.

    4. Shamrock_Frog



  5. Okay my grades are finally in. A- and a B+. I'll take it. Now on to start stressing about Fall (start of year 2).

    1. ahlatsiawa
    2. Threeboysmom


      Good job. First year done, now on to second year you got this!

  6. Still waiting on final grades. Finals week just ended Friday. I don't think I have any nails left to bite. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AdilB990


      Best of luck, Tami! I'm sure you'll do well. :)

    3. Threeboysmom


      Wishing you the best.

    4. NavyMom


      Thanks everyone!!!

  7. One final done, another due by Friday. Registered for fall and books have been purchased and received already. I am ready for year 2!

    1. Threeboysmom


      Woo-hoo! Wishing you a relaxed summer and a wonderful 2nd year.

  8. Two more classes. 1 more 2pg paper, and 1 final "exam" (take home paper) to go. End of first year of grad school - done. :)

    1. Threeboysmom


      Job well done! It feels good to be at the end of the first year doesn't it?

    2. NavyMom


      Yeah... It's weird knowing we're already done with the first year. It has flown by so fast! I hope the rest of my program (2 years) goes by just as fast.

  9. Got the green light to start my thesis (and I have two years to work on it!) Also have my course sequence planned out... good to go! :)

  10. One month left of my first year. So weird. I remember just a year ago I was contemplating even applying to a Masters program. My biggest project was yesterday, I gave a 25 min presentation and nailed it. :) So proud of myself.

    1. 1Q84


      That's awesome! CONGRATS!~ :) I have a month left of my MA program too... how quickly it flew by!

  11. Spring Break.... HA! What a joke that is. Basically it is a week of time not dedicated to classrooms... but instead projects and long reading assignments to prepare for the next class meeting. Can't wait for summer to get here.

  12. Midterms next week. Son getting married in 7 days. Presentation due April 7th (haven't had a chance to start on it). Weekly papers. Oh yeah... and drowning in thesis suggestions (even though I have 2 years left as a part-timer). I am getting a little stressed out here.

    1. MidwesternAloha


      Take a step back. Breathe.


  13. Mailed out an application for a State job... *keeping fingers crossed* as it's more related to my MPPA program and future career goals. Now on to reading for class and a salad.

  14. After battling the Norovirus for 5 days, I am finally feeling back to normal again. Now I have to catch up on my reading and write out my two papers....

  15. First night last night was a lot of fun. My cohort and I all hugged each other when we were reunited again. So nice to have a close group. Looking forward to class #2 tonight and see what it brings :)

    1. Threeboysmom


      Great, i wish my program was set up that way.

  16. First class of the second semester tonight! Excited!! :)

    1. Threeboysmom


      Good luck my friend. I hope you have a wonderful semester.

    2. NavyMom


      Thank you!!! :) I wish you the best as well!

  17. Got the rest of my books today. Also received my first set of powerpoints to look over with assignments. Ack! Time to get into the game. Class starts next Tuesday for me.

  18. So after fighting it for several months, I feel like I am coming down with something. :( Class starts next week. It better go away by then.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Sorry, rest and medicate over the counter vitamin C etc. Resist the urge to go go go, let your body rest so you're better next week.

    2. gk210


      Emergen-C, tons of water/green tea, and plenty of zzzz's!

    3. NavyMom


      So my body did a fake out. I woke up this morning feeling woozy from the Nyquil... but now, it's time to go home from work and I am finally feeling better (and more myself). YAY!

  19. Time is going too fast!! I'm not ready yet! *Panic*

    1. Threeboysmom


      I know, the 20th is my first day back and its going to be a whirlwind of a day.

      *Deep breaths*

    2. NavyMom


      How are you feeling about it? Nervous? Why does it feel like I am starting over, like it's the first semester all over again?

  20. T-Minus 14 more days until Spring Semester. Received both syllabi, and started to read / prep for the first week of class.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Threeboysmom


      lol Lifesaver. Your off to a slow start but thats okay.

    3. Lifesaver


      Hah, perhaps. Or I just don't read very much ;)

    4. NavyMom


      Lol! You guys are killing me... haha

  21. T-Minus 21 days til my 2nd semester begins. I am already getting antsy, wanting to read so I can keep up once assignments start rolling around.

    1. Threeboysmom


      Me too waiting on the syllabi.

    2. Munashi


      Wow, 21 days? I start next Monday. Good luck, guys.

    3. Threeboysmom


      Same to you Munashi.

  22. Happy New Year!!!! May 2015 bring peace, love, happiness and sucess to us all!

    1. Threeboysmom


      Thanks, wishing you a wonderful 2015!

  23. My son announced to me last night that he's officially engaged! :) I am a happy Momma!

  24. First grade in!!! A- in my Applied Economics Analysis I !!!

  25. 1st semester of graduate school is finally over. I did it. Now the wait for final grades... I think that is nearly as bad as waiting for the application decisions.

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