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Posts posted by ihatechoosingusernames

  1. As of 15 minutes ago I became eligible to join this club. I guessed as much, but damn. It kinda hurts. 


    I'm not sure whether or not to wait and apply again in the future or just give grad school the big middle finger and go become a park ranger. 

  2. A genuine congratulations to you! However, I think this is a good opportunity to point out that it is not proper etiquette to hold onto more than one offer at a time. Many of us, including myself, are put on multiple waitlists and if people are holding onto multiple offers, this just holds up the whole process for everyone else. If you do have more than one offer, PLEASE do not wait more than one week to make a decision! Your decision affects many other people. Again, congratulations though!

    I'd totally disagree. If you're going to make a life altering decision and need more than a week to make your choice, you should wait as long as you need to. I feel for those on the waitlist, but I don't think it's not proper etiquette.

  3. What is IPORT and what programs did you lot apply to, I still have not heard back from 6!

    IPORT is a website specific to Georgia State that shows how many people applied for 2014, and how many of those have been accepted, wait listed, and denied. It's kept pretty up-to-date, though I don't know if it's update in real time. 

  4. Hi! We are in the same boat. I emailed the admissions coordinator because I noticed that it was not showing the most up to date info for some of my materials and I wanted to know if I should resend the transcript (This was like 2/26). She wrote back interview invites had been extended but I should send it in case there were a second round of interviews. I was a little confused because it's not clear on the website whether there are interviews for the non-clinical programs but I just sent it anyway and have been waiting.


    Looks like we applied to the same program! I didn't see anything about interviews, and looking at the student admissions data it doesn't look like they did interviews last year for Community or Developmental...but they did interview people in the years prior. Shoot! I really want to go to GSU! 


    Edit: Or maybe they thought you were a Clinical/Community applicant who would have needed an interview. I think I'm gonna go with that idea. 

  5. Thank you for the suggestions! I realized last night that it would only really be worthwhile to improve in specific areas rather than attempting to raise my GPA. In order to raise my GPA to a 3.5 I'd need an additional 58 credits, and I'd need to get a 4.0 in all of those classes. I think I'll take a stats class and look into becoming an RA at the VA. 


    Thankfully, I have research experience and two poster presentation where I was first author. I'm also hoping to focus my volunteer efforts...I volunteer at the animal shelter because I like the animals, but my research area is violence against women. I really should be volunteering at a women's shelter. 

  6. I'm still waiting to hear back from my last school, but I've been rejected by all of them so far. I graduated with a BA in Psychology (3.3 cum, 3.38 psych) in Dec of 2012, and then I moved down South with my husband and his military job. I'm currently in an area that lacks actual universities, but I have quite a few community colleges within reasonable driving distance. 


    Has anyone else taken community college classes in an effort to boost their GPA? Do you think it would look bad to an adcom? If I do take some classes, I'll try to address my weaknesses (lack of any "hard" science classes, low grade in a statistics course) instead of taking easy classes, but I want to know if this is a worthwhile idea. Ideally, I'd like to enroll for spring and summer quarter so I can boost my GPA before next application cycle. 


    Thanks :)

  7. You will love UW. I grew up there, and have actually been accepted at Seattle Pacific University across the bridge from there...and it is...the best decision you'll ever make...

    Congrats on SPU! That was my undergrad. Lovely campus in the best city in the world ;)

  8. My husband is in the military and can't follow me. I don't know how common it is (mainly because I think a lot of people in this situation went from high school STRAIGHT to college STRAIGHT to grad school and maybe aren't married), but I do think it's doable.


    There were a few schools that I decided not to apply to solely because of the distance and cost of train/plane tickets. I definitely tried to apply more to schools that were in the geographic south vs other parts of the country. I completely ruled out the west coast, though if I don't get in this year I'll have to expand my school radius... 


    Overall, I think the most important thing is to have a spouse that is fully committed and okay with the idea of you moving away. I mean, it's not like you're taking off in a covered wagon for Oregon never to be heard from again. You can Skype with them, you can visit them during breaks...it'll be tough, but like MDIV2014 said, you're doing it to give them a better life as well. It will be good for your daughter to see you pursing your dreams even though it will be tough on you :)

  9. Just got rejected again... I only have one school left. It's my top choice but I'm not feeling very confident. Doesn't help that my spouse just deployed so I'm just one hot mess of emotions with stress eating tendencies :) 

  10. Those peanut butter fudge and salted caramel flavours are going to be my undoing


    All of those flavors will be my undoing. I only wish the salted caramel had two flavors of ice cream. And seriously...hazelnut and chocolate ice cream with a Nutella core? Helllllloooooooo weight gain!

  11. I found a thing On the website of my top choice school that shows how many applicants there were to my program for FY2014. They've updated it nearly every day, showing how many people have been rejected. So far I'm still in the running :-/ It also shows how many have been accepted and those who have withdrawn. So...there's another thing I'm compulsively checking.

    JUST TELL ME ALREADY!!!! I'm losing my mind and I'm out of M&Ms.

  12. SEATTLE! Like the people above wrote, the city is super dog friendly. I believe there are more people with pets than with children :) Many apartments will allow dogs, and there's a bar in Fremont (not too far from UW) which allows you to bring your dog if it's well behaved. The areas to hike and camp are phenomenal. You can find more info on the Washington Trails Association website (wta.org). If you're also into general fitness stuff, the UW gym is second to none. They have a great indoor track, a pool, an indoor climbing wall, a wide variety of classes, and saunas to relax in. The bus system is awesome - I used it all 4 years of undergrad. You could also bike, as the city is biker friendly and there are plenty of bike paths that lead right onto campus.


    If there was a program in the area that I was interested in, I would move back to Seattle in a heartbeat. As it is, I'll have to wait until my husband leaves the military before we can move back :) 

  13. Just got my second official rejection of the season...I'm pretty sure I have a soft rejection from Vanderbilt, so I only have one school remaining. It's my first choice school as well so literally all of my hopes and dreams hinge on this school right now :( Should have applied to more schools! WAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh  :unsure:

  14. Hey @ihatechoosingusernames! I applied their CCN program. I guess we will be informed of the decisions in the next two weeks. I was told in my Skype interview that they will make decisions around the middle of February. Fingers crossed for both of us!  


    Here's hoping! I'm so nervous! 

    Well, shoot! Spoke too soon...just got my rejection letter. Ugh.

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