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Everything posted by Yancey

  1. I only received work study money. They have a few scholarships but are not know for giving a lot of funding to masters students. Maybe if you applied to external scholarships on their website. They are private so tuition is around 75,000-80,000 just for the 56 units (not including any other fees/housing etc).
  2. I received two scholarship offers from two schools and a grant from another school. One of the scholarships was offered through the department and I wrote a 500 word essay for it. The other scholarship I received was a merit one that was offered once I was offered admission. The grant was from financial aid in my state (funding for a state university).
  3. I agree with the above poster's answer. I just wanted to add that a few schools do have an intro to ASL class as a prerequisite (not a majority, but a few). So you may want to check the schools that you are interested in to see if they have any particular requirements.
  4. Congrats! That is great!
  5. Making a decision can be tough. I was going to suggest that if you have not already, you could contact Dr. Ricketts and ask him the likelihood (how many students with funding would have to decline before you are offered funding) and if you were offered funding what amount you could expect (25% vs 50% etc). Maybe having more concrete facts about funding at Vandy would help a little more with the decision making process. Good luck.
  6. I could not make it to the open house so thank you for sharing your insight!
  7. Hey BeckSLPplease, I am sorry about that. This process is so nerve-racking and some schools take so long. If I was in that situation I would most likely secure a spot in my next top choice (hopefully no or only a small deposit would be required), and then notify them immediately if I was offered a seat in the LB cohort. You could also ask for an extension to your next top choice and explain the situation. Maybe you can contact someone in the CD department at Long Beach and ask them more details about the process ( ex. Will it take that long for everyone to find out about their admission decision? Are you able to get an update on your admission status?). At one of the universities I applied to the original deadline was. Jan and then they extended it (after I already rushed to submit everything) to Feb 1st. I thought I'd have to wait longer for a decision too. But that was not the case. They notified people in waves. So maybe calling LB for clarification would help. Good luck! I hope you hear some good news sooner.
  8. I was accepted. In my financial aid packet I was offered $6,000 in work study and the rest loans (around $50,000 a year and I'm not sure it included cost of living). I think they do give out a few scholarships, but to my knowledge (reading forums, looking at acceptance boards) they are not known for extremely generous funding (unless someone has first hand experience with this). Their website states close to full funding is incredibly unlikely. I think outside scholarships would help with tuition. Additionally, more funding (assistantships, etc) may be available in the second year. A classmate of mine was accepted and attended a few years back. She took out loans to pay for it. She did enjoy her experience and participated in the study abroad opportunities. She did her cfy in a skilled nursing facility and now works at a hospital.
  9. Thanks! Hopefully I'll be getting my letter tomorrow. I've heard great thing about UT - Dallas and also that the job market in Texas for SLPs is great (which is hopefully true for many other places)! With prayer and visits I think it will be clear if price really makes a difference. I have to remind myself that it's mostly about if the school provides the clinical experiences and the focus of expertise I want (if I am looking for something specific). When you go visit I'm sure one will feel more like "home." After no rest to get into grad school we all want to work hard but hopefully enjoy the place we got to for the next few years! Good luck! Excited for you to decide!
  10. Thank you! I hope you heard some good news and continue to hear good news from the schools you applied to!
  11. Thanks for the info. I'll be waiting awhile for my letter then. Like ladyinwaiting, I think it will be between MGH, where I was given a scholarship, and Vanderbilt. I do like that Vanderbilt has one less semester. Both have great clinical opportunities. I will be weighing the fit of programs soon. I just feel grateful to have options. UT Dallas sounds like a great option as well as Vanderbilt! It is great that you already have good experience with the professors. That's one thing I want in a program is to "click" with the professors since they will serve as examples and mentors. Good luck with making a decision! Sadly I won't be able to attend the student events for either schools. If you guys go please share any insights.
  12. Good luck with your decision. Was the letter dated? Do you live close to TN? I live on the west coast and am anxiously waiting for mine!
  13. Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone received any financial aid packet from them yet that sates the total cost of attendance and types/amount of loans for the program. I know they already discussed scholarships, but I was wondering when we would hear about the rest of our financial aid options. Thanks.
  14. Some of my professors went to the University of Oregon. They did say the classes were challenging and when they went some of the professors were a bit challenging (using a bell curve so the grading was more rigorous even if you were to do well). Those professors are great though and really know their stuff. I know they have strong emphasis with aphasia and cultural and linguistic diversity. Based on my professors I think UO blends a lot of journal articles and evidence base with the practical application of therapy. Staying up on current research is important and knowing how to translate that into one's intervention plans. But hopefully someone with a first-hand account can shed more light.
  15. Thank you. Good luck! I hope we all get to become great SLPs! Especially after all the hard work everyone puts into the application process and course work. Hopefully more schools will start getting back as it gets closer to April.
  16. Hey danielle90, No problem. The whole process of applying and waiting to hear back takes a lot out of us all. I was at the interviews March 8 and applied for the traditional M.A. And a few of my other classmates were there interviewing as well (for the traditional). However, I spoke to my friend who was interviewed later that day who is applying to the special cohort. I am not sure how they designed the interviews or how many days they are/will be scheduling interviews. In my group the two other candidates and I were all from different schools. It could be that they have waves of interviews and maybe mix their undergrads, their post-bacc, and students from other schools to just see the interactions during interviews. I wish I would have thought to ask more about their process.
  17. Ziggy- Yes, no news is a good sign. There has been no postings yet for those schools. The interviews on March 8th included students for the traditional M.A. Program. However, they may still be having another round of interviews &/or may have had both cohorts interview in the small group interviews (not sure and anything is possible). I am not sure if Chapman has a portal since I did not apply there myself. Sorry. I was referring to CSULB's portal.
  18. Hey ziggy, I know CSULB held some group interviews on March 8th. I was told letters would be mailed this week or next week. Not sure if an interview is necessary for admission. You can see if anything is updated on their graduate admission portal. My friend also had an interview at Chapman before the CSULB one, but I am not sure of anything else regarding Chapman (they may still be scheduling interviews). Good luck! I am sure you'll hear some good news soon. California schools are always a bit slower which stinks for the nerves.
  19. Here is a link to their page regarding clinical experiences. For the 3 off-campus placements one is in a school setting, an adult placement, and one we pick based on our interest. http://www.mghihp.edu/academics/communication-sciences-and-disorders/degree-options/master-of-science-speech-language-pathology/clinical-placement.aspx
  20. Did you look into becoming an SLPA?
  21. Check your junk folder. That's where I found my emails from some schools. The letter was addressed with my name (as opposed to just applicant/student). It just said to fill out and apply for financial aid by March 13t with a scholarship link. Maybe call the school and double check. I was offered an interview but not admission at this point and still received it. You may want to check In case you are asked on an interview later then the March 13th deadline.
  22. I received that email as well.
  23. Received an email from Brooklyn College for an interview in later March. Had to decline due to time and money since I live on the West Coat. Hopefully that opens up an interview for someone else!
  24. Here are some links that may be helpful: http://speechpathology.livejournal.com/920292.html?thread=6284772& http://speechpathology.livejournal.com/209153.html
  25. Congrats Zball6986 on your interviews! Can I ask how you were notified for an interview by Brooklyn College? Also did you go there (or a CUNY) for undergrad? Thanks! Good luck!
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