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Everything posted by overworkedta

  1. My capital one does not charge a foreign transaction fee. You might want to look into the terms on your cards. It's the card I almost always use abroad.
  2. If you want something that will give you more bang for your buck, I'd go for an IPA. Twice the ABV for the price, really. But if you really hate IPA's (I don't hate them but they aren't my fave), think about the price for the quality. A 6-er of crappy Bud isn't that much less (per bottle) than something decent like Sam Adams (lots of variety there and still pretty cheap) or Blue Moon (which I think is still overpriced but it is drinkable and probably enjoyable as a sweeter beer). Leinie's (also owned by Miller) also has a summer Shandy you would probably like which is also rather affordable and they have a lot of reasonably priced and okay seasonals. Also, if you really like sweet, why not try ciders? My roommate swears off beer because she just doesn't like the taste (I don't get it AT ALL but she's also a Packers fan, le sigh, and I put up with her) and she goes for ciders. You can get them at a variety of price points and they can be found everywhere right now. ETA: Pears is spot on haha. I didn't see his/her reply before I posted (I got distracted mid-post and came back to it).
  3. I was told by my advisor to apply for a job for next year. The job is teaching two courses a semester (about the same number of students I have now) at a regional teaching-focused public school , but it pays about 2x's as much as I am making now and would allow me to beef up my CV before I go out to find a TT job. The cirriculum they teach and what they are looking for fits my qualifications well and is a good sort of opportunity I could really use to strengthen my resume. And while I am "technically" on the job market, I'm not out until the fall for real. I am looking to apply, though, since I am qualified (all you need is an MA or equivalent and ABD is preferred) and it's just a year position. Plus, they like people from our program and he thinks i have a good shot and could make some money in the meantime. Either way, what could it hurt? Problem is, I don't know what to include. I tailored my CV towards teaching and professional service, since that is what i know this job will want. I also have my transcripts and a cover letter also tailored to the job specifically but I really am not sure what else to include. I have called the person at HR but they weren't in today. Do I need to include references? A letter from my advisor(s) ( I have co-chairs), etc? What do these jobs usually want. It's different from a standard academic job where you need letters, a teaching or research statement or both, etc. in my field. Any idea what to expect? The statement on their hiring page is so very brief! I also feel like I can't ask others applying in my department that are currently on the market because I fear they will resent me for trying to get a head start and I probably won't end up getting the job so why cause chaos in the dept? I'm a bit of a favorite of some people and I worry they will get all upset at me over nothing. Oh, politics. I may ask an adjunct here who was in my position a year ago (now has a TT job) and has sort of helped mentor me a bit over the past year, too.
  4. You can get it here. It's pricey (like Wake Up Dead and some of the Founders Stuff) but well worth it!
  5. All of the above are YUM. Schafly's Oatmeal and Irish-Style are both very good stouts. I ADORE Young's Chocolate Stout as well. That's probably my fave "treat" stout. Also, if you like Imperials that will knock you out "Wake Up Dead" is a good stout. That's a pint bottle stout.
  6. I didn't have many issues in Europe at all and I travelled everywhere. You can usually find someone to speak English to. Well, outside of smaller cities in Italy. I travelled to small places around Germany and could always find an English Speaker. France was easy, I speak French, etc. But Italy was awful for me. I would end up writing things out in French or speaking slowly in French hoping someone could understand me. Sardinia was THE WORST. Beautiful, lovely people, not user-friendly at all for those who don't speak Italian. Rwanda was easier for an English and French speaker like myself by far! haha
  7. Your ATM card will work abroad. I recommend never, every using a debit card as a credit becase you are less-protected that way Your credit cards should still work just fine MOST places but quite a few places will not take a credit card abroad and some may require a chip and pin (more and more this is an issue). I always have two credit cards and a debit card. Some CC companies will shut down your card and then you have to spend time calling and getting it fixed - even if you already put in a travel warning (something you should do!). If you always have cash, you should be fine. ALWAYS CARRY A BIT OF CASH. I cannot stress this enough. My roommate has travelled quite a bit abroad but she still refuses to do so and ends up in trouble over it. I have been able to use ATM's effectively even in places like Rwanda, so they really are a godsend. Take out quite a bit at first, stash your cash somewhere safe and don't carry it all on you at once! I travel quite a bit by myself and there's a part of me that prefers it. In the past year, I've travelled alone to New Orleans, Ottawa, Toronto, and Tampa. I meet really, really cool people that way. it opens you up to have some outstanding conversations. I also made some cool friends to do a victory lap with when the Hawks won the Stanley Cup this summer. I got all the drinks thanks to some guys in a bar in Ottawa where I was watching the last game. I like going to sports bars and meeting people. I don't feel unsafe (even as a woman) doing this but I know I'm a real extrovert. I recommend bringing a book so that you can distract yourself. It's a great way to pass the time when eating alone. Have fun!
  8. I might have to try another sixer. I remember it being good and I'm in a "try all the stouts" mood. Our fridge is nothing but right now.
  9. It's not bad, festivus. Different than Guinness but good I have only seen it a couple of places around here. They only have it a few weeks a year, usually.
  10. Yeah, I like that the classroom is in a perfect semi-circle. Everyone has a good view of everything, though in certain positions, which is why it can distract. I have about 4-5 students that sit on the edges of the first two rows so they are closer to take notes, though. It was a compromise suggested by a student and I took it to heart. If I get a room like this again where the first two rows have seats that don't have seats behind them, I will allow for the same policy. But your solution is also really interesting. I might consider that in another room.
  11. On the term feminist, I don't think it's bad either and I am a proud one. I just think that my boyfriend and others worry about appropriation of the term. They are the same people who worry about speaking for people of color without experience. It's like being a good ally. You support but don't speak for. That said, personally, I don't think the same applies to feminism. I think you can be a feminist without worrying about appropriation. We ALL experience misogyny - male or female - in one way or another. Our experiences may differ a bit but we all see its results. And I would rather have an ally demand that they are a feminist rather than run away. We still agree to disagree on that but he will state he is a feminist. He just feels like there could be a better word which was more inclusive. I believe that too much inclusitivity slows the movement down.
  12. RAGBRAI, yep. It's got a lottery, though, so it's actually not a guarentee you will "get in". That's in the long-term plan of something to do but it's a long way off from where we are now as far as availablility goes for a tour. Everyone I know who's done it says it's AWESOME. More locally, there's the Peddler's Jamboree which is bikes, music, and beer, which is fun. We have a wedding to go to this year on that day, though, so we can't do it! But if you are interested, it's a lot of fun. I will look into that. Might be a trip we could commit to. Yay MIchigan beer!
  13. I don't haha. I am just speaking to her points. My boyfriend sits very much where you do. He's a feminist. He would rather call himself and "equality-ist" though because he cares about more than just rote gender equality and he thinks that misogyny hurts everyone - including LGBTQ people, in particular. He thinks we need a bigger blanket term. I remind him of social movement theories which speak about how there is a constant tension between inclusivity and intersectionality. It's both helpful and harmful, at the end of the day. God, I miss social movements stuff. We talk about it a lot, though. He has a BA in soc.
  14. I'm currently in MO. My parents are in Northern IN (about 20 miles from the border of MI) and I go home in the summers to ride my bike up to the lake quite a bit. My boyfriend will be making a trip or two this summer back there most likely. What are the big ones? I really wanted to see the Michigan Beer Film but they aren't screening it around here (obvs!). Michigan is prolly my fave state for everything from camping to beer to wine to bikes haha.
  15. Lots of good here but let me start with that last part. The right of one shouldn't take away the rights of the REST of my students who are behaving, focused, etc. My policy is this: laptops are allowed in my classroom in the last row and on the end seats where no one can see over your shoulder. It's a small class with some viewing issues, so I get that students can be deeply impacted by what is going on in front of them (facebook). I refuse to prohibit them because while I know MOST students take better notes on paper, some have learning disabilities or different learning styles. My sister has dyslexia and needs a computer/iPad for notes in ALL classes. When her profs have a no-laptop policy that she is exempt from, it makes her feel AWFUL and she doesn't feel comfortable taking notes the way she needs and that impacts her performance. So, I make these students sit in an area where they are free to play around and do whatever without bothering my other students. Cell phones are a huge distraction to me, personally. I have been downright distracted by someone constantly texting or sitting there with their iPod on. Like, seriously? My policy is one warning, then they will be excused. I have stuck to this if it is particularly bothersome. I don't teach well when I am constantly distracted. Also, I have seen other students become distracted by it and I, myself, have had this issue as a student. I want to promote a good learning environment but I also realize everyone is different and I need to pick my battles. Threatening to destroy the property of ANYONE is just awful, in my book. Disrespect will breed disrespect, so I don't think those policies are effective ways to teach students to "behave" in a studious manner. I would have written off an instructor that had that policy.
  16. I'm sorry. Maybe I am confused but aren't you alive, standing, and doing quite well sans-man? I think you DON'T need a man and that's okay. I have no clue what this has to do with holding a door open, though. Feminists fold on either side of that issue since the central tenet, as I see it, is choice. As a feminist, you can choose to pay a tab or walk through a held door. I let my boyfriend or dad hold a door. I let my now-LT BF pay for our first meal together and then we went out for drinks after and I picked up that tab. I'm not intimidated by people being nice to one another, so I let doors be held and I hold doors. I try to be a friendly person and take care of those I care about regardless of sex. My friends do the same for me, too. I don't get offended by people being nice because I'm a feminist. I get offended when anyone insinuates I can't do basic things to take care of myself, though. Being feminist, though, doesn't make you a man-hater. I work with men more often then women, have more male friends, and love cycling, beer, and sports - all which are male-dominated pursuits. I have no issues with men, I can assure you. I think you have probably met some crappy people that call themselves feminists. But guess what? Nasty people are everywhere. They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Don't knock feminism and independence. I think you don't give yourself the credit due with what you've done. You admit to never having a LT relationship. And yet, you still accomplish a lot! The easy way to do this is to simply STOP replying. The more you reply, the deeper you dig.
  17. Where are the "best" beer festivals that have such things? My BF and I are always looking for beer adventures. Beer and bikes are kind of our thing. Even better if we can combine both in a trip to somewhere cool.
  18. Depression for me is apathy, a lack of motivation, and finding fault in just about ANYTHING offered up as a way to solve a problem I have. To me, that looks similar to what happens in a number of your threads. Again, I don't know you personally, but that is what I feel when I am "depressed". I used to be on Zoloft (an SSRI) and before my mood upticks started, which I now know was due to bipolar II) it worked really well for me. The first few days SUCKED and I was miserable at med adjustments for a few days after the start but I always adjusted with few side effects. In all reality, I did really well. And within 6 weeks of starting, I was sleeping normally, eating, and being "myself" again. I don't think I was any more or less "happy" because I am a rather happy person even in the worst of it but I was able to do everything I wanted to do again. I would give it a shot if your doc thinks it could help and you feel comfy trying. Meds alone won't do it. You need therapy. You also have to realize it will take about a month or more to work. So, start now and do it on a day where you have nothing planned. After a week, side effects should calm down for you.
  19. Hahaha, yes. Never crave PBR but man did I crave some Guinness!
  20. You should run a budget. Even with a fellowship and stipend, I end up having to take out a tiny bit in loans every semester. I use it to ease the burden of my summer expenses and to cover things like medical expenses that wouldn't be met by my funding (even WITH insurance). File the FASFA. You aren't required to take out money at all if you do, but if you need something mid-semester, they can get it to you. Without filing, you will have serious delays and be ineligible for emergency aid.
  21. http://youtu.be/qNBTygWcy0s This is a really cool thing the BF showed me about Guinness. It's why I got a hankering for it again I think! Tonight I had Schafly Irish style stout.
  22. They are really different but some just have a better "flavor" quality or mouth feel. You are really right in that it's hard to compare an imperial (like the Expedition) to a traditional nitro stout. I just bought a traditional double Schafly's irish stout at the store (so good) and while it's not a nitro, it is a good bridge between the Expedition or Double-Cream stout Bell's makes and the Guinness people so love this time of year. It's not a nitro beer but drinks more like one and is is very, very good. Limited release, though, and only in the STL-area and close surrounding places. I hate the Schafly poliitcal message, but this is a very good beer.
  23. I define craft as < 2 million barrels a year. Sam Adams is over that. I don't think it is the "best" beer around but it's plenty good. Not craft beer, though. And I still have a bone to pick with them over seasonals and variety packs because they almost always include nuts. I have a nut allergy, so neither my boyfriend or I could drink the Pecan or Hazelnut, leading to a WASTE of beer. That said, I just vote with my feet and don't buy them when we are going to get a sampler of something. If they are the "best" thing on tap, that's fine, I guess. But they aren't big into stouts and porters, which is what I look for. I define less than 2 million barrels as a craft beer (as do many). And no, I didn't hate KoL for becoming "big" in the U.S. despite listening to them YEARS before because I've been listening to British radio since high school and was living in the UK when they became famous. Although, it didn't help them that the SAME songs were played over and over. I still like their new stuff. My ex-BF, an actual hipster and beer snob extroadinaire hated them for that reason, though, haha. So, I get why you may say that. I looked up the Dark Horse Brewing co and they are a hop skip and a jump from my parents' place. The BF and I will be hitting them up on our next trip back to my parents', methinks.
  24. I'd rather pay several dollars more for better beer. There are two craft breweries here that have WAY better beer for about $3,.50 or $4.00 a pint. Why bother with crappy beer? And honestly, when I go out for a nice meal (which is rare on my budget), I choose to go to places that have a REAL craft beer selection. No, Sam Adams is not craft beer. It's not terrible but it's not craft beer, chain restaurants! And no, we aren't in Michigan. There is one school that my BF and I would love for me to get offered from next year in MIchigan (I heard rumors) based on it's location to Bell's and Founder's. We're all the way over here in BFM (the M is Missouri) and while we have great local brews nearby, my hometown now has like 4 craft breweries (an hour east of Chicago) and it would be nice to be close to where all the action in in Michigan. It would also be nice to have ACTUAL shopping. And I will tell him about that other IPA. He will likely be interested.
  25. I put those per diems down at the bottom of the page. I included parking and a budget for public transit (local and to and from TO and Montreal because I may need to do work in those places for a day or so as well). I also made it known that I am bringing a bike to save costs on local travel. The benefit to travelling to Ottawa a few times before (once WITH my bike) is that I can honestly get almost anywhere anytime by bike during the day. At night, too, but I am more of a day commuter. And I'm driving to save money. A flight from STL is like $800.00 plus luggage both ways and a shuttle there. It almost evens out at that point but it is MUCH cheaper to have the flexibility to drive everywhere.
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