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Posts posted by 123hardasABC

  1. 12 minutes ago, Dr. Brains said:

    Mine isn't until next month but I'm already freaking out.... everyone keeps telling me to "be myself" but i'm having ridiculous imposter syndrome right now

    Right? "Be myself"? I re-read my SOPs and holy hell, who is this person? My biggest fear right now is that I'm going to be a different impostor than the one I wrote about in these essays....

  2. 8 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    I was thinking it'd be quite easy to teach things like torque and centripetal force... the more I think about it, the more I want to give up on grad school just to do this.

    Okay. How about this, if we don't get into grad school, we pitch in what little money we have left and open up the Sexipetal Force Lounge?

  3. 50 minutes ago, Immunolog said:

     I'm seriously scared of this cold weather when I visit! As a Californian, I am a complete wimp! Even snowboarding in California is only ~40F. Is it snowing there? Just wondering if my leather booties can withstand the snow, or if I should invest in actual snow-appropriate shoes. 

    It's not snowing here at the moment, anyway. It snowed last weekend and it will snow next Friday (not this upcoming one), on my interview date. Fun, I know. But I'll have you know that I'm originally from Orange County, CA and did my undergrad in the Bay Area...and I'm still alive! I didn't see my first winter until last year when I moved to NYC. If I can do it, you can too!

    For right now, leather booties are fine. Those are my current day-to-day shoes and I plan on wearing booties to my interview too. If you're really worried, I would buy some Merino wool socks. 

    Bring a scarf though, a wool one preferably. Your face will thank you, and you definitely don't want to show up to your interview with a snot hydrant.

  4. 5 minutes ago, peachypie said:

    I am not entirely sure what booties are you referring to.  

    Mine is actually JPK which is about as close to a longchamp as you could probably get, so yours should work just fine!  I found it really nice since it was something I could use for plane carry-ons, nice to carry my stuff with me during interviews and can kind of go for a variety of events (dinners and interviews). 

    They're just plain, dark brown leather booties with a slight heel. These to be specific: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/sam-edelman-petty-bootie-women/4126689?origin=category but again, in dark brown. 

    And that's actually why I have a Longchamp. It's the most comfortable travel bag and nice enough that I can wear it out if I need to. Plus, it also folds up to a little square for easy storage. I recently discovered that it makes a great grocery bag if you just moved to a snowy climate but haven't moved your car yet (aka, me).


    4 minutes ago, biochemgirl67 said:

    YES.  I think booties are probably preferable to heels!  I'm wearing loafer things (see below) on interview day and flat ankle boots every other time.  And my handbag is more of a tote.  I'll show you below as well! (Although the one I found isn't the same one.  Mine is dark blue and more neutral)



    Your attachments don't show on my computer :(

  5. 35 minutes ago, peachypie said:

    2.  I am a woman and I did a pant suit for interview day.  I wore my pants, heels, tucked in button down/blouse and had my suit coat with me.

    Do you think I can get away with wearing booties with my pantsuit? I realize it's unconventional but I doubt I'll be very graceful on heels when my feet are cold... Also, this may seem like an odd question, but what kind of handbag did you wear to your interview? I'm not one to carry purses normally so the only appropriately sized bag I have is a Longchamp Lepilage. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    Oh goody, a 270% increase in rent! JUST WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED

    Whatever you do, don't rent from Everest Properties or Premium Properties. Google the name Lakireddy Bali Reddy if you want to know why. In addition to being managed by that scum, renting from them is a guarantee you won't get your deposit back.

  7. Just now, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    I'm glad I'm not the only who has already scoped out apartments near my top schools. I mean hey, I'm going to be sad anyway when I get rejected, what will a few more tears hurt? :rolleyes:

    Although my top choice schools seem to be in very expensive areas. Coming from a farm town in the Midwest, the costs of living there make me want to vomit.

    (Sorry for the double post; your reply came in as I was submitting my prior one)

    I see you applied to Berkeley. I went there for undergrad. Be prepared to cry many, many tears of money.

  8. Are post-interview acceptances common? I only have the one interview invite so far. My close friends are very excited for me to start school next year but I'm just as anxious as before. The resounding thought in my head is that rejection is still very real. 

  9. 4 hours ago, anthrostudentcyn said:

    guys I have such senioritis I just realized I'm only signed up for one class. i totally forgot I'm actually still in school

    Dude, me too. I'm signed up for one class: Master Thesis. It's not a class; I'm done with formal instruction. I just have to submit my thesis by the end of the semester. 

    The senioritis and writer's block are reaaaaaaaal.

  10. 8 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

    Is anyone else amused by the number of typos on the results page? A lot of people are going to a lot of different "univeristies" to "studu" different things.

    You should look up MIT then and laugh at the absurd number of "a"s people put in Massachusetts. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Gram Neutral said:

    So I applied to a program and got an email that my application was complete cause I was missing a letter of rec, which I knew. He submitted the letter before the deadline and it says it was submitted, so everything was fine. The email said when they receive the missing stuff they will email me saying my application is complete, or they will email me saying I am still missing stuff, and not to email them about the status of my application. However, the deadline was Dec 30, and I still haven't gotten an email saying it's complete. Could they still be processing the applications? Do you think I should call and ask? 

    When in doubt, call them. 

  12. 21 hours ago, Extra Espresso said:

    There's a chance I'll be going from a warmer climate to a colder climate as well, and I'm kind of nervous about it! I've never lived anywhere where it actually gets very cold, so I'm looking at it as my next great adventure. :)

    I moved from beachside Orange County to NYC two years ago.... Up until that point, the coldest place I've ever been to was Berkeley. Read this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/3sf5f8/the_beginners_guide_to_not_freezing_to_death/ (Applies to males, too)

  13. I just discovered a new first world problem... I got a phone call this morning with a caller ID that read St. Louis, MO. I had a mild panic attack thinking it was WashU. But then I remembered I live in St. Louis and it was just Walgreens calling to let me know my prescription is ready. I need a sedative now. 


    Good thing I'm going to the pharmacy. 

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