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Status Replies posted by Munashi

  1. One manuscript under review, a second will be sent to me for edits this week. Third author on both, but I'm happy!

  2. Trying to get this thesis proposal in shape for the big time... Oy!

  3. After a long medical road starting in September, I've finally been diagnosed with GERD. Follow up with them next week and a sleep study in August. Grad school hit my body like a truck O.o

    1. Munashi


      Getting a diagnosis is really difficult, I'm glad you have an answer now. Good luck with treatment! Now you can focus on that instead of wondering if you're insane, dying, etc...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Comprehensive exam tomorrow! Wish me luck!

  5. Passed my level one comp exam, aced my term and my paper. Sweet!

  6. Advisor is moving across the country... So begins the process of looking for another lab

  7. So one year into my program (two left to go)... already landed an interview for a policy analyst position (making double what I make now), and nailed the interview. I have already been told I am a top contender and I will definitely be coming back for a second interview. :) I have a good feeling about this!

  8. My first year of grad school is officially done!

  9. Why is the last exam the hardest to study for. I want to be done already.

  10. First year is down!

    1. Munashi


      You can do it! I hope it goes well and goes by quickly. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Neighbors got a $100 noise fine! :D

    1. Munashi


      Ha, glad someone finally did something.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Academics are too competitive. Take a minute to enjoy your work because it's cool.

    1. Munashi


      Wait, are you suggesting that our pursuits might have intrinsic value...? Madness!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. I got the NSF GRFP! :D

    1. Munashi


      Congratulations! :D I got HM myself, hoping for next year. But that is fantastic news for you, dude. Way to go.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. Officially accepted my offer, PhD here I come!

  15. I'm starting to fear that I won't have enough money to relocate to my program, especially since my job has started cutting everyone's hours. This is just fueling my anxiety. :-(

    1. Munashi


      As a last-ditch effort, I've also heard of people applying for new credit cards with a 0% interest for the first 12 months to charge moving expenses to. Just make sure you pay it all off within 12 months if you go that route.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Why is everyone in grad school either married or in relationships? Why do I have the displeasure of having to constantly meet them? Where are the fun people?!

    1. Munashi


      LD - if anything that means less competition and that you are more valuable on the market so to speak. :P

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Ditched an important meeting to get my partner the last limited edition Majora's Mask 3DS within an hour's drive. Worth.

  18. Ditched an important meeting to get my partner the last limited edition Majora's Mask 3DS within an hour's drive. Worth.

  19. Married at first sight is so fascinating...

    1. Munashi


      I've been watching it as well! LD, do you know anything about how they pick participants? I've been curious. It seems like they're always choosing from NYC/NJ for some weird reason.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. My neighbors are loud to the point that I can't sleep even with headphones on and management won't do anything. I'm tempted to just call the cops because my passive aggressive notes and reports aren't doing anything.

    1. Munashi


      I would. Just make sure it's after the time when local laws say people need to start shutting up when you call (I think it's 10pm where I live). I'm sorry management isn't helping.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Asking my advisor if I can complete a year of my program from another state! Wish me luck!

  22. Mere hours ago I clicked the button ('Accept') that seals my fate for the next five years. Penn State, here I come!

  23. Here's to officially having a spring break by the schools calendar but not really because you know you'll be in the lab for the entirety of the break period.

  24. My school is SO unhelpful when it comes to taxes. They don't pull taxes from my fellowship automatically, and don't give W2s or 1098Ts. WTF

    1. Munashi


      No W-2 or 1098T ... ? I definitely got both of those forms for tax time. I'd call the bursar.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  25. Well I'll be damned - we're having a snow day.

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