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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brisbane, Austrlaia
  • Interests
    rocks and rock climbing
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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  1. Long Beach is a great place to live. Wonderful to ride bikes and enjoyable coastal weather. Living within a mile of the beach can be $$$ ($1400-1200/mo for a studio or 1 br), so take a look between 4th and 10th for a deal. Seems to be a TON of housing near the traffic circle but that place is just packed with apartments and franchised food places. I live less than 2 miles from campus near 4th and Ximeno (3 br $2150/mo) and bike everyday, its a pleasure. Great food and friendly people in town and easy to get a morning surf session before afternoon or evening classes!
  2. Thanks TriloBiteMe and GeoDude. I appreciate the reassuring positive ideas and food (oh man, I miss good mexican food!) for thought. Many people have mentioned the Oxy link, and today I reazlied that just about any campus won't be 110% perfect. I'm often hard to please unless I let meself accept things and just enjoy. Probably won't be hard to do if I retain some beach life (currently I'm living on the east coast of Australia) I assumed it wasn't a cozy campus like a large rural university might be, but how bad does 'Commuter School' sound? Moving into the area from way outside... I'd still hope to enjoy a school's community. Maybe I'll drop you a line later Trio. Cheers
  3. I'm nearly at the end of my application results and have a clear front runner from 5 previous aps. I followed the news about future unconventional plays in the US and found Rick Behl at California State Uni - Long Beach, who apparently hosts an very positive and petroleum influenced program. I got some great feedback from current and previous students. It seems like a bit of an obscure school but it's focus seems well fitting to my style and interests. Except the lifestyle of Long Beach worries be a bit. Does anyone know or have heard much about the CSULB expereince?
  4. rockwell_

    Los Angeles, CA

    Hey I have a interest in attending school at CSU Long Beach (petroleum geology research). I'm from out of state (Pennsylvania) and although ive traveled around downtown LA and visited an ex-girlfriend in Passadena several times, I do not know much about the Long Beach area. All I can think is Snoop Dogg but assume e area has been gentrified since the 90s. Some current students mentioned living in Seal Beach or Huntington... Any thoughts or experiences to this area?
  5. I'm going to be 30 years old in two months and have had a lot of fun since my undergrad. So I'm incredibly tempted to try and defer an acceptance and have another year of work and travel while preparing a mind set and pocket-book. But really.... It's time to get to business!
  6. Hey awesome: just got the same email. Sounds like we are low(ish) on the list but I'll take a hope. I would love to live and study in the area. I awaiting their decision to make my own.
  7. Suction cup
  8. Today I was notified that my Colorado state application was just begun to being reviewed.....!
  9. I'm out of reach and nervous about not attending any interviews, since i'm working/living in Australia the past few years and have just applied to schools this year. I doubt I'd get anyone to foot the bill across the Pacific and back for a weekend meet and greet.
  10. Very considerate. I highly advise all other applicants applying to the same schools as me to withdraw their applications ASAP. na, but if I get accepted at the pick of mine (with funding) I'd do the same.
  11. I had all my applications in Jan 1st and have managed not to check the status updates more than once a week. But I am starting to get anxious.Undergrad Institution: Small branch campus of University of Pittsburgh Major(s): Geology BS Minor(s): - GPA in Major: 3.34 Overall GPA: 3.18 Position in Class: don't know, is that typical to know? the department was about 25-30 ppl, I think I was probably the top of ~4 seniors graduating. Type of Student: US citizen living in Australia applying back in the US. (domestic) GRE Scores (revised): Q: 152 (eck) V: 159 W: 3.5 TOEFL Total: n/a Research Experience: No significant or notable BS reseach, I wanted to join the workforce and did... Now 7 years later.... Awards/Honors/Recognitions: 2 small departmental scholarships Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 5 years wellsite geology in Wyoming and Australia (1 year enviro consulting) Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Abstract Co-Author for AAPG national meeting presentation. Special Bonus Points: 2 years of international travel and rock climbing expeditions in South East Asia. Great stories, relative maturity, and a strong sense of knowing what I want to do in life. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: low-ish GPA and GRE's aren't going win me any fellowships and might screen me out of the first round before my maturity and work experience can give me a boost. Applying to Where: Masters of Science in Geology, with shale or fine sediment researchers geared to petroleum applications: University of Kentucky (UK) University of Utah California State University - Long Beach (CSULB) University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) Colorado State University - Fort Collins (CSU) probably should have stabbed at a fewer higher tiered schools but I was pretty exhausted with the application processes. (edited for grammar)
  12. If you get paid as a TA... Can a move be 'Relocating for work'? or where can we get any ground, something has to be grey or close enough to claim.. Ideas, experiences?
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