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Scarf in the wind

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    2013 Fall
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Double Shot

Double Shot (5/10)



  1. If you're unattractive, then you're fighting an uphill battle. I agree with you. Looks beat personality. Personality shines when, for some odd reason, a woman gives a guy a shot, or initially friend-zoned him.
  2. Went to analyze my data the other day and ran a problem. When scrolling over to the "Analyze" drop down, my options changed to the following: Analyze: Reports Descriptive Statistics Loglinear Neural Networks Classify Dimension Reduction Scale !analyze_mixed! Nonparametric Tests Forecasting !analyze_regression! Survival Multiple Response Missing Value Analysis Multiple Imputation Complex Samples Simulation ROC Curve Has anyone else run into this problem? Should I reinstall? Download the patches on IBM's website?
  3. I had sold them back to my campus bookstore for money. Will likely keep books from grad school onwards, along with books written by research professors from my field of interest.
  4. I wouldn't go. Las Vegas is an ugly, dirty desert. I don't mean the societal filth, I mean it really is a dirty desert. Absolutely nothing like what is shown on television. Also, my relatives don't celebrate birthdays.
  5. It will be interesting how I will cope with being away from home at grad school. I have very few friends anyway. Less than 5 where I live. Most of my friends have moved on with their lives so going to grad school will, hopefully, be a welcome reprieve from boring solitude. I'm hoping to make friends with people at my school, both in and out of my department. I mean I'll miss my family, but also appreciate the freedom.
  6. This book - http://www.amazon.com/1100-Words-You-Need-Know/dp/1438001665 Also check out Manhattan's 5 pound book for practice questions when you feel your ready for a challenge. Also, this website: www.wordnik.com The site offers multiple definitions of a word so you can understand it in different contexts, and use of words in sentences.
  7. Or it could mean CalTech.
  8. Same here. Attended a Cal State, and will be attending SDSU. Funnily enough, people I talk to about my upcoming master's program have difficulty differentiating between SDSU (San Diego State University) and UCSD (University of California San Diego). Always amusing. I mean, I'd love to do my Ph.D at UCSD. It woud be amazing if I had that opportunity, but not yet.
  9. I tell people I'm going to be a grad student. I clarify if they keep asking.
  10. I would talk to the person, and try to help them out. But, that's just who I am.
  11. Um, I don't know. I never bought flashcards from any of the prep companies.
  12. Here's a better answer. The following was written by myself on the Practice vs Actual scores thread: In my opinion, Manhattan's Text Completion/Sentence Equivalence book pales in comparison to the rigorous workout you'll receieve from both Magoosh and Manhattan's 5 pound book. Manhattan's textbook on TC and SE lacks any breadth with a small amount of questions for both sections. The best part of the book is the Vocab lists in the back of the book. I found Magoosh's verbal workout more thorough and akin to the actual tests. Note that Reading Comprehension is packaged in another book alongside Essays, and will not appear in the TC/SE book. Furthermore, Manhattan's 5 pound book has abundant questions for Text Completion, Sentence Equivalence, Reading Comprehension and Logic-based Reading Comprehension, though no lessons. It is, through and through, a workout book. For lessons, I again recommend Magoosh. However, were you to purchase the books off Amazon they will be significantly cheaper than if they were purchased one by one from Manhattan's site, so for a lesser price you could obtain the TC/SE book and get access to the Vocab lists. Furthermore, I recommend Barron's 1,000 word list or something to that effect. I forgot the complete title name but it is similar to that. Good luck.
  13. It's short, and there's a limited question pool. For a rigorous workout, take a look at Magoosh's service and Manhattan's 5 pound book. Also, Barron's 1,000 words book. Manhattan's verbal book is good primarily for the lists of words, but it doesn't provided the necessary workout.
  14. Magoosh's service and Manhattan's prep books are both a must. Also, check out Barron's 1,000 words book, and Manhattan's 5 pound work book Furthermore, buying any of the Manhattan prep books gives you access to 6 online tests.
  15. This is something I will have to look into. I have been lonely for 4 or so years with few friends, and little to no social interaction, also no girlfriend ever and I'm nearly 30. Advice given to me from those who have gone through graduate school is to make friends in your cohort, and friends outside of your field be they from other departments or outside of academia. Another tidbit of advice given to me was to find outlets to help unwind, and to lessen burnout. I'm considering taking swimming classes to get a workout and be around people. It's better than the alternative, which is bunkering down and studying all the time and hating myself, the material, and the program. Out of curiosity, does anyone have experience dating in graduate school? I'm really lonely in that regard, and I'm not looking for a one night stand and I don't drink alcohol so bars are out of the question. I also know I need great grades since my undergraduate gpa is quite low (3.1). Furthermore, I'll be moving to a different city a few hours away. So, new environment and new people.
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