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Everything posted by cheesethunder

  1. well, this is depressing.
  2. are you a moral researcher!! did you apply at ubc to work with a prof who does moral exemplars by any chance?
  3. what do you want to change your research focus to? werent you into asexuality? it seemed interesting haha i would fin da cool lab to work in! finish 2 projects ihave on a the go & continue volutneering in those labs make my self a more useful human being & learn to cook read some books in my area of interest to beef up my SOP/ work on networking get some more ideas brainstorming
  4. GRE i blame my canadian hertiage for not grasping the point of it.....our school system is not based on learning how to take standardized test therefore i cannot appreciate this esp. since i took 3. paid1300$ for a prep class studied for months on a dialy basis and still did terribley followed by chasign down reference letter writers..... then being told my SOP doesn't show who i am/ i don't give of fa general idea of who i am as a person......ugh
  5. hah i love how you put canada in brakcets!
  6. i am glad you are okay!!!! those things huge! my worrrd. look at you now though applying to grad school! ambitiion!
  7. this was my biggest fear some profs have some crazy names
  8. an MA is a good idea then!! when were you thinking? i know alot of deadliens were beginning of december but my schools psyc deadline isn't til march........
  9. umm are you asking about an MA or phd? cuz a phd woudl be harder to get into without a major in psyc phd programs out of undergrad are normally pretty competetive. and reserach experience would be very helpful. and in my opionion taking a few classes in a 'highly ranked psyc program' in undergrad isn't....that big of a deal you should contact soem schools/profs at those schools to see specific reqruiements, some are more strict on requiremetns such as a certain number of credits in psyc and some are lenient in terms of udnergrad majors depends on the school/program. and i can also say highschool things don't matter when applying to grad school.......i have a near a+ psyc gpa and did poor on the gre, so youd probably have to take the gre to see how well you score on that. i know virginia is more into gres and more flexible on gpas/undergrad majors.
  10. hopefully getting ethics approval so i can start and finish my thesis in 4 months....oh btw its a 2 month study! ie. im efffeddd doing a experimental philosophy study ahh to save my sanity! social cognition and cognitive psyc health seminar, very pointless. learning how to socialize. doing a metaanalysis, ow my brain. finishing last application deciding on UK schools applying for jobs.
  11. im in undergrad and call my supervisor and profs by their 1st name maybe cuz i email them alot......and once they start signing the emails by their 1st name I reply with it i dont think its rude or im def. not trying to be! i see my profs as friends/colleagues, strange.
  12. how would you do your hair? shoudl you bring anything?
  13. gradschools a scam! i just wanna sit in a room and read aritcles! is that toomuch to ask
  14. i think both haha. psyc kids should be flawless. but i actually heard quant because of the stats invovled in reserach........yet there is lots of writing too for a phd! idont think itll be a deal breaker unless you have a 400Q and 700V
  15. lmao i ran into someone from the lab and found out the had a meeting with him at a specific time so i ....conviently dropped by at that time = )
  16. ahhh! its so easy to miss stuff like that! i felt like i kept on stumbling on more stuff ineeded throughout the application process!
  17. 3 clinical! 3 social personality and 1 cog sci where are you doing clinical? ive been told not go to into it.....itd be cool to get into one though
  18. WTOIOFifif is wrong with thsi guy i would honestly go into full outharass mode spam his email spam the emials of his lab and pro ffriends sit outside of his office all day harass the department this is soooooooooooooouncalled for
  19. !!yea im like .......i got my profs to comment on some of my reserach experiences in my SOP but one of them is fairly new and i talked about it alot and im like how do they know its real? one of the schools asked for reference to classes it was for or a letter from teh supervisor which was nice if youa re still in touch with them!
  20. well. dont have to take it sooo literally and sweeeping. when i applied to my OGS scholarship the prof who did the presentation sat on the decision board and said that is what happens. so yes it can happen. and one ofmy profs told me that typos are a deal breaking when sehs reading statements from potential students, she also told me its an indication of their writing ability that does include ability to edit/grammer i agree with you. but that is what i've been told.
  21. that has to be the most terrible feeling in the world.
  22. i am studying for finals ive never appreciated just focusing on schoolwork before its amazing.....haha.
  23. what abitititiihchc honestly. i would like.......never talk to them again. iremember my supervisor almost missed a deadline and i told my friend if he missed it i would stop my tehsis with him iwould be toooo bitter.
  24. lmao wrong school thats pretty bad!! iduno typos look bad though esp. since its just a 2pg paper. i know for scholarships i heard they disregard applicants if there is a typo in their statement because they ahve so many applications they are looking for anything and even one of my profs said the biggest thing is to proofread since part of the sop is to asses youre writing skills.......
  25. hah i meant i wasn't sure if thats what they do with the app money not that i couldnt do the math! though my math skills are pretty questionable. is that alot? that seems like a lot ot me, since i just spent over 2 grand on this whole application process.......mmm gre prep class at $1000.
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