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Everything posted by cheesethunder

  1. cheesethunder


    idunoooo where to look to be notified they should have a massive popup screen come up on the screen whenyou login to research net saying you WON! the date says today for decisions but nothings up!
  2. this is balls unsuccessful i remember hearing at myschool if you had an A- average in your last 2 years you would get it def. had an A average my last 3 years maybe one of my letter writers hate dme who knows. now to rely on cihr.....pfft like thatll happen.
  3. this is SOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo annoying eff. iduno how hard it is to release them all at once really.
  4. .
  5. think it sjust wait list, i heard alot of peopel get off the wait list since people get sshrc/nserc/cihr or go to non ontario schools
  6. SAME!!!! gah. im expecting to get this. ill be pretty sad if i dont after all this waiting and obsessive checking!
  7. i'm waiting on 2 as well, though i hear mcgill is full...they did lose my app. call them

  8. god OGS why do you make me wait FOREVERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrugghhh
  9. cheesethunder


    ugh this sucks found out deicsions arent made until JULY for the masters award way to make us wait FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR i swear this whole year has been one big waitfest.
  10. I heard the graduate program for mcgill is full........my minerva status has been "ready for review" forever now. no word from newbrunswqick for me bleh.
  11. OMG im waiting on both too th eottawa person told mae last week i'd here 'within 2 weeks' GRR
  12. is there a last possible date that schools will let you know about the status of your app or will they keep you waiting forever i keep seeing april 15th what does this mean.
  13. I'm assuming they haven't let anyone know by now? is this true? any news?
  14. Yea it is weird! But I phoned the grad studies department at Ottawa and that's what they told me that my file hasn't been reviewed yet. And the Concordia webpage said a review would be conducted shortly. I've only heard from 1 of my 7 schools! ahhh
  15. i saw on the results page that people heard back from these clincal psyc at new brunswick & concordia msg me please!
  16. no!!!! wth! is this normal?! concordia , carleton and ottawa said they havent reviewed my app yet........so maybe canadian schools are just super slow
  17. STILL WAITING for everything.
  18. I agree with the above i went to cornell and it is beautiful it has water and a nice campus the school is huge its liek a small town on the top of a hill and theres not much of anything aorund it i heard its hard to get in and out if you don't have a car because its a small area its not like there is an airport/train station also heard the winters a harsh don't know where princeton is tough tough call!!!! you shoudl so visit.....talk to the profs about the reserach i guess too?
  19. ye sthey do! i beleive thers a focus on kids contacted POI at ottawa said theyd send a letter at end of feb.
  20. this is an interesting thread. well, the majority of my research experience came from the community at a mental health hospital and a childrens hospital i worked with a clinican there........sooo if your a big research keener like me and can't get expereince at labs on campus then there are others places to look i think the gre for internationals is another thing, i know i had alot fo trouble with it i think mainly because i coudlnt wrap my head around a standardized test for grad school and on topics that weren't relevant to what i wanted to do, iheard your not supposed to study for IQ tests also that iq tests don't show any research potential one ofmy profs told me american people are more into it because they took the SATS to get into uni so they are trained/edcucated to take tests whereas peopel from other areas arent, also found it biased as some questions were not in the same metric system and referenced american political/ historicla things.......
  21. just got my yale rejection! ah.
  22. no!! im waiting on clinical at ottawa, concordia and new brunswick and experimental at mcgill, i think they tell you on the website but ihave NO IDEA where...... ughhhh
  23. the situation here........i need a new life plan seemingly haha its going to be a long semester.
  24. has anyone heard from mcgill? i saw on some results from last year that they notified you by their webpage........though I'm not sure where on the webpage it woudl say this
  25. lmao honeslty just started my thesis this week when i heard my top choices sent out their acceptances nothing like rejection for a source of motivation def. feel my life starting again
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