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Everything posted by cheesethunder

  1. ye ai get why they do it. numbe rof applications etc, but this doesn't help my poor self esteem and my terrible score it seems only american schools put so much stress on standardized tests, like SATs, canadian schools some require it but no one thinks its that big of a deal here,
  2. i'd say just do math questions in the kaplan prep book over and over and over again they ask the same math questions over and over so as long as you get the concept you should be able to solve it okay i got 50 in math every year in high school i am mathematically incompetent but i got my math score from a 430 to a 540 for my real test (which isn't good compared to most people!) haha but the kaplan 200 most used......words in flashcard form are really useful for verbal! in a month i boosted my verbal score from a 440 to a 540! yay
  3. i actually thought it was normally like this? i heard cornell psyc program only accepts 3 a year and the PNP program at Washington accepts 2-3 as well.
  4. i agree with fuzzy, thats a really good page! thanks yea i've talked to graduate students & they've advised the same thing, don't mention mental illness/ negative touchy examples keep your SOP positive open with an example of an experience that made the area important to you and base your SOP off of it
  5. i forgot when i took it that there is a highlighting tool. i find the reading comp really hard/ scary. when i wrote the test the 1st time i had 3 reading comp articles for my last sets of questions and i had no time to read/answer them! when i did it the 2nd time on my scratch paper i wrote the topic, what about the topic it was addressing, and a key point for each paragraph so i could make an easy reference to where each argument was coming from the hardest questions i thought were the ones that asked you what would the next sentence be for the last question, they all sounded good to me!
  6. cheesethunder


    is anyone applying to this and finding the website very confusing anda nnoying =/
  7. thanks!!!!!!! i will. but what exactly constitutes a good SOP? i think mine is nice but.....what do i know? haha
  8. omg i agree, i find it so weird like i studied on a daily basis from april til beginning of oct took a prep course adn still got a really low score, and i have a high A average like i am notttt lazy its not from lack of studying or trying and i am capable of doing well in math related things, scoring a 95 in my upper year stats class it is just a very strange test to me and i didnt learn anything in highschool i was one of those people who realized they were academically useful in uni so for me it was teaching myself all the math and it really bothers me when people say ohh if you dont get a 700 then you shouldnt be going to grad school, yea right or its the best indication of my intellligence/ suitable for a school psshhttttt boogusness
  9. this looks really good but maybe too long! i found mine filled up super fast!
  10. i hate ets whose genius idea was it to put standardized tests in grad school really.
  11. that sucks starring at a computer for 3hrs def. murders my eyes.......and brain.
  12. sooo i took the gre again and got like the same score typical. first time 1020 (440V, 580Q) and 2nd time 1070 (540V, 530Q). How ....bad is this lol for phd psyc program, like im going to retalk with my letter writers about how they should talk about my stats/ research experience and practical skills i can offer grad programs. and honestly this is NOT from lack of studying I've been studying on a daily basis since April and took a prep class. I am just GRE retarded. Other stats, overall 3.8 gpa, 4.0 psyc gpa (my school is on an A+ scale its .1 away from an A+, I'm hoping that will really help me out!) volunteered at a psyc lab on campus, 4 month research placement at a hospital, research assistant with thesis supervisor since January i will have one strong reference from my supevisor........and the other 2 hopefully.......they will take pity on me and write something wonderful, im asking my stats prof whose class i got 95% in, cancel out my quant score? i hope so =/ Any advice, thoughts, uplifting messages of hope!
  13. ahh iduno its hard to say its all relative to say if your SOP is weak then .....its a no go. strong LOR are alwaysneeded, also have you seen that guy's 'how i got into stanford' site? he had a B gpa and got in with a 1350 gre scores I think he was trying to say you can compensate for weaknesses in your application but really you can't 'gurantee' getting in anywhere I'm applying to ivys with a 1070 gre, 4.0 psycgpa, 3.8overall but ive been in contact with potential supervisors, visited the school, have a strong letter from one of my research assistant ships if a prof wants to work with you then hell get you in is what ive been told
  14. sooo i took the gre again and got like the same score typical. first time 1020 (440V, 580Q) and 2nd time 1070 (540V, 530Q). How ....bad is this lol for phd psyc program, like im going to retalk with my letter writers about how they should talk about my stats/ research experience and practical skills i can offer grad programs. and honestly this is NOT from lack of studying I've been studying on a daily basis since April and took a prep class. I am just GRE retarded. Other stats, overall 3.8 gpa, 4.0 psyc gpa (my school is on an A+ scale its .1 away from an A+, I'm hoping that will really help me out!) volunteered at a psyc lab on campus, 4 month research placement at a hospital, research assistant with thesis supervisor since January i will have one strong reference from my supevisor........and the other 2 hopefully.......they will take pity on me and write something wonderful, im asking my stats prof whose class i got 95% in, cancel out my quant score? i hope so =/ Any advice, thoughts, uplifting messages of hope!
  15. i know alot of people in philosophy are doing this but does anyone know.....research in psyc doing this ive looked at josh greene at harvard (i dont have the cog neuro background!) and paul bloom at yale.....anyone else? im interested in emotions, decision making, pro social behaviour! all that wonderful stuff but im havign a hard time tracking down people in the area!
  16. wow thats the first time i saw someone call carleton a good school = ) thanks! i went there for a specific program but switched out 1st year and wished I had gone to queens instead because i didn't think anyone had heard of carleton haha yea like any grad program ....is going to be competitive and you need to get in somewhere, some schools/programs have more spots than others but i only said carleton was a safety because i've talked to one of the heads of the department who said i 'would for sure get in' which is weird to hear when you haven't even applied yet. but you always hear terrible stories about people who apply to 10 schools, some teir 3 etc and dont get in anywhere....i think thats the situation im, alot of people are trying to avoid! i need a home next year!
  17. omg that happened to me the department told me that taking extra classes would bump out my horrendous 1st year classes but they still show up my transcript! and my official transcript doesn't show my calculated gpa without them = ( im hoping that they're into taking the last 20 credits or wathever....im not addressing it im using SOP and its very limited space to beef up my strengths.
  18. ahhh ilike this thread then i told him i would have to ask someone else because i needed strong letters and he looked very put off weird. also annoying one of my profs seemed very willing to write a letter so i brought him the information the next week along with my cv/sop/ etc and i wanted to go over with him my research experiences/ how their applicable so he could mention them correctly in the letter and he told me he was too busy to talk and shooooed me out of his office! and then said not to worry cuz everyone applying to grad school has weak letters! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my brain. i was thinking why did i ask youuuu ahhh regret. you are in contorl of how good your SOP is!!!! do it up as much as you can, get your friends to read it, find your journalism/english major friends, use the writing/editing service at your school get every prof youve taken a class with to read it and ask them for their honest opinion but fight for it so many of mine just told me mine was 'fine' but it was only when i ....politely demanded an explanation they gave me real pointers. reserach the school! reserach the research at the school! passion man! in words.
  19. wait what do you mean, you're reapplying to schools you rejected previously? are you applying for an MA or phd? or do you already have an MA? full funding! there is hope for me then......i was looking at commonwealth, though i think its only for phd people and i thought SSHRC you could only take the phd one elsewhere...... im in the same boat as you with not knowing what a safety school is, for me im just doing carleton for phd cog sci i used to have virginia and duke as safety schools then i realized theyre actually hard to get into! i also have concordia/ ottawaU/ newbrunswick but thats for clinical psyc which are generally hard to get into/small programs so i don't consider them safety. so yea i dont really have any safety schools =/
  20. what Canadian school are you from? also, what kind of scholarships are you applying for for the UK schools? im in the same boat Canadian wanting to go to the US/UK
  21. i have a question, which may be dumb.... why do people apply to so many schools whenever i tell profs im applying to 10 they look at me like im crazy haha like why not apply to half of htem that way you can spend more energy contacting profs reaserachign teh school writing a really well tailored SOP
  22. i was wondering this too! im like do i put my.........safety schools in? or do they wanna see who theyre competing against haha
  23. same! whats your pgroam?
  24. the only reason id say be careful is for what you want to do afterwards, the only reason im drawn to 'good' school is because i don't want to be an indebt unemployed person with a phd.......rank helps with jobs.
  25. i heard hte earlier the better i know iwanna get mine out asap!
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