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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Applied ethics (environmental ethics, animal ethics, ethics of teaching and learning), ancient philosophy, feminist philosophy.
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Philosophy PhD/MA

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  1. Thanks for the lists, Wait For It and Perpetuavix, and for the Neitzsche help, Bar_Scene!
  2. Good idea Monadology; I should probably brush up on my Latin and Greek. Dylan: Excellent idea to familiarize yourself with your professors' work. I'll add that to my list.
  3. What are you planning on doing to prepare for grad school? Are there any books/anthologies/essays you plan to read? Papers to write? Knowledge gaps to fill? I finished my undergrad two years ago and have been working in a library without taking classes for two years. I was thinking of reading (at least) some sort of extensive anthology/history of philosophy text over the summer to get myself back in the swing of things. Let me know if you have any suggestions!
  4. Strange that only one person here heard from UMass today...
  5. I suspect that I won't hear back from them until after April 15th, as their history suggests, and I suspect that I will be rejected anyway. I have an offer from another school, so I'd like to just accept that, be happy with it, and start getting prepared for September
  6. How could I?! This has been the longest weekend. UMass is the last school for me to hear back from (aside from UConn, which I've just written off). I'm so excited for all of this to come to a close
  7. Okay, we need to actually do this. We can make our own separately, or maybe make one on cafepress we can all buy.
  8. I'm still waiting to hear from McGill and UMass. TGC results had McGill's notices out on February 22nd last year. We've all waited so many months in anticipation, that even waiting one more week seems impossible Edit: I haven't heard from UConn, either, but I'm assuming that's a rejection.
  9. Hang in there, Ianfaircloud. You're a quality applicant and I know that this is slightly ridiculous thing to say, given the crap shoot that is graduate admissions, but I really do feel confident that you'll get in somewhere.
  10. Doesn't hurt to ask!
  11. Thanks, Gnothi; those are some good questions. Zizek: The climate for women actually seems pretty great (not that this is a direct indicator of a good climate, but 5/12 full time faculty are female and close to half of the graduate students are female, as well), so I'm not overly worried about that. I'll PM you.
  12. I'm about to write some emails to the current grad students at SUNY Albany so I can get their opinions about the program and better understand the climate of the department. What are some good questions to ask? EDIT: I also live about an hour away from Albany; would it be weird to request getting coffee or meeting up in person?
  13. I have nothing to contribute to this thread about tablets, but I came here to tell Akrates that I love his username, and I now really regret not registering my username in Greek.
  14. Thank you!
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