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    International Relations MA

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  1. Thanks, I will probably apply to a handful of schools this cycle to see the outcome and reapply later on if need be.
  2. @hj2012 Thank you so much for your advice on fellowships to fund graduate school. I am actually working with the office of national scholarships at my university to create applications for practically all of the opportunities that you suggested. I really appreciate your input and assistance. @leon32 Thanks for the clarification. I feel that going straight out of undergraduate would hinder my funding opportunities as well as fitting in with my older peers at these graduate programs. Would it be fine to apply to graduate schools this upcoming cycle and then if i do not like my outcome(acceptances/funding), I could take some time off to work and reapply after a year or two?
  3. @chocolatecheesecake Thanks for the advice about looking for "second-rung" schools that fit my graduate school interests. I will definitely start looking at the USNews and other ranking lists to compare schools. I plan to get in contact with some of the faculty at my school's Poli Sci department to gain additional suggestions and opinions on these schools. @Busen Honeydew Thank you for the useful link to decisions for the government affairs thread. I have been scavenging through these forms to see the outcome and funding that similarly situation applicants have received in their respective cycles. It definitely appears that having professional work experience prior to applying to graduate school can drastically improve your funding. I have also see alot about LBJ, Korbel, and Maxwell in this thread and will do some independent research on those programs. @leon32 Thank you for the life advice on gaining experience prior to graduate school not just for improving my application but for helping me to figure out where my interests really stand. If you don't mind me asking, did you go straight from your undergraduate to a TOP graduate school without any professional experience? I know it can be done but wanted to see how your experience has been thus far.
  4. @lbjane Thank you very much for your insight on debt and budget management. This was very important question that I forgot to inquire about in my original post. Fortunately, I will be completing my undergraduate degree debt-free. For graduate school, I am planning to finance that through fellowships, outside scholarships, and loans. However, I would be more than willing to reapply to schools if I do not receive sufficient funding to minimize my debt. Gaining professional experience seems to be the path that will offer me the most opportunities and insight to the future. I will definitely be dropping by the office of the financial counselor at my university ti discuss funding for graduate school as well as loan repayment strategies. I would definitely agree with checking out some of the schools a level below the top tier to increase my chances for obtaining greater funding. Do you have any suggestions for these schools, the only ones my adviser and other Poli Sci staff have recommended would be Ohio State and Pittsburgh. Thanks for all of your help, I greatly appreciate it!
  5. Hello Government Affairs, I am a rising undergraduate senior who is interested in applying to a multitude of graduate school programs to pursue a Masters in International Relation/Development. I wanted to share my statistics and experiences on here to see if anyone had any advice for strengthening my application, any program/school suggestions based on my interest, and any of advice if it would be best to take some time off after undergraduate to gain more experience. Considering applying to: HKS, Tufts Fletcher, JHU Sais, Columbia Sipa, Georgetown SFS, American SIS, GW Elliot Profile: Undergraduate Institution: Top 20 Public University(USA) Major: Political Science Minors: Human Rights, English GPA: 3.80 (should increase once I receive Spring 2014 grades) GRE: Will be taking in September(Kaplan GRE PREP class this summer) University Honors Scholar(Honors College) Undergraduate Thesis on refugee education(2014-2015 Academic Year) Graduating in May 2015 Awards: College of Liberal Arts and Science Deans List: All semesters(six) University Leadership Scholarship:1/2 tuition scholarship for all 4 years University Scholar Award:Maintaining at least a 3.7 GPA for two consecutive semesters University Social Science Research Grant(Spring 2014): $2000 Human Rights Research Grant(Summer 2014): $1000 Political Science Honors Department Research Grant: $1250 Alpha Lambda Delta National Freshman Honor Society(Fall 2011) Golden key International Honour Society, which signifies that I am in the Top 15 % of my class (Spring 2012) Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization (fall 2012) American Political Science Association(APSA) National Conference:Poster Presenter Activities: Research Intern and Project Lead at respected Foreign Policy Think Tank(Washington DC, Summer 2013) Honors Research Assistant for Professor In Poli Sci Department (Fall 2013-Present) Research Assistant for well-known Political Public Opinion Institute(Fall 2014) Research Intern at HKS(International Development)(Summer 2014) Research Intern at International NGO in Middle East(Summer 2014) University Model United Nations Director(UNICEF and Human Rights Council) University Newspaper - Staff Writer Political Blog:- Foreign Affairs Staff Writer University Student Government- Senator Residential Hall Association: Vice President University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Student Representative on Board of Directors Community Outreach: Alternative Spring Break Trips to New Orleans, Louisiana and Tampa, Florida University Medical Center- Volunteer International Relations Organization: Secretary Many more unrelated extracurricular activities such as freshmen mentoring and intramural sports. Quantitative Courses: Micro Economics(A) Macro Economics(A) Calculus 1(A -) Statistics 1010(A) Statistics 2215(A) Poli Sci Quantitative research methods(A) Graduate Statistical Analysis Course at Duke University(A) Additional skills: Languages: English(Native), French(Fluent), Arabic(Beginner) Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, Minitab, R, STATA, and I will be learning SPSS this summer. Saxophonist: Have played for seven years with Concert and Jazz Bands including performing at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Future Career Aspirations: Political Officer in the Foreign Services at the U.S. State Department, NGO worker in International Relations, or possibly work at an IR think tank abroad. If anyone has any suggestions about what schools I should be looking at with my credentials thus far, I would love to hear them. Does anyone have any suggestions for skills, programs, or experiences that I can improve or participate in to strengthen my application for the upcoming cycle? Also would anyone recommend me taking time off prior to graduate school in order to strengthen my application? (Peace Corps, International Volunteer, Teach English Abroad). Thank you for reading this and I can't wait to hear from you all. I hope the end of your semesters and application cycles are treating you well. Have a fantastic summer!
  6. @WinterSolstice Thank you very much for your insightful response. I will definitely be posting in the AM I Competitive thread on this forum. Also I figured that gaining professional experience prior to applying to graduate school would benefit my applications as well as help to narrow down my interests. My list of schools are generally the top programs in the field: HKS, Tufts Fletcher, JHU SAIS, Columbia SIPA, Georgetown SFS, GW Elliot, and American SIS. I am aware that all of these programs love applicants with professional experience, however, there are some applicants accepted straight out of undergraduate. @chocolatecheesecake Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I would definitely agree that seeking out professional experience will be greatly beneficial to my future career. If taking a year or two office between undergraduate and graduate, does it matter exactly what kind of experiences you have? I would assume that it would be beneficial to try to work in the field related to what you want to pursue in graduate school. I will start looking more into the concentrations offered at these schools/programs and the faculty that I would like to work with. Thanks again for all of your help.
  7. Hello Government Affairs, I am a rising undergraduate senior who is interested in applying to a multitude of graduate school programs to pursue a Masters in International Relation/Development. I wanted to share my statistics and experiences on here to see if anyone had any advice for strengthening my application, any program/school suggestions based on my interest, and any of advice if it would be best to take some time off after undergraduate to gain more experience. Profile: Undergraduate Institution: Top 20 Public University(USA) Major: Political Science Minors: Human Rights, English GPA: 3.80 (should increase once I receive Spring 2014 grades) GRE: Will be taking in September(Kaplan GRE PREP class this summer) University Honors Scholar(Honors College) Undergraduate Thesis on refugee education(2014-2015 Academic Year) Graduating in May 2015 Awards: College of Liberal Arts and Science Deans List: All semesters(six) University Leadership Scholarship:1/2 tuition scholarship for all 4 years University Scholar Award:Maintaining at least a 3.7 GPA for two consecutive semesters University Social Science Research Grant(Spring 2014): $2000 Human Rights Research Grant(Summer 2014): $1000 Political Science Honors Department Research Grant: $1250 Alpha Lambda Delta National Freshman Honor Society(Fall 2011) Golden key International Honour Society, which signifies that I am in the Top 15 % of my class (Spring 2012) Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization (fall 2012) American Political Science Association(APSA) National Conference:Poster Presenter Activities: Research Intern and Project Lead at respected Foreign Policy Think Tank(Washington DC, Summer 2013) Honors Research Assistant for Professor In Poli Sci Department (Fall 2013-Present) Research Assistant for well-known Political Public Opinion Institute(Fall 2014) Research Intern at HKS(International Development)(Summer 2014) Research Intern at International NGO in Middle East(Summer 2014) University Model United Nations Director(UNICEF and Human Rights Council) University Newspaper - Staff Writer Political Blog:- Foreign Affairs Staff Writer University Student Government- Senator Residential Hall Association: Vice President University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Student Representative on Board of Directors Community Outreach: Alternative Spring Break Trips to New Orleans, Louisiana and Tampa, Florida University Medical Center- Volunteer International Relations Organization: Secretary Many more unrelated extracurricular activities such as freshmen mentoring and intramural sports. Quantitative Courses: Micro Economics(A) Macro Economics(A) Calculus 1(A -) Statistics 1010(A) Statistics 2215(A) Poli Sci Quantitative research methods(A) Graduate Statistical Analysis Course at Duke University(A) Additional skills: Languages: English(Native), French(Fluent), Arabic(Beginner) Computer Skills: Microsoft Office, Minitab, R, STATA, and I will be learning SPSS this summer. Saxophonist: Have played for seven years with Concert and Jazz Bands including performing at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Future Career Aspirations: Political Officer in the Foreign Services at the U.S. State Department, NGO worker in International Relations, or possibly work at an IR think tank abroad. If anyone has any suggestions about what schools I should be looking at with my credentials thus far, I would love to hear them. I have roughly made a list with my adviser and mentors but I would love to hear additional suggestions and recommendations.' Does anyone have any suggestions for skills, programs, or experiences that I can improve or participate in to strengthen my application for the upcoming cycle? Also would anyone recommend me taking time off prior to graduate school in order to strengthen my application? (Peace Corps, International Volunteer, Teach English Abroad). Thank you for reading this and I can't wait to hear from you all. I hope the end of your semesters and application cycles are treating you well. Have a fantastic summer!
  8. Hey guys, Thanks for all of the advice. I am definitely learning towards a MA in International Relations because I really want to work in the Foreign Service or abroad at an NGO. The department at my school has been trying to shift me towards getting a PHD for a variety of reasons and I just wanted to see what my chances were. However, I think these responses and my interests would best be aligned with pursuing a Masters program. Thanks again.
  9. Hello all, I am an undergraduate student(Junior) looking to apply to graduate school for the Fall of 2015. I am currently looking into Political Science PHD programs. I am really looking for advice on how to strengthen my prospective application for Top graduate programs. As well as suggestions of schools based on my credentials thus far. Hoping to ultimately work as a Foreign Service Officer, Think Tanker, or at an NGO. Planning on taking my GRE in the fall. College Stats: Undergraduate Junior at TOP 20 Public University Major: Political Science % Human Rights Minor: English 3.8 GPA(80 credits), University Honors program & Honors Credits Deans list all 5 semesters so far. Humanities Research Grant($2000) Human Rights Internship Grant($2500) University Academic Scholarship(1/2 tuition for all four years) University Scholar Award(2013)- Having above a 3.7 for two consecutive semesters Alpha Lambda Delta(Freshmen Honors Society) Golden Key Society Honors Senior Thesis(will be working on it next year) - Middle Eastern Refugee Camp Education programs International Relations Pro-Seminar(Graduate Course within Department) URM(If that counts for anything in grad school admissions) ECs: Honors Research Assistant(Fall 2013- Present) Research Intern and Project Lead for a Top U.S. Think Tank(Summer 2013) UNESCO Human Rights Student Intern/Ambassador(Spring 2014) Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intern(Summer 2014) Vice President of Residential Hall Council University Newspaper Staff Writer Political Website Foreign Affairs Writer University Medical Center Volunteer(2 years) Model United Nations Committee Director(2 years) Youth Ministry Leader(2 years) Law Society(Secretary) International Relations Association(member) Red Cross Club Alternative Spring Break Trip Coordinator(Tampa 2013, New Orleans 2014) Symphonic Band(Saxophone for 7 years, performed at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall) University Leadership Cohort(Top 15 Undergraduate Leaders on Campus) University Student Government Senator Town Council Board Member Captain Intramural Soccer Team(Fall 2013) Additional Information: Language Skills: Fluent in English, French. Conversational: Arabic Elementary: Mandarin Chinese, Spanish Computer Skills:: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Minitab, R, and research skills International Studies Association-Northeast Conference Attendee(Nov 2013) National Student Leadership Conference(NSLC) Attendee Also may take a gap after Undergraduate to do Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or teach English Abroad. Thank You all in advance, hope you are having a great weekend.
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