Obviously, I'm not an expert, but the email another alternate posted said that there was no traditional waitlist, but rather they put on people who matched the type of candidate who withdrew. So I'm not sure if Fulbright would know.
Well, they have funds specifically set aside for research, but it isn't a ton (I think the number I was was $500-1000?). But yes, I hope all alternates get bumped up!
Oh, no no no! I know nothing. I was just noticing how there haven't been any notifications (at least on this forum) and I was hoping that meant a big group was being notified. I don't know if that is the case. Maybe they have no countries to notify today *shrugs*
Ah, I see! Yeah, I started my app in May and finished the first week of September for my internal deadline, but I mainly only changed some wording thereafter.
Germany pretty much always notified this week...really hoping they don't do it late!
Side note: what does the highlighted blue mean on the spreadsheet?