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Everything posted by Horb

  2. Friend told me. They were not selected
  3. I would email the contact for your region.
  4. Apparently Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean are notifying!
  5. Obviously, I'm not an expert, but the email another alternate posted said that there was no traditional waitlist, but rather they put on people who matched the type of candidate who withdrew. So I'm not sure if Fulbright would know.
  6. I might email...is that weird?
  7. Thanks for trying!
  8. Well, they have funds specifically set aside for research, but it isn't a ton (I think the number I was was $500-1000?). But yes, I hope all alternates get bumped up!
  9. Whoa. So we really should be hearing a ton in the next week or so!
  10. Current Fulbright Feels:
  11. Oh, no no no! I know nothing. I was just noticing how there haven't been any notifications (at least on this forum) and I was hoping that meant a big group was being notified. I don't know if that is the case. Maybe they have no countries to notify today *shrugs*
  12. https://us.fulbrightonline.org/contact-us Just find the person that matches your region!
  13. ...did you happen to learn who they were working on? Although the person that does Europe doesn't do Germany soooo
  14. No notifications today! I hope they are doing a big one like Spain ETA or something.
  15. They said it passed or was near
  16. Fulbright usually has some extra funds!
  17. Ah, I see! Yeah, I started my app in May and finished the first week of September for my internal deadline, but I mainly only changed some wording thereafter.
  18. Whoa! Why did you submit it so early?
  19. If they were open yesterday, they should be open today.
  20. Germany pretty much always notified this week...really hoping they don't do it late! Side note: what does the highlighted blue mean on the spreadsheet?
  21. Does anyone know when they open? Or when the earliest release of results is?
  22. Had a dream last night that my subject line said PNSA. Not sure what that means, but thanks subconscious.
  23. If anyone calls, let Us know and for which grant, please!
  24. Just lost power and internet
  25. Also, the masses want to know: did you tell your mom?
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