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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. I'm doing the final edits on my MA thesis and I find myself distracted checking my phone every two or three minutes for updates on waitlists. It has earned me pity on the Jane Austen paper I cobbled together in two hours, though. :P


    Haha you and I are in the same boat. I’m frantically trying to finish my Master’s thesis while trying to avoid checking my email to see if I’m in off a waitlist. It’s driving me crazy. 

  2. UK Master’s are looked upon fondly by research institutions/top schools in the US. This is partially because they are, as has been stated, programs that emphasize a research component, but any sort of “study abroad” experience is highly valued because it shows that you make a conscious effort to culture yourself.


    When I did my first Master’s in English (which I’m currently finishing), I applied to a bunch of UK schools, was admitted, but couldn’t go because of funding. This time around, though, I’m likely doing a second MA in Film Studies from a UK university and was able to get a good chunk of my tuition covered--so it is possible :)


    Overall, though, UK masters are looked upon very fondly by PhD adcomms. 

  3. Not April Foolsing here...Today, April 1st, is my birthday. Do you know how I’m spending it? Pulling an all-nighter to finish writing a chapter of my thesis, attending a meeting to help organize an undergrad English symposium, teaching a class, and then immediately settling down to edit another chapter of my thesis.


    Grad school sucks. Haha. I want cake. 

  4. Officially accepted my offer from the University of East Anglia! :)


    As hard as it was to turn down my couple of PhD offers, I think having a second MA in Film Studies (which I can complete in 8-10 months) from an internationally ranked program is going to open up a lot of options for programs that I hadn’t previously considered. Also, now that I know where I went wrong with this years’ applications, I’m optimistic that I’ll get into PhD programs that I’m more enthusiastic about next year. 


    Woohoo! :)

  5. Anyone else have programs who sent no response emails at all? UC Riverside has made zero contact. I only found out about decisions through the GradCafe's results page and so I checked my application status. That was weeks ago and they have still sent no official email or letter. Makes me feel like I fell through the cracks and I regret the application fee. 


    Am I being too sensitive or have other people encountered similar? 


    According to Heidi Hackel and the office assistant (whose name I can’t remember), all offers and waitlist offers for Riverside have been extended. There have been delays in the grad school office itself in sending out rejections. Dr. Hackel specifically said that the backlog of rejections may take weeks to get out.  Sorry! 

  6. I just accepted an offer.


    There is no emoticon for how weird that feels.  4 app seasons paying off, and I'm scared shitless, and ecstatic, and...yeah.


    Now, I share a video someone posted last year that sums up this whole stupid never-ending anxiety attack...


    ETA: then I cock up the code and decide to just post a link...



    No words necessary, my friend. Jessie Spano says it all.


    CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) That’s so absolutely wonderful.

  7. Well... I'm just curious as to if there really is a one-size fits all.  I sort of think it depends on where you are in your career.  I said "opportunity" because I value the whole experience of going. 1Q84 is an MA student according to the forum, so say for instance that the grad conf was at 1Q84's dream school and they were flying in 1Q84's second "top POI" to be the keynote speaker  from his/her second dream school. Would the opportunity to work extra close with a few folks that really matter outweigh the conference "prestige"? 

    Just curious.  


    General rules area always meant to be broken :)

  8. House Hunters and Property Brothers on HGTV (home and garden channel)


    These are unpopular?? Ahhh. My whole life is a lie. I guess I’d better start deleting all the episodes off my DVR :( 


    I’m OBSESSED. 


    I’m also obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. 

  9. Last semester was my first in my current program, and I took mostly core requirements to get them out of the way. On my final for one class my professor gave me a grade for the paper (an "A minus") and a grade for the class ("A"). However, when my final grades came through my grade for that class was listed as an A-. I e-mailed my professor about it, and he said it was an error (despite the fact he actually writes the word "minus" rather than putting a "-" next to the grade) and that the A- was my actual grade. This has been bugging me, especially considering I never got my participation or group discussion grades (I had perfect, on-time attendence and my group discussions met/exceeded all the requirements listed in the syllabus), so I did the math and my numbers match the grade I was initially told, not what was put into my transcript.


    All that being said, I discussed this with a member of my cohort who was an UG here and she advised against appealing the grade to avoid the associated "politics" (the professor who gave me the grade is the chair of my department, tenured, and the sort who can hold grude). As much as it bothers me, it would make my life *much* easier to just let this one go. I'm applying to PhD programs this fall, though, and, I'm worried a 3.9/4.0 could be the difference between an admit/deny or a funded/unfunded. I'm doing conferences and participating on campus/submitting to journals, which I'm hoping will help my case.


    Is an A- the kiss of death or am I being an ultra-paranoid applicant?


    Any feedback is welcome!


    I agree with others here that an A- isn’t going to kill you, but I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I killed myself (obviously not literally...that would have been a hell of a course requirement) to keep my 4.0 throughout grad school and I would have been FURIOUS if a professor pulled this.


    I feel for ya. 

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