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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. Whoever was dealing with Irvine, I sympathize. I called about a week ago becasue one of my LOR writers was in an accident and was told they didn't have my transcripts either. The grad coordinator basically said they wouldn't even review the application and it was too late to send them in. (WTF???? WHY WOULD YOU TELL STUDENTS NOT TO CONTACT YOU BEFORE FEB 1, BUT THROW THEIR APPS OUT BEFORE THEN???) I mean, this guy was adamant that there was no way they would even look at my app. On the off chance it would do something I emailed the admissions chair (Jerome Christensen) who was really nice and told me they would consider my application. In fact, he said several people on the committee had expressed interest and were disappointed that my app was incomplete. (which completely contradicts what the grad coordinator told me).

    I was  told to get everything in on Jan 21st becasue that was the admissions meeting.

    Of course, this was at 3 on Friday, Jan 21 was a Tuesday and that Monday was MLK day. So I panicked, trying to think of any way to get my transcripts on time. Once again the grad. coordinator told me If I couldn't get them in by 8 am on Jan 21 I was screwed. After having a nervous breakdown, I emailed Prof. Christensen again and he told me not to worry about it, they would still review the app.

    At any rate, I was told the FINAL meeting was on Jan 21. But based on previous years and the fact NO ONE has heard yet, I'm questioning that. But I don't know. The weird thing is, Irvine had my GRE scores right away. I never even sent them from ETS. In fact, I got an email inviting me to apply--but I don't know that it was specific to English. I did get a 169V, but my quant and analytical were terrible (although I kind of flouted the analytical on purpose because it was so stupid and I know it means nothing.)

    Ok--off topic. If anyone hears anything from Irvine please post!


    I was also recruited by Irvine based on GRE scores. As such, I called to see if I still needed to send mine. The department told me that they don’t have your actual GRE scores when they recruit you; they receive a list from ETS for students who score in the 90th percentile or above. You are still required to send them in.


    If they already had yours, that is an awesome bonus. :) I wonder how that happened. 

  2. I applied to UC-Irvine, UPenn and The U of MN (English PhD.) So really, this is all about UC-Irvine, because there is so little chance at getting into UPenn and I don't really want to go to the U of M ( but my whole family is here and my dad is in poor health. ANYWAY, any info about these programs is super helpful. I know I'm qualified-- I had a 3.9 in my grad work at UW-Madison, I have a 169 Verbal for the GRE-- but I'm sure everyone else does too, probably along with a Nobel Prize or two. Any response is appreciated.


    I think we’re all in the same boat. If Grad Cafe is representative of most applicants (which it likely is), it seems like all of us are applying to Irvine. =/ That makes me nervous. That being said, your grad credentials and GRE are super strong and I think you have as good of chance as any. I know how you feel, though....when most schools ranked in the Top 50 accept less than 10% of applicants, it’s really anyone’s game. Best of luck. Fingers crossed that we’ll both be at Irvine next year! 


    I applied to Connecticut's MA in English, Delaware's MA in English, Albany's PhD in English, and Stony Brooks PhD in English. I honestly have no idea what my chances are-- I have a strong GPA, writing sample, statement and letters.. just not crazy about my scores. 


    GRE scores are important, but I’ve heard that they are used more to discount unqualified applicants, but they don’t really “help” all that much. As long as you didn’t bomb the test (lower than like 80% verbal), I think you’ll be fine :)

  3. I saw that this was for Irvine, but I have also sent my GRE scores to Berkeley twice now and they still aren't showing as "received" -- maybe it's just a UC thing?


    This one I might be a little more concerned about as they update their website fairly regularly and tend to post admissions/rejections notifications during the first or second week of February. Plus, they average between 600-700 applications every year, so they are less likely to contact applicant with missing info.


    I would call them on Monday. They are actually really nice to talk to. My GRE scores hadn’t posted by the end of December, so I called them and we made sure everything was in the clear. With Berkeley, I’d always say better safe than sorry. 

  4. I'm an east coast person (mainly, trying to move out there seems very terrifying) and my favorite professor works at a different uni. I'm kind of overwhelmed with the process, as an undergrad with only one published work and a few awards, I don't feel I'm as competitive as the MA students. But if I don't get in, I guess I can stay for a year and do more research at my undergrad uni and give it another go next year. 

    I’m sure you’ll end up where you want to, or at least at a wonderful university! Best of luck! 

  5. They said not to call about it until February 1st or later on the website for missing materials. I was thinking of calling then (so as to respect their website deadline) and ask if they received it/if it would mean my application is going to be automatically rejected. I'm just hoping it'll at least get reviewed.


    This sounds like an Irvine application. In that case, I’d wait until February 1st. Looking back on the history of these boards, they don’t typically send out notifications until late-February/early March. You should be okay. 

  6. Well as great as your advice is (total sarcasm) I will NOT avoid dating. I don't know how long it would take to fix that "laundry list of problems" but some of is don't have that kind of time, so thanks but no thanks. My biggest problem is that I'm not in a relationship... That is the only problem I am having at the moment. Also you didn't HAVE to read this mind numbing, asinine nonsensical post , I definitely could have done without the "feminist" perspective;)

    I will say though I am slowing down the dating because I will be moving in the Fall and there's no reason to start a relationship now. It would be nice to have one for Valentines Day and through the summer for like country concerts but hey oh well, there's always next year


    This post makes an excellent case for all those out there studying Rhetoric and Composition. If this girl’s ability to argue serves as an exemplar of the rest of her generation (which, sadly, is also mine. Though I am 25...ancient by her standards), I foresee tenure track positions popping up in universities across the nation. 


    On a completely unrelated note, I’m beginning to understand why acceptance rates for graduate programs are so low. 


  7. Question: one of my GRE scores reports did not go out for some reason. I have it as ordered, but as it apparently didn't get there or there was a mix up, I sent another one. Should I bother calling the school and explain, or should I just accept that I'm going to get outright rejected as the deadline was a few weeks ago? Are the GREs that big of deal if already reported on my application? 


    I would email (or call, if your program is okay with that) the school immediately, let them know what happened, and make sure they know that you already sent over a new copy. Sometimes schools will look over your application with just your self-reported scores, but if they have “Official GRE scores” listed as a requirement, then you are going to need them before they will finish evaluating your application. Good luck!

  8. I think CorruptedInnocence and her fifteen pages of mind numbing, asinine posts just turned me into a feminist. 


    Genuine advice: you shouldn’t be dating ANYONE until you sort out your priorities and gain a good amount of self esteem. Don’t drag anyone else into your laundry list of problems. 


    I just hope you didn’t write all of this nonsense in your Statement of Purpose. 

  9. Quick question... one of the departments that I applied to contacted me and let me know that one of my recommendation letters didn't upload.  My adviser quickly resent the info.  However, is this usually a good sign?  I mean, would the department usually take the time to email applicants that an item was missing from their application if they weren't interested?  Thanks!


    I somewhat disagree with the previous posts. I think it isn’t always a good sign, obviously, but it can be. On one of my applications, for example, I accidentally uploaded my Personal History Statement twice instead of uploading my Statement of Purpose. The director of graduate studies contacted me a few days later and told me that she had “read my application with interest” and wanted to make sure the error was corrected before it went to review because she felt like “I would be an excellent fit to [their] program, regardless of a one-time error.”


    So, again, I think it really just depends on the situation and how strong the rest of your application is. 


    Best of luck!

  10. I love my iPad Air. It’s the perfect laptop for an academic and writer (just like all of us here). I am pretty rough on mine--I’ve dropped it about a dozen times in the last two years--and there still isn’t a dent on it. It’s easy to transport and functions perfectly. It also runs both pages and Microsoft word, so it is easy to take it to conferences and use PowerPoint and Keynote. 

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