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    Early Modern South Asia
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall

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  1. I am disabled so I am also sometimes in this situation. First, disability and chronic illness does count as "diversity." But when applying for fellowships, you need to pay attention to the specific language of each individual fellowship. Some fellowships might specify that they want to support students of color. Others might specify that they want to support first-generation students. Still more might just ask for anyone with a "diverse perspective" or other generic language. If the fellowship falls into the latter category, then yes, you are eligible. You can make a case for yourself in the application materials. And if you really aren't sure, just reach out to the granting institution and ask!
  2. Award recipients have only just begun to receive paperwork asking us to accept or decline awards, so I suspect alternates may begin to hear about their places over the next month or so.
  3. Are any other rejected finalists still waiting to get feedback on their application? I sent an email to the IDRF a week ago and haven't heard back.
  4. No, my name is not on the website.
  5. Thanks
  6. Congratulations! Did your letter say how many awards were issued this year?
  7. Just got rejected. ? Huge bummer knowing I won't be able to apply again.
  8. I haven't heard anything yet so I'm guessing Monday. It looks like in previous years that's when the announcements have gone out.
  9. Well, it turns out that unfortunately this year's fellows will actually be the last. The Mellon foundation has stopped funding the program. For clarity, if you applied this year, you can still win funding. But there will be no application this fall or thereafter. Here's the announcement: https://www.ssrc.org/programs/idrf/idrf-announcement/
  10. Just learned that I received the fellowship! Hope you got good news, too.
  11. Apparently alternates have been named; I haven't heard one way or the other about acceptance/rejection.
  12. I'll let you know when I hear.
  13. Does anyone know when award recipients and alternates are likely to be announced?
  14. I'm also waiting to hear... any news on this yet?
  15. Find out what the Grad School's parental leave/other leave policies are. I don't know what the school is, but it may be in the Grad School Bulletin or Student Handbook. It should be somewhere on their website. If you can't find anything, email someone in the Dean's office to ask for clarification. In my experience, the admin are likely to be more supportive or neutral about students taking leave, whereas faculty/programs may be a little more stingy. (Of course, some programs are entirely supportive.) Be aware that whatever is listed in the school Bulletin/Handbook is the official policy regardless of what anyone else tells you. (I work in a graduate Dean's office.)
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