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Everything posted by candynut

  1. I know of a professor who does voice research at NYMC. I would contract that program and maybe check it out in person the next time you're in NYC.
  2. I just got accepted into my waitlisted school! Waiters rejoice! I'm super happy about getting in, but I'm almost as happy just not be waiting anymore!! Good luck everyone!
  3. Other than stats, I took mine 10-12 years ago (woah, when did I get so old? ) and my grad school says I have all my prereqs covered, so I guess it doesn't matter.
  4. They were not CSDCAS schools. None of mine were, so I don't really know if that makes a difference with reporting GRE scores.
  5. I took the GRE two years before I applied because that's when I had time. I sent the score to three schools back then and they all still had them when I applied.
  6. Are the USU online classes available during the 7 week session? At USU, you can take as many or as few classes as you want at a time. I would register for what you hope to be able to do courseload wise, and keep the drop deadline in mind. You can always drop after the first week or so once you see the syllabus, do the first reading assignment, and get an idea of what you can handle. You can always start with only 1 class the first semester to see if the online format works for you. I only took 2-3 classes at a time so I could do some volunteer work, maintain my GPA, and keep up with family responsibilities, with no job. But, you always hear about the people who just had triplets, work, and still get their postbacc done in a year.
  7. Here's a related grad school question, but at least a minor distraction from Decision 2015 for you. What does everyone like to do about textbooks? Do you buy new and keep forever? Have you tried eTextbooks? Do you sell back? I've always bought used and sold them back at the end of the semester. But for my stats class I had to buy a looseleaf book that was brand new and I could never return. Expensive, but it was nice to have no other marks in the book and so fun to take notes right in the margins that made it super easy to study (my teacher followed the text pretty closely). Usually I'm really careful to keep my books in great condition so I can sell them back. I think I would like to keep my grad books for reference, but they take up so much space and there is always new research coming out that will outdate old texts. I would love eTextbooks for the searching capabilities (so often I remember a phrase that I need to find and I can remember where on a page the phrase is, but I can't find the right page!!), and just because it takes up no physical storage space on my bookshelves or in my bag. But, I don't love reading on a screen. Anybody found their textbook sweet spot?
  8. Can't wait to hear! I was waitlisted last year. I'm pretty sure the acceptances went out the Thursday before spring break and then others started to hear on Friday. I've applied to more than one school this year and already been accepted, so I'm not as crazy anxious as I was last year, but still dying to hear! Good luck to everyone!
  9. I would say go for it. In my waitlisted email, the school specifically said they would be happy to let waiters know their rank on the list after they come back from spring break. Only 6 more days to see how much of a chance I have left!
  10. Thanks! I thought maybe it would be waitlist since so many people got either acceptances or rejections yesterday. Congratulations to you too and good luck with your other schools!
  11. Well, I've been waitlisted. The email said I can call back after spring break to see what number I am. I think there is a lot of movement on the UT wait list, so there is still a chance. It's been an emotional 24 hours!
  12. Sorry to hear that SweetPea! My application is not updated yet!! I am d y i n g! My heart stated pounding and my hands started shaking when I saw notices, but none for me yet. Freaking out! And it looks like the ones who have been accepted so far are their own undergrads, so maybe I have no hope. But you are right. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen.
  13. I'm not applying to UO, but I am also only applying to one school this year. I have kids who go to an awesome school and a husband with a great job, so I can't uproot everyone. I wasn't even going to apply this year, but I decided to just go for it and I'll expand to a couple other programs with a long commute and an online option or two next year if it doesn't pan out. Good luck!!!
  14. These are not so much about grad school as just an indicator of my frame of mind - I keep having dreams where I am handling fragile items that end up completely shattering. I've had two separate dreams where I end up breaking dozens of eggs and then another dream where I shattered a huge stack of delicate drinking glasses.
  15. I was just thinking about rewatching Lost to help the time pass. I watched faithfully as it came out (a completely different experience when it takes years to watch!) and rewatched it once already. Love it! Do committees work over spring break? I'm not sure how many decisions I expect the grad school committees to make when classes are not in session. Do they get extra work done or go on vacation?
  16. Is anyone brave enough to call UT Austin to see if they think they'll really tell us before spring break? I sure hope they do, but I think it ended up being the last week in a March last year.
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