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Posts posted by Appsitude

  1. I agree with everyone else - WashU is definitely on the same level as Columbia. Research fit + finding a place where you could be happy is 100x more important than the name of the school you attend (or whether it is an Ivy or not). It sounds like WashU would be perfect for you!

  2. I kept mine short and sweet -- a thank you for having them take time out of their day to meet with me + a reaffirmation of my interest in their research/the program. Not all PIs will respond (some will wait until you get accepted) and it is very unlikely it will have an effect on your admission's decision, but it is a nice gesture and can keep you in contact with faculty that could end up playing a significant part in your grad career.

  3. If the ticket has not been bought yet, you can usually decline with no repercussions. However, there is the possibility that they have already booked your hotel. Just give the program coordinator a shout and I'm sure they'll work it out. If they have bought your ticket, they may be able to get a refund if you cancer -- once again just talk to the program coordinator.


    There are usually 2-3 people who cancel every recruitment weekend (for us at least) -- it tends not to be a big deal.

  4. A cautionary tale with this line of thinking:


    If you go to school with the intention of working with a specific PI, be ready to face the consequences if/when this doesn't work out. Plenty of things can happen which could interfere with this and potentially leave you at a school that really isn't a perfect fit for you.


    Some of these things include:

    1) The PI moves institutions. Northwestern is a great institute, but it is possible a school such as Harvard, MIT, CalTech, Stanford, etc. could poach that PI.

    2) The PI stops accepting grad students by the time you want to join the lab. This is less likely, but it has happened before to people I know.

    3) You may not be happy working with that PI/in that PI's lab.

    4) The PI's research focus may shift away from what you are interested in.

    5) The PI may hit a dry spell publishing. Granted, this could happen with any PI but just because someone is publishing a ton currently you do not know what the future may hold.


    The choice is up to you, but it is important to make an informed decision (which it definitely seems like you are doing). If you think UChicago is the perfect fit for you and could see you spending your graduate career there - then go for it. Besides, I feel like you can find similar quality PIs at UC that could offer you all of the benefits of a prolific mentor without the associated risks. Take the whole package into consideration when deciding -- deciding based on only one factor such as a specific PI or how a program ranks is a recipe for disaster in most circumstances. Regardless, this is a pretty great dilemma to have as you have two great options for a PhD.


    Good luck with your decision!

  5. I agree with this in general, but most of the time I was specifically asked if I have any questions about the program, much more often than I was asked if I "have any questions" in general (which could mean about the professor's research, etc.). In this case, I think it's important to have a few questions in mind, because it's often hard to produce these kinds of questions on the spot with the pressure of the interview, and you run the risk of looking unprepared or uninterested in the program if you don't have anything to ask.


    Asking questions about the program is a perfect way to show you're interested and excited and is the easiest way to impress your interviewers. Doing research beforehand on certain things specific to the program (such as a unique teaching opportunity that would be available to you) and asking well thought out questions about those things will show that you are not only interested in the program, but that you have also done your research on the place you are applying.


    What I did is ask questions about the PI's/student's research as the questions came up when they were discussing their research. Then, at the end of the interview, when I was asked what other questions I may have I asked my prepared questions about the program to end on a positive note. A lot of the time this segued into the interviewer using whatever specific thing I asked about to try to recruit me into the program. It is a fantastic way to not only impress your interviewer but also to learn valuable information about the program.


    Beyond all this, however, simply having an intelligent conversation with the PI/student you are talking to is usually enough to get a good recommendation from that person without necessarily wowing them.


    One other thing while we are on the topic of faculty interviews: Ask your student host about the PI's you are interviewing with. Seriously. UCSF has one or two PI's who like to conduct very thorough interviews and knowing who these PI's are in advance can help you mentally prepare for it when it happens. There is a well-known PI here who put recruits into awkward/stressful situations during the interview to see how they respond. This might be constantly asking questions about a project, questioning motivations to go to grad school, etc. etc. It is a LOT easier to not get flustered by this when you are expecting it.

  6. You see people wearing suits all the time. It typically isn't a big deal. I wore jeans + button down or slacks + button down for all my interviews and things turned out okay. Do what makes you comfortable like rising_star said!


    Either way, you'll probably be more overdressed than the faculty interviewing you. Our program director who interviewed me last year was in ripped jeans, a t shirt, and flip flops :P

  7. Some things that were brought up...


    1) Optional drinking times: Honestly, it doesn't hurt if you decide not to go/not to drink. We love getting to know everyone but also understand that interviews are very tiring and that going out to a bar is not everyone's cup of tea. We have two outings (one Friday night, one Saturday night) that we encourage recruits to attend but understand if they do not. It's also not like we keep a list of everyone who goes/drinks/etc.!


    2) I really think thank you emails are a nice gesture, even if there is a <0.01% chance that they will help your odds of getting it. I sent thank you emails to most of the professors I interviewed with and ended up maintaining an open line of communication with them from the end of the interview, until when I was accepted, and even when I was picking rotations. A simple "Thank you for taking time to talk with me, I really enjoyed hearing about your research" is very courteous, not annoying, and is never a bad thing in my opinion.


    3) I've gotten a lot of questions about attire and this has been beaten to death on this forum, but I would just like to throw in my two cents. In general, I felt a lot more comfortable erring on the side of too casual rather than too formal. I wore jeans/slacks + a button down with no tie for all of my interviews and jeans + t-shirt for all other events. There are always a couple people who wear suits, but that isn't really the norm on the west coast at least. Unless you look like a slob, we won't be judging what you wear (you will probably be better dressed than most students anyway...).


    4) Ask your student hosts about the faculty who are interviewing you. There is nothing less pleasant than getting grilled in an interview without expecting it. There are a couple faculty notorious for giving students very rigorous interviews -- most of the students will be able to tell you who these are so you don't go in completely blind.


    Have fun!

  8. I'm going to chime in only since I have a friend that gave me some advice when she applied.  (she is now a postdoc).  She got an interview to a top 20 school and she had a friend affiliated with the program.  She found out later she BARELY got an interview, but apparently knocked their socks off in the interview and was one of their top candidates.  I will say that there are already the rankings or the people they want right off the bat, but once you are in an interview you can either make or break your case.  the interview is about seeing if what you are on paper is what you are in person.  Then additionally if you are really awkward, inappropriate, or a bit off hinged.  If you have a bad personality no matter your stats you'll be out.  So yes most people go to the interview and stay where they are, but I bet maybe 25-30% could easily move.  Schools will have their favorites coming in but that doesn't mean you are sentenced to last if that is where you started.  everyone goes back to equal playing field once you get to the interview.  


    Our program ranks students before hand (roughly), but in general these don't come into play for admissions decisions.


    Also, once the formal interviews are done with the professors you can honestly breathe a sigh of relief. At that point it is still possible for you to do something that blacklists you, but it's going to be hard as you'll have to act very inappropriately. Remember, it's okay to drink, it's not okay to get shitfaced.


    I just wanted to add that it is very possible for current students to have a huge say in the admissions process. Someone nails their faculty interviews but displays huge red flags during social events or talking with other students? Students will note this and it'll be relayed to admissions. Conversely, someone slightly flops their faculty interviews but can clearly talk about their research to current students, be a fun person, and generally impress everyone? Student support could push that person over.


    In general though I'd say it is far more likely for scenario two to happen than for scenario one. We all realize that interviews can be stressful so if that stress manifests during the weekend, everyone understands.

  9. For those wondering, here is what UCSF's interview schedule looks like (in terms of events, not times).




    - Recruits arrive, greeted by host students

    - Journal club followed by dinner/happy hour

    - Tour of campus




    - Welcome by program, information session + breakfast

    - 4 interviews (30 minutes each)

    - Lunch with hosts

    - 2 interviews (30 minutes each)

    - Housing tour

    - Poster session

    - Dinner at professor's house

    - Bar outing/dessert




    - Diversity panel (optional)

    - Breakfast

    - Q&A with current students

    - Mini symposium introducing recruits to faculty research

    - Tour of second campus/housing

    - Day events: Tour of San Francisco, hiking, or wine tasting

    - Student hosted party



    - Departure


    Most schools have a similar schedule!

  10. If a school wants to pressure you to make a response to them prior the april 15th deadline I'd highly question their motive.

    For many of my interviews (even the ones that had multiple weekends) I received an offer of acceptance within maybe 1-2 weeks.  

    i waited to finish all my interviews before I made my decision, but was prioritizing and ranking as I went.  

    I still made my final decision about a month before the April 15th deadline.


    every school would love to know prior to april 15th, if they signed the resolution that is about where it stops in what they can do.  If they didn't then I guess they can do whatever they want but again, why?


    The one exception to this are fellowships that might have specific deadlines. For one of the schools I was accepted to, I had to make a decision to decline or accept a fellowship by April 1st. However, this is the exception and not the norm. For me, I decided over a month before the deadline. For most people I have talked to, they pretty much knew where they wanted to go after they had their last interview. I knew immediately after my interview at UCSF that I wanted to attend there -- and the rest of my interviews didn't really do much to sway me.

  11. From the attending student's perspective: 


    We just got e-mails about signing up for interview-weekend duties! I'm so excited to meet everyone and good luck to those with busy weekends over the next few months :)





    Organizing recruitment has been a blast. We just got the list of students to assign student hosts to and it's crazy thinking we were just in that position one or two years ago. How time flies.

  12. Woke up and got an interview from BCMB Johns Hopkins! I'll probably be heading there for the Feb. 26-28th weekend.


    I have a question: How important is it to make it to the first interview weekend? I know UCSF CCB has their interview Feb. 28th- March 2, and a second one on March 8th - 9th. UCSF is technically my first choice, and I feel like I should reserve that weekend for UCSF. But at the same time, I don't want to decline an interview at Johns Hopkins. Also, I haven't heard from UCSF yet, so I don't know if I'll even get an interview.


    Attending the later weekend won't hurt your chances. In fact, getting some interview experience before interviewing at your top choice is a viable strategy. I wouldn't turn down an interview from a great school like JHU if you can reschedule UCSF (if you receive an interview). CCB should be sending interviews on January 5th-January 7th if that helps rest your mind :D

  13. Well said, thank you! Yes, I was comparing having your own place. I'm with Vene and like having the ability to live on my own if I so choose; we shouldn't be forced into undergrad-like situations just to go to a great school/live in a great city, but of course for some folks it's not an issue.

    I think I'm just sad some cities are pricing out a large portion of their residents. I come from the East Coast and NYC is doing the same thing; Manhattan is now just an amusement park for the rich for the most part, no working class people can afford to live there anymore. But this is a topic for the sociology forum. :)


    Woops I didn't see that chart, but for the most part that is correct. The one bedrooms that are 2200 are couples housing so it averages to ~1100 a person. About half of the first years currently live alone and on average pay ~1000-1100 near Parnassus. Some couples are paying less due to sharing a one bedroom. Honestly, the campus housing is nice but it is mainly transitional housing and finding housing near UCSF is difficult, but definitely possible. I would prefer an awesome city that isn't so damned expensive though haha.


    Cost of housing was my biggest worry coming out here, but UCSF does everything in their power to make that a lesser worry so you can stay focused on your research :P


    And for whoever asked about BMS invites: The large majority of interviews have been sent out but the list has not been finalized yet so there is still hope.

  14. I looked up UCSF's housing: 1BDRM is a range of 1600-2200 in Mission Bay. It might be doable but that's still insane. I pay less than half that for a huge 1BDRM in Houston, can bike to lab in 10 mins, and our stipend is 29K v. 32.5K for them. Also no state income tax here. :)


    Let's just say my savings and retirement accounts are much happier.


    The Bay Area is quickly becoming a plutocratic metropolis.


    That...is not true. The graduate student housing at Mission Bay runs from 950-1400 depending on your room. At Parnassus, it falls in the same price range. All graduate housing is apartments/houses. I'm able to save money each month, you just have to be smart about your expenses. Sure SF is expensive, but it is not undoable by any means.

  15. Have fun AND DO NOT GET DRUNK! I cannot tell you how awful and how many interviewees come through and get wasted, sleep with each other, with a student in the program.. ugh.... gross. I am not joking. 


    The main problem is people getting drunk and making a fool of themselves. If you know you can handle your alcohol, getting a little drunk won't hurt your chances and may help you out with the grad students. However despite what you might think there are always a few recruits who do get drunk and act creepy/sleep with others/pass out or throw up everywhere/get racist and that will almost automatically ruin your chances.


    But honestly, moderation is key with alcohol at interviews. It is offered a lot so be sure to curb your thirst.

  16. Okay, question I never thought I'd ask: how many interviews should I attend?


    I have committed to five interviews: OHSU, CU Denver, Vanderbilt, Utah, and Iowa. I have had seven invites; I haven't committed to Pitt but they are calling me on Monday to discuss the interview, and I had to turn UW down.

    Brandeis is the only school I haven't heard from, but they typically send invites in January.

    I already have invites from the schools that I am most excited about. However, I know that visiting a school in real life can drastically change one's preferred lineup.

    Should I turn down future invites? Or is it worth it to visit?


    I don't want to take a spot that could be given to someone who actually really wants to go to a particular school. This is the sole reason that I am considering turning down invites, but it's a big one to me. Being on the gradcafe forums and getting the chance to interact with so many like-minded people with common interests and goals has really changed my perspective.


    My PI thinks I should take every visit I can get, because interviews are a fun way to network. She also thinks that because I am shy, mass interviewing might be a good way to obliterate my shell before grad school.


    So, I see pros and cons. I'd really like to hear some other perspecives on this before Pitt calls me on Monday.


    Good job on getting so many interviews!!


    I personally did 5 interviews and felt that was perfect. I would probably recommend between 4 and 7. With 7 you would be gone essentially every weekend for 7 weeks straight, which could be a little tiring, but it is nothing that it unmanagable. Honestly, do as many as you feel comfortable you can handle. There is no intrinsic negative to accepting more interviews other than burnout, but if you feel like you can manage more then go for it!

  17. Nooo, stopping giving me hope so I'll leave my inbox alone ;) It probably is a bit of a reach for me, but I figured I should apply anyways. I'm just sitting pretty in my rent-controlled apt in SF and don't want to leave!


    How do you like the program by the way? 


    It's fantastic. Research is great, coursework is great, atmosphere is great, SF is great. And you never know what can happen with the interview cycle!

  18. Ugh, I know. I've been waiting to hear from UCSF-BMS so I can schedule an interview at another school...I'm guessing it's a no if we don't hear anything tomorrow judging by last years invites. 


    Don't worry, interview invites are still rolling out for BMS. Lots of problems this year due to a new application system that have delayed the processing of applications. By the end of tomorrow the large majority of invites will be sent out, but there may be some trickle-down over the next week or so. Good luck!

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