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Everything posted by youngcharlie101

  1. Well... If you can't take criticism about a school that has nothing to do with you, then "I" don't know...
  2. Well, if everyone gets accepted, then that kind of defeats the purpose of the admissions process. Just sayin'.
  3. Thanks for being so sweet, supportive, and helpful. It's like a shark tank here. Many members are the first to pounce on you when you're already down! It's not like I asked to be brought up in an abusive household and traumatized. I have anxiety. People really need to get over it. Yeah, I'm thinking about my MAT for now. I'd love to be a high school teacher and get these kids ready for college. I'll probably be back to grad school later; after all, my brother-in-law just got his PhD and he's 37.
  4. Well, you know absolutely nothing about me, so there's that. I apologize if I offended you, but perhaps you can try getting through to NYU's Draper Program.
  5. I wasn't in the NYU English department. I took some classes in that department, and LOVED it. It's the NYU Draper Program that I wasn't so fond of. And also, I didn't get a chance to visit the campus when I first got accepted. I live in London.
  6. Oh no, your advice means the world to me right now. I feel so isolated from my own community that I come here to seek advice about grad school. You're so right. I definitely need to stay the bleep away from academia right now. My emotional and physical sanity depend on it. Hopefully teaching will be a good calling for me. Thanks, friend. :-)
  7. I think the best years of my life were in college. It wasn't a shark tank where everyone was waiting for me to fail. I'm trying so hard to erase the trauma of NYU from my brain. I was tested at every turn. I lived in a city I hated with these pretentious roommates and verbally abusive folk; I was hospitalized twice and treated like garbage by the professors; I lost the man I loved; I wrote a thesis with an adviser outside NYU since the professors wanted nothing to do with me. Ugh, I hate NYU. I'm a very angry woman right now. Lol.
  8. Thanks, friend. Yeah, I think I might teach for a bit, and if I ever change my mind about the PhD, I guess I can try to go back. Grad school will always be there. It's terrible, you know? I wish I would have known this about NYU before I invested. The hierarchy disturbs me immensely. But hey, at least I know now what I didn't know then. Here's hoping I'll be happy sometime this year. Thanks very much for your patience in reading my question.
  9. Why I want to settle down as a high school English teacher for now: 1- I almost died a few months ago from an anxiety attack that left me hospitalized, so I need to get healthy while working in my field preferably. (And please note that just because I'm sick, it doesn't mean I'm not cut out for academia, QE's, etc. There are plenty of anxious people who have made significant contributions to academia). 2- I am sick of the GRE, the nausea, the panic attacks, the constant bickering and arguing with my family, the blackouts, the study groups, the endless practice tests, the money spent on material, the tutors and their impatience, and come exam day, the terrible scores I always receive. 3- I am overall tired and mentally drained of trying to get into graduate school right now. 4- I would like some teaching experience since I wasn't an Ed major in college. Why I despise NYU: 1- I get it. You're NYU. You go to one of the most competitive programs in the nation, but that doesn't give you the right to belittle your colleagues or talk down to those who haven't had the same advantages. 2- The professors have no compassion, nor do they wish to help a non-English department foreign student. I basically had to beg my three professors for solid letters to PhD programs and even then, they told me I don't have a "shot in hell." 3- The cost of living and the fiance I lost 4- The way the professors don't show up to office hours or respond to emails, yet they always have all the time in the world for their English/Comp Lit students. Why I want a PhD in English 1- I want to research a topic that I am passionate about. Reading a book or attaining a master's simply isn't enough. I want to become an expert in my field. 2- I wish to broaden my scope of the American novel 3- I want to be a professor and encourage a modernized society why the novel is a significant aspect of the working world.
  10. If it's the unversity's cash cow program, then it's a shitty program. Just ask the professors at Columbia, U. Chicago, CUNY, and U. Mass Amherst. They all said the same thing.
  11. Hi, everyone. I'm a reject (tee hee) from all my PhD programs. But I'm taking it in stride and working hard to figure out my next move. I got a useless MA from NYU in Humanities, and it's a really shitty school. I got some solid recommendations from two professors (that weren't too busy or pompous), but I feel like I need to broaden my scope of literature more. This is why I'm contemplating getting a second MA in English Lit. However, in the meantime, I'm working to get teaching experience under my belt. I got NY certification to be a high school English teacher, but to work, the schools are looking for experience, which I don't have. This is why I'm applying to a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. They can give me student teaching experience and high school placement. It only takes a year. But I want to go back for a second MA in English for when I do apply again to a PhD program. NYU was a terrible experience for me. I HATED it there, and I despised the professors too. Although I did get two solid letters, it wasn't enough for me to get accepted. That's why I think a second MA would benefit me. I'm not sure if I should apply for both an MA in English and an MAT, or should I just apply to one and wait? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. Cheers.
  12. 2015 hasn't exactly been my year. :( But I'm alive and well. Can't ask for more than that.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      Yeah even through all the stress that graduate school (and trying to get into it) brings, it could be much worse. I've had a friend from high school who was shot in the face (he is a cop) so I'm pretty lucky to just have this one stress in my life rather than so many other stresses that are life threatening.

      Also 2015 has just begun, it might turn around for you :P.

    2. youngcharlie101


      bkess your friend. <3 You're right, we have to count every blessing. I hope 2015 shows me the bright side soon. :)

  13. What are the tricks to forgetting someone who's already gone? I hear his name and the waterworks begin. Wtf?? :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      I want to go home to Surrey soon. Plan to maybe stop in Venice and pick up some more wine. ;)

    3. LittleDarlings


      Try to find someone else

    4. MidwesternAloha


      @youngcharlie you do not ever have to apologize to having emotions. Heartbreak is very real. Keep staying strong. And go to Venice!!

  14. I was never quite fond of beer till March. Drinking my sorrows!

  15. Thanks, everybody! Yeah, I don't want that much debt on my plate. It's a no no to Temple.
  16. "God help me, I've come undone." <\3

  17. Hi, Ian. Thanks for your help, dear friend. This is solid advice. But the thing is, I have my MA in Humanities. To be honest, I would love to go for a second MA in English Literature. I want to make my PhD applications as strong as possible. But I'm torn. I want to get teaching experience at the same time. I wish to God I were an education major in college so I would at least have some teaching experience.
  18. Hi, everybody. Well, my application season went up in flames. Last year, I got an offer of admission to Temple in Philadelphia for a PhD in English. The only downside was no funding. I'd have to pay out of pocket. Back in August 2014, I deferred admission to Temple for one year and worked like hell to get into a funded program. I studied like a fiend for the GRE, I begged my professors for good letters, and I left my temp position just to solidify my application. I have three schools left to hear from, but I am taking them all as implied rejections. I was planning on going to a nearby university to get my Master of Arts in Teaching. I'm trying to be an English teacher now since my first dream of being a professor went up in smoke. But I just remembered my unfunded offer to Temple. Should I take it even though I'll be a commuter and I'm broke as sheet?
  19. Society says gym, but I say cheeseburger! :D

  20. I'm not going to stop believing in happy endings just because some ass hat decided to step all over my insides. Just wish the pain would go away though. :(

  21. Application season is finally over for me. I am going to be an English teacher for now. Need a break from the GRE and demands of grad school. Taking care of my health first. :)

    1. fuzzylogician


      Health is absolutely the most important. Good luck to you!

  22. You guys, we all made it through this season! It's a brutal process, but we all deserve the best. We should all be proud of ourselves. ❤️ Pass the wine?
  23. Congratulations! This is a wonderful school, wonderful program. Go kick some butt!
  24. I personally despised NYU's Draper Program. I would have much rather gone to get my MA in Comparative Literature.
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