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Everything posted by lakegirl92

  1. Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone would be willing to read my personal statement or even just a rough draft of it and give points if it sounds like something the speech departments would be interested in reading? This is my second time applying and I have been trying to come up with different ways to approach it. I think my problem last year was that I focused too much on restating what my resume was instead of explaining my personal opinion and reasons why I think the field of SLP would work for me.
  2. I would also email to ask. I graduated this past May and am now working at a school with the special education students. I took sign language over the summer as well. I asked for a recommendation from my CSD undergrad professor, my supervisor for my job, and one from my sign language professor (all of which tie into speech). I emailed schools and asked if this was okay and they say that is totally fine. I think it depends on the school, so I would email them!
  3. I would definitely recommend buying Magoosh online. I increased my score by 8 points total which is a lot. The only thing is I'm not sure it would be worth buying if you need to take the GREs soon, but in the long run it's really helpful if you practice everyday.
  4. does anyone know if you can submit applications such as Grand Valley State without submitting the supplemental information (resume and personal statement) and mailing those maybe a month or so later?
  5. I got the speech pathologist who wrote my recommendations last year an Alex and Ani "piece of the puzzle" autism bracelet. She loved it!
  6. Hey everyone! This is really a question for anyone, I just figured I would put it in this thread since I am applying for summer/fall programs. I have started submitting applications because a lot of schools say to submit applications so they can start your file and then supplemental materials after. I received an email from one of the schools I am applying to on Monday congratulating me on my acceptance. I was so confused by this email since the deadline isn't until February 1st and I haven't submitted anything but the application. Can schools take back acceptances? I don't really even know if it's an acceptance either lol. Is it normal to get accepted into a school and then into the speech program later?
  7. I agree with mhny1224...this is my second year applying and I applied to 8 schools last year. I didn't even apply to competitive schools like NYU and ended up getting rejected from all 8. It is really important to do research on the schools. Find out how many apply, what they look for in an applicant, etc. I am from Massachusetts and the closest school I am applying to this round is in Maryland. I think the biggest mistake I made last year was trying to stay close to MA, and didn't do much research. good luck!!
  8. thank you twinguy7 and imunster! the only question I have is would the codes be different for schools, such as do some schools want the codes sent specifically to communication disorders department vs. general GRE code to the school?
  9. Hi everyone! I am retaking the GRE in a couple of weeks and have been looking up the GRE codes for schools, but find it hard to find some codes for some of the schools. If anyone knows what the codes are for the ones I have listed I would really appreciate it! I figured maybe this will also be helpful for others so they don't have to search for school codes as well. University of Montevallo Murray State University Grand Valley State University Rockhurst University Towson University University of South Dakota
  10. Thanks for the input! Yes Clarion was one of the schools I applied to last year that basically only accepts their own undergrads.
  11. Hi everyone! I'm not sure that anyone looks at this thread anymore, but I figured I would give it a shot (and especially because the people in this thread might have experienced this and know). I had a question not sure if anyone currently goes to these schools (listed below) or knows anything about them. This is my second year applying and last year I had applied to 8 schools. Two of the schools I applied to really only accepted their own undergrad speech students with occasionally one or two students from other schools. It was frustrating not knowing that and applying to those schools because it was really kind of a waste of time. I have almost narrowed it down to the schools I will be applying to, so if anyone knows about any of these schools doing the same thing I would really appreciate it. thanks!
  12. Hi everyone! I had a question not sure if anyone currently goes to these schools or knows anything about them. This is my second year applying and last year I had applied to 8 schools. Two of the schools I applied to really only accepted their own undergrad speech students with occasionally one or two students from other schools. It was frustrating not knowing that and applying to those schools because it was really kind of a waste of time. I have almost narrowed it down to the schools I will be applying to, so if anyone knows about any of these schools doing the same thing I would really appreciate it. thanks!
  13. Hi @twinguy7, great advice! As you can see I am going to be sending out my second round of applications this coming winter. I have been e-mailing a lot of different schools and have seen that this is helping me decide which schools I should apply to. I noticed you said you then e-mailed the schools a second time and mentioned your stats. I was thinking about doing the same thing. Were most of the directors you e-mailed pretty straight forward saying if you should/shouldn't apply, or did most say they can't comment on that? Thanks!
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