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Everything posted by travelgirl125

  1. Thanks so much! I actually did apply to MIIS last year for their International Education program. I really loved it, but they didn't give much aid =\ I will definitely look into those other programs though.
  2. I am considering applying for some Higher Ed programs! I applied to 8 grad programs last year but chose to take a job instead, and now my interests are going in a slightly different direction. I didn't see myself going to grad school for this, but given that I want to work in the field of study abroad/international education, I think I'm going to have to I'm trying to look mostly for 1-1.5 year programs that offer good financial assistance. Any recommendations? Trying also to stay on the East coast, no further West than Chicago.
  3. I've seen some masters/PhD programs have concentrations in Gifted and Talented education. Honestly don't know much about them or about the job prospects...in my own experience, we had one G/T program in my elementary school that was about 1 hour per week with only one teacher. After elementary school, kids in that program just went on to honors and, later, AP classes. Are you interested in working in elementary schools or middle/high schools?
  4. I agree with you - how an admissions department is run EXTREMELY affects my opinion of the school (whether or not that is good or bad). I am coming from an undergraduate school that has a terrible administration, and it's hurt/annoyed me in too many ways over the past 4 years. Of course, no institution is going to be perfect, but I definitely value efficiency and timeliness more the second time around.
  5. Have you checked into the International Education program at NYU? They offer a few different tracks/specializations which might be interesting to you
  6. That's great! For Spanish Linguistics?
  7. How exciting! Which school?
  8. Ciao! Unfortunately/Fortunately, I was offered a short-term job that I don't want to pass up from July-November, which overlaps both the summer school at Mills and academic year in Florence! I will definitely be applying for Summer 2016 though So happy for you, you will have a great time!
  9. Stick to timelines/deadlines posted on websites (i.e. not take 2 months to give a response when students are expecting one in 4 weeks!).
  10. I agree with what everyone else has said (that you should go someplace new), but also for the fact that you should go to a school that is organized and has been committed to you from the beginning!
  11. Congrats everyone!!! This is an interesting question. Have you talked to any of your professors about it? UVa also has a great reputation.
  12. Sorry to hear that, Counterpointer! It is definitely an expensive program. But you still have some other great options (and more to come, I'm sure)!
  13. Tchrsquirrel, was your EdD weekend this past weekend? How did it go?
  14. Congratulations to you both!! Even if you don't end up going there for whatever reason, it is still a major accomplishment to have been accepted
  15. Thank you so much! Your support was invaluable Hmm, interesting...well as far as I know, the two programs are very similar and have similar classes. Of course, you don't get any kind of certification with ICC as far as teaching English is concerned. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't end up how you wanted! But at least you have other options.
  16. Thank you so much!! I got an email saying my decision was ready, and there was a letter attached to that email as a PDF.
  17. Accepted!!! I am so happy and relieved! ICC is the program I was just accepted to. What is your background/why did you apply for TESOL?
  18. I applied to 9 schools for undergrad and 8 for grad (plus the Fulbright and an internship program). I think I applied to too many in both rounds, but I felt more prepared applying for grad programs. There were things that I knew I wanted to look for (for example, how many undergrad students vs. grad students in the institution) in grad programs that I had missed when I applied to undergrad.
  19. Ugh, I feel your pain. I applied Nov. 1, but my application was not "ready for review" until Dec. 1! Wishing you the best of luck!
  20. You applied for Higher Ed, right? And doesn't that program have a set deadline? I applied to a program with rolling admissions, so that might be why!
  21. ^ I got the same email. Though I think "a bit longer" is kind of an understatement. Oh well, really nothing to do but keep waiting and live vicariously through all of you!
  22. CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy for you!! When is it? Still no news on my end (now on week 8 of the 4-6 week turnaround).
  23. *blank stare* "Oh! That's nice..." After I tell people what programs I applied to (foreign languages don't get a lot of love, apparently ).
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