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St. Jude

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Everything posted by St. Jude

  1. UCLA wins by a long shot! See you fall quarter UCLA!

  2. Well it's happened. I got my reject email. I am a little annoyed and confused. I had talked with so many professors there including one who really would have been the perfect person to work with. I am also annoyed that I have applied twice just get two no's. Well whatever to them. You would think they could have done this a little earlier!!!!!!
  3. I think you are fine.
  4. Where do you see the warnings or the negative numbers???
  5. Who was the UNC admit? I want details!
  6. Dude anything between 15-20 is not low ranked. Go where you think you are going to do good work and be happy.
  7. I am so jealous right now! I am so happy to hear she is a cool person! I would have loved to have worked with her but le sigh it wasn't in the cards for me. I hope that one day I can write something as smart, interesting, and pertinent to society. Ok, I see what you are saying. That is absolutely true. Undocumented students cannot get federal aid and in CA at least they can't get any kind of state aid either. They have to pay for everything. And we then we have the reproduction of inequality.
  8. I totally agree. I would also throw a large net in which by that I mean apply to lots of schools. In my experience which has been two rounds of applications the schools that I reapplied to have not accepted me. All of my acceptances and even wait lists have been at new schools and all rejects at resubmits. And that was with a total redo of my writing sample, letters of rec, and SOP.
  9. I agree with all of this! I love Laraeu! I love that book. So good. The only question I have is what do mean when you say "Other possible issues: undocumented workers (which plays havoc on the financial aid game"? I am not sure what you are trying to say here.
  10. Me three. This was a reapplication too. Congrats to everyone who got in! It is a fantastic school!
  11. I agree. I think you are fine with those scores and GPA. LOR and SOP are seemingly the most important aspect of your app.
  12. St. Jude


    How many of us are going to be there for the welcome days? I think it would be fun if we stuck together. I mean we kind of know each other right?
  13. It makes me very nervous. I have basically given up hope on Northwestern even though it was my top choice. I know I have no right to be sad about graduate admissions but not hearing a positive back from this school does make my heart a little sad. I know we who are still waiting should stay optimistic but I have a feeling we are about to get a mass rejection. Harumph.
  14. I second this. I applied to 10 schools last year and was rejected across the board. I just worked really hard with my professors to make my application be as strong as I could make it this time around. Keep your chin up and don't internalize the rejections as personal statement of your ability. The graduate school thing is such a crap shoot. Good luck to everyone!
  15. St. Jude


    If you guys don't mind me asking what kind of funding package did you get? We should have a grad cafe meet up!
  16. St. Jude


    I'm going on Thursday.
  17. I'm in too! I can't remember when is the admit weekend again? I wrote a date down when they called but now it looks wrong to me!
  18. I'm doing PSA! And I will go to ASA if I can get my sociology friends to go with me.
  19. My interests are family, marriage, gender, and the reproduction of stratification. I especially love divergent family formations.
  20. Don't give up! It is way too early to give up! These schools do waves of admissions. So maybe we didn't make the first round but we don't know if there is going to be a second or third wave. Keep your head up! It's not over yet.
  21. Congrats!! I hope we will be joining you in celebration soon.
  22. I applied last year and was rejected across the board. This past application season has been completely different for me. I wouldn't put to much weight on the importance of the GRE. Yes, it is important and one way they use to weed down applicants but I did not have stellar scores and I have been accepted to a top ten program. For me what I think really changed my ability to be competitive was my writing sample (which was an honors thesis that was my own independent research), my SOP and the quality of my LORs. In one interview I had with a school the DGS told me I should thank my LORs for writing such amazing letters. For all the schools that have contacted me they have all mentioned my writing sample and my future research interests and how they fit into their department. If I were you and you plan on reapplying for next year I would try and get some independent research experience that you can use as your writing sample or in your SOP. I think graduate programs like it when you have experience in field work and with writing research papers about your field work. I would also try and find a least one sociology professor to write you a letter of rec. They don't all have to be people from the field but one is probably necessary. Are there any programs for a Masters degree that accepts students for the spring semester? I know some schools in the US have spring starting masters programs.
  23. Well I guess we will all find out sooner or later. I'm hoping for sooner and for it to be positive for all of us. Then we can all laugh about the days we spent freaking out about nothing.
  24. St. Jude


    Ok so we are all in same funding boat. I thought waiting to hear back from schools was bad enough. Now they make you wait to see if they are going to fund you or not! I have been contacted by two different professors from the department. One by email and one by phone. They were both really nice and have made me feel very wanted in the department. I am going to meet with them on the welcome day. How about you guys? Any contact from professors?
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