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Posts posted by Cosmojo

  1. I agree with this. You would need to still go through the application process unless you had a specific lab that was actively recruiting you and had made special arrangements. And more than anything, if I was on whatever committee decides if you can transfer, I'd be concerned about someone who leaves a program a year in. You need to have really good reasoning other than winning the GRF.

    I double agree. transferring in grad school, unless for super good reasons is really unheard of and generally frowned upon even if you are going with your own funding. 

  2. Is there any possibility of awards being announced this week? The earliest results have been announced  in recent history is ~March 23rd. But realistically its almost always the last weekday of March, right?

    I suppose, they have announced in late March before, but when they say early April I tend to not get my hopes up until the calendar hits April...that being said I have been checking fastlane everyday sooo...idk.  Unfortunately the rest of us are just as clueless as you. 

  3. my significant other and I looked into buying a house and talked to a lender- we decided not to purchase a home because we aren't sure how long we will be in this city yet- but the lender had no issue with my assistantship. It has a regular check just like any other job so they don't care. What I didn't realize though is that in calculating our debt/income ratio my student loans from undergrad which are in deferment are held against me. That obviously brought our monthly expenses in there eyes up a bit. Not sure how much you know about this but most lenders like your monthly debt/income below 40% so our proposed mortgage payment plus any car payments, student loans, and then if you have any alimony ect. They held ~1% of my total student loans against me in our monthly payments. 


    Otherwise I had no surprises or issues, overall I think the lender liked that I was a PhD student, it sounds impressive and responsible typically. 


    Hope that helps

  4. I had a nightmare last night that I didn't get it, and the reviewers made me feel awful about my proposal. They gave me a bunch of "poor" rankings and said it was a waste of time and money. Fairly upsetting.

    I had a nightmare last night too! I saw on here that results came out but my email and the NSF page wouldn't load, and no one would look up my name for me...this is getting ridiculous. 

  5. I had a take home test recently and I emailed my questions to the prof and he felt in necessary to copy and paste my email and send it to the rest of the class. k #1. Thank for giving everyone else hints on questions I worked so hard on #2. I'm a fairly private person and so I felt like an IDIOT, especially because he was critical of my questions.    Thanks prof. feels great. 


    I emailed another prof recently who is helping out with a class while another prof was super busy with a deadline and I knew he wouldn't be able to respond to me. I asked simply about the expectations for an upcoming project- I wanted to know what they wanted so I knew how I would be graded because the assignment was vague. The first prof emails the really busy profs and they each proceed to tell me its to my benefit to put as much time into this project as possible. ...uh duh... I wasn't asking about how hard I should work I was asking how it should be graded, but thanks for implying I'm just looking for the easy way out. Thats why its spring break and I'm the only grad student in the lab. 

  6. Out of curiosity why do you want the NSF GRFP most? Is it the prestige, security of funds, ability to have more freedom in your research, increase in stipend amount, all of the above?

  7. Yea, I have a fellowship that technically is 28k and my tuition and fees automatically come out of it, I am an out of state student as well but typically they charge you the in state fee. so instead of the 20k something it would be for out of state fee only 8k is deducted from my fellowship total leaving me with a $20,000 stipend. 


    Its just a technicality thing, they should charge you the in state fee (or less sometimes) and then you get what is left after that as a stipend. I would explicitly ask the department who gave the offer what the stipend amount is after fees and tuition are removed

  8. Do you think they know who won already and the names are sitting in a spreadsheet waiting or are they still making decisions? I know it really doesn't matter.....but at some point they have to make choices and I bet some people have been picked already

  9. Yes your loans automatically defer while you are in grad school, and to be honest paying them is dumb. Depending on the type of loan you have with some of them once you start paying them you HAVE to pay them every month, which if you are on a graduate stipend is nearly impossible unless you have other funding or live with 8 roommates. So the good you wanted to do by paying to make that interest go down suddenly turned into a mandatory $250 monthly payment (or whatever payment it would be...I have no idea) granted I don't think all loans are this way but I know I looked into mine, if I pay any money towards them they come out of deferment. 

    You are much better off saving every month and letting interest accumulate than having to pay them every month- because stuff does happen all the time and you will regret a bill that you didn't absolutely need.  

  10. 1. I'm a great grad student, good grades good researcher and looks like I'm going to advance to candidacy quickly- but its NEVER enough. I'm not writing a paper fast enough, I'm not cultivating enough relationships with my other grad students, I'm not reading enough articles, I'm not showing up at enough non-required lunch seminars. K for real this makes me want to quit all the time, like right now my classes are easy and I'm about to get a paper published and I'm ready to walk away cause I still feel like a failure...


    2. I have made my significant other be stuck in this city and this low pay situation for years which I don't think they hold against me but I still feel guilty about day after day cause they take so much over time so we can afford to live. I know that down the road my qualifications will make up for it and I will get into a good paying position but right now the stress is almost killing our relationship. We work all the time and it feels like combined we have nothing to show for it year after year. 


    3. I feel guilty just saying these things cause "good PhD" students know how to deal with this crap and its just "part of the process"



  11. My parents as a gift bought me a Costco membership so I buy things in bulk and then just eat off of it for awhile- its amazing how cheap food can be when you buy in bulk. Don't go out to eat or get take out, unless special occasion like a date night, most things you can find knock off recipes for online and you can make it healthier anyways. Also I find that you can easily spend too much money when you go out for drinks, so I don't go out to bars, too much temptation. I find all my textbook in pdf form or check them out from a library. Always take the free pens from conferences and hotels- sounds dumb but I haven't paid for school supplies since start of undergrad. Like Mocha said, if you need something utilize craigslist or ebay. Some of my grad student friends always shower at the gym/school to save on water costs- granted that only saves a tiny bit but it all helps!

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