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Everything posted by sjoh197

  1. I haven't yet. At least, not since applications were due. I've seen that their stuff doesn't really start to go until march?
  2. All the hostility. Can't we all just be friends. If we all self reflect, we can all see what is wrong with our applications. Also, if we sit and look at academia, we can see when nothing was wrong with our application, and there simply wasn't a match. Also, let us all remember, that as geologists... we are not known for our social graces, and the internet can make it seem worse.
  3. Yeah, one mistake I made is i didn't put enough in my SOP about my future plans. Big mistake. Can't fix it now, and I did my best at the time.
  4. I went to high school online. I've been in this process alone. Applying to hard science is so much different than my mother's social science experience. And my father never went to college, so...That's why I like it here.
  5. LOL.... my mother is a professor... if anyone knows they aren't super humans its me. I helped her edit her own editorial the other day... and all she could do was look exasperated and mumble "I can't believe my undergraduate daughter is editing my editorial." It was kinda funny
  6. When I said... I have talked to all of them... I meant by email. I emailed all of them, some extensively. But I don't feel it is beneficial for me to bother them now. I have connected with some on linkedin, but that's about as much as I am going to do.
  7. Also... I have talked with all of my POI's well before this point. However, I meant familiar... as in, I am familiar with my advisor and feel comfortable shooting him an email anytime. I do not regard his opinion of me as anything else than good. My POI's, they don't know me. I don't feel overly comfortable shooting them a casual email.
  8. I know that 2 of my schools have a history of not sending out acceptances until this week or next.... so I am not soooo worried about those. But a little worried. Ok, I'm beside myself.
  9. I think that sounds nice.... but I have heard from so many people that it's not a good idea to email POI's unless you are already familiar with them. I am just very unsure of what to do.
  10. I am yet to hear a single peep as well. I don't really want to email anyone though.
  11. sjoh197


    I'm 21 and will still be 21 when I start.... (That is, if anyone ever responds)
  12. "This person has great ugrad research, good scores, and fantastic LOR's.... Their POI seems very interested in them. Reject pile."
  13. I am extremely tempted to ask about the status of my applications, but I don't feel as though that will solve anything.
  14. My school is closed today, tomorrow, and wednesday..... but that's because these weirdos celebrate Mardi Gras.
  15. Yikes.... one of my professors asked me how the grad school apps were going, and I told him I hadn't heard anything yet. He said not to worry. He is on the adcom for our school, and he said they had only met once so far >.<
  16. My nice official-ly looking letter notifying me that for the only time ever as a student... I made the dean's list, was a nice break from constantly looking in mailbox to find nothing. Doesn't really make a difference at this point though lol.
  17. The LSU system is about to undergo massive budget cuts again, and is looking at shuttering many of its programs, and even outlier schools in the coming time. Just an FYI.
  18. Holy shit, did you see that guys stats? I am sooooo screwed.
  19. I am becoming inexplicably depressed with the lack of news from anywhere.
  20. I haven't heard anything from oklahoma, but looking at their stats, it seems like they don't send anything out until last week of february/first week of march...
  21. LMFAO..... I want this problem sooooo badly. I would email both. Say thank you for the offer, and that while it was a great opportunity, you are unable to accept. Keep it short. I didn't even have to send an email to one professor that I talked to, who sent me an email saying he was sad that I didn't apply to work with him (his research was too far removed)
  22. I know the difference between those of you who have been invited and those of us that haven't...
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