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Everything posted by sjoh197

  1. Everyone is still away for the summer and I am looking for a way to do something in ArcGIS. I'm not actually sure what I am trying to do is called... so that's my problem. If anyone's here... I'll put up more info.
  2. I didn't realize the purple curtain I got was only one panel... looks like I need to get another one
  3. I think I have a solid 200 samples at home lol. There's a wholesale mineral show in two weekends. Gonna see what I can add to my office to make it more cheery
  4. @TakeruK People always like my office collection until they come to my house and see my real collection. I started calling my office "overflow" for all the stuff I don't have room for at home. I've started having to collect things in big glass vase like things to contain them I'm always worried that if I bring in anything nice that someone will steal it or it will just "go missing".
  5. Got some office pics you wanna share? What's your office look like? Did you score big or get shoved into the undesirable basement? I just go moved to a very desirable location, but the offices are some of the oldest around. I was left a yellow and brown 1970's teacher desk, a brown metal bookshelf, and very sticky-tacked walls. I just got some stuff to make it a little less depressing.
  6. Hey everybody, still alive here, just so busy that I haven't really had time to check this.
  7. I would prepare yourself for the potential reality of retaking the test. A lot of prep for the gre takes time, and 2 weeks isn't a lot of time.
  8. Gas, grass, or ass... But pretty much the same thing.
  9. This is why when people ask me... to live alone or with a roomate? I always say live alone if you can afford it. The money you save isn't worth your sanity. The best option is obviously to find a hunky engineer lover like I did and move in with them, but I guess not everybody gets those kind of options. Lol.
  10. Wow... That's a no from me. Maybe its the parenting in me coming out, but I would have straightened her out already. Dont clean her dishes. If her pans are taking up the stovetop, start putting them in a box or plastic bag and removing them from the common area and putting them in her personal space. Same with other clutter. Dont clean up after her or she will just learn that if she leaves stuff out, it will bother you enough that you'll do it. Be direct. Actually tell her out loud "Stop putting shit on top of the trashcan when its full." "Stop leaving your god damn pots on the stove for 5 days" etc.
  11. All of our grad socials seem to involve beer, pizza, bars, etc... Nothing of which I can have. Sigh.
  12. I let my alarm run every morning.... They run up the bed, down the bed, to the food dish, back across the bed, maybe step on my face.
  13. My little coffee pot for my deskspace finally shipped. Now I don't have to drink that shit that Starbucks calls coffee in the middle of the day. Yay.
  14. Not quite the same, but we would always have gobs of helicopter parents roaming the campus. In fact, I had one father walk into my restricted research lab to have the following conversation. Him: "Where is the office?" Me: "Which office are you looking for?" Him: "You know, like the front office?" Me: (OMG this isn't high school, it doesn't work that way) "We have 3 departments in this building, each with their own office. If you can tell me which office it is, I can tell you where it is." Him: "Do you sell LSU t-shirts here?" Me: "In my lab? No." After a long pause Me: "But you can go across the street and get one."
  15. Not that it is much help... but if you never come out of your office, and only arrive to classes or events as they start... nothing will change and you won't end up being friends anyways. This really sucks, and I hope things get better. We had a situation like this at my previous university, and I didn't end up befriending many people because of it. But you have to give it some time.
  16. Both. I live in houston, where neither walking nor cycling is big, but the area I live in is very active. Not following all the rules is fine and all, (its not like cars do), but if someone just blazes through a 4 way stop on their bike, thats just dangerous for everyone. Especially if its not on a campus, but in a busy part of town. I guess I'm just bitter because i almost hit them all the time, even when I'm being very careful. Gives me panic attacks after. You're having discretion for others on the road. They're just being dumbasses.
  17. I regularly almost hit bicyclists who dont stop at any of the 6-7 4 way stops directly adjacent to my apartment and just ride out in front of you as you go. It's a nightmare. Thankfully, utilizing public transportation means I dont have to worry about the wandering students on campus.
  18. While on the bus, a mother getting on the bus asked us to wait for a minute because her ~7ish year old son really had to go to the bathroom and was peeing behind the tree. And of course, as I am hearing this conversation, I look up, and through the bus window see a 7 year old boy, fully facing the bus peeing "behind" a tree at a busy intersection. I had to look completely down in order to avoid the embarrassing sight. What kind of parents are out there now?
  19. I have to submit hypotheses and potential tests in a week for a region I just hear about like 4 days ago, and I have no idea what's going on, and I don't even understand some of the questions, let alone what my hypothesis should be or how to research it.
  20. Could you use something like this? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0002YP1UI/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1472388411&sr=8-8&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=outdoor+hide+a+key&dpPl=1&dpID=41K45QBVpcL&ref=plSrch
  21. Columbia has an MS&E program, Lehigh has one. A few different places do. Also, it is likely akin to engineering management programs and science management programs (separated elsewhere).
  22. I have a rolly bag and just run em all over.
  23. Is it weird that all of my professors knew my name after 1 class/meeting? I thought it was weird. I have so much work to do this weekend its not even funny.
  24. So far I have wracked up for the upcoming semester... 8 presentations, 1 (for a class) full research proposal, 1 set of hypotheses and research suggestions ( due in like a week) for a region I know nothing about and have never studied... That I will be doing 10 days of field work for in < a month, and a short original research paper accompanied by some form of computer model. This in addition to my 2 actual research projects and being a TA. I think I might just die instead.
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