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Everything posted by sjoh197

  1. I just had a dream that everything made out of beef spawned into alien dog sized monsters that looked like a cross between spiders, lobsters, and a praying mantis. I think my brain is upset about this whole grad school thing.
  2. I got my computer through best buys 12 month program... Where you have 12 months to pay it off no interest. That could be an option for you. Made it much easier for me.
  3. I would not pull out a specific year. However, it is common for people to highlight their discipline gpa...So for me, it would have been just what I made in my geology courses. Also, lots of schools look at the last 60 hrs or so. So if you have finished your degree, you can perhaps highlight that instead.
  4. Boyfriend: Who is David Bowie? Me: Shows him picture. Boyfriend: What are some of his songs? Me: Plays space oddity. Boyfriend: This song blows. Me: Hangs head low while shaking it in shame.
  5. So after 2 weeks of dealing with post office over what should have been a 2 day delivery... They told me they had sent my package back to amazon. I called amazon on Thursday, told them what happened, and they gave me a refund. Now today the package arrived? (Apparently the post office has no clue what's going on with their packages.) I dont know if I should call amazon and tell them what happened or what?
  6. So just take out your GPA. My CV doesn't have my GPA.
  7. Our department did offer pizza at a short lunch break, but I cant eat pizza lol. I packed a lunch. But it really wasn't until later in the day that I really needed water and maybe a coffee break or something. Ate a huge roast when I came home though lol.
  8. So today's full day of orientations wouldn't have been so bad if everything hadn't been back to back with no opportunity to refill coffees and water bottles and maybe get a snack. I now have a killer headache.
  9. When I reached out to professors... I had a 100% return rate on my emails. Maybe it was just lucky... but my formula was Subject: Inquiry from Potential Student Dr. So and So, I am an undergraduate student in blank at such and such. I am working on (paraphrase generalized research) with other Dr. So and So. I am interested in (paraphrase what work they do that you like) and am wondering if you are taking any graduate students for (semester). Thank you for your time. Succinct, to the point, and I attached my cv.
  10. @janetjanejune I had set some ground rules with my partner yesterday, because tomorrow is my first day "back in the swing of things" and I will no longer be able to maintain the entire house by myself. No more breakfast, lunch, and dinner with me cleaning it all up. No more cleaning out his lunch containers and coffee mugs. No more putting his dirty clothes in the hamper and his hangers in the closet. No more driving him to the bus station. His face was kind of sad lol.
  11. I think a good suggestion would be before everyone gets too settled in, have everyone meet somewhere for lunch or dinner (somewhere inexpensive) as a good, casual, and more relaxed "get to know each other" deal... and perhaps have some of the discussion there. That way everyone is in the same place, but also occupied with food so that it's not all awkward and stuff.
  12. Perhaps it is simply part of your lifestyle and habits to introduce yourself and give a bio... Whereas it is part of their lifestyle and habits to either be too busy or not give a shit. (I dont mean that in a mean way... I'm the type of person to introduce who I am and what I do ?)
  13. So I don't know if this is like, normal or anything... but I haven't actually had any research ideas at all, and instead had two rather complex and specific preconceived research collaborations "presented" to me... and then was told that together they would make a very interesting Phd. Of course both of them were awesome, but I did get all worked up and nervous all summer about having to come up with these brilliant ideas.
  14. So I got my TA class assignment... although I don't know which section until friday. I get to TA an intro physical geology lab. Should be pretty simple. Got introduced to both of my research projects. Already lost as lost can be lol.
  15. After hearing about the collective... I thought they'd look more like geth. Sigh
  16. That sounds awesomely like herding cats. I just found out that I am likely going to be operating a $600000 machine and that makes me about as nervous as being in charge of 1000 mini robots.
  17. This. Also... with what fuzzy said on balance...You say At such and such a time I did this and it allowed me to better learn "that". You should tie in how "that" is going to make you more successful in your graduate research pursuits and future career. I did this and it allowed me to better learn "that"... and "that" will help me achieve "research goals" in your program.
  18. To begin with, your whole first paragraph is irrelevant, and contains info that the readers should already know. This is a waste of both space and attention span.
  19. I get it, but this video is totally geared towards just out of high school. It's obnoxious. And if these morals aren't being taught at home, a video isn't going to fix it. Well... I was going to stalk and harass that girl... but now that I've seen this informative video, I won't follow her home in the dark. Said no one ever.
  20. OH MY GOD.... As a new student I'm currently getting to watch a video and take a test on sexual misconduct... and what "consent" actually means. Facepalm. It's like I'm a 17 year old kid again, not someone who's already birthed a child. Is this what the world has come to? This is an hour of my time completely wasted on moral values that should have been taught at home, not in a video from a university.
  21. I got to meet the collaborator of my second phd project today. He was really cool... and of course everything he said went straight over my head. Thankfully he noticed... when he made the "hand whooshing over head" motion lol. And one of my 2 textbooks for next semester is one that I already have... Yay!
  22. Well, my mom had to evacuate her house south of baton rouge about 30 minutes ago. The floodwater is bubbling up from the ground as the river swells from the northward drainage. Hoping the house doesn't flood.
  23. Now that we have finally finished moving... It has started shit pouring and will continue to shit pour for the discernable future. I really wanted to get used to this part of town and enjoy all the reasons that we moved here... But I guess I can't lol.
  24. Living in a sea of unpacked boxes sucks. lol
  25. Well...we finally move tomorrow. Gonna be super busy. And I'm sure the cats will be all pissed off.
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