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Everything posted by sjoh197

  1. First of all.. how bad is bad? (What did you score) Second of all... what is chemical education? I have never heard of that before.
  2. I would like to comment from the other side of this. While I grew up in poverty, my father is (now in my adult years) very wealthy. He is also very generous in the realm of academics, in that he has offered (I would have never asked) to help pay for textbooks, school expenses, or any big medical/dental issues I have. Both my undergrad and so far grad school have been fully funded by scholarships, grants, and a TA position. I have worked many minimum wage jobs to pay rent, buy clothes, etc. I shop at thrift stores, all my furniture is from craigslist, I don't eat out... and the $20 a person to get into the zoo on the weekend is something we save up for. People having resources doesn't make them incapable of understanding your situation. Most people I have ever met in grad school are operating on a limited budget, and have used clothes, bus passes, etc. Just like I do. But if they aren't, that doesn't mean you can't relate in other ways. It is always nice to talk with people from other walks of life and learn their own struggles, and introduce them to lives outside of their own socioeconomic spheres too.
  3. Ah well... is your nebraska acceptance for a masters? if it is... I would jump on that. It would only be 2 years, and would make you more competitive than you are now for phd applications later (if that is the route you are going). And if not, it would also make you more competitive in the oil industry anyways. And its funded.
  4. If I remember correctly, you desperately wanted to get into a Texas school... and you did. You've already got an acceptance at Texas A&M which is a good school. UH and UT Austin & Dallas aren't going to admit you without a GRE score.
  5. So I finally met with my advisor again... talked over some research ideas/opportunities, and enrolled in classes. I feel like things are finally coming together lol.
  6. I had told him I didnt really need a ring, but he insisted i do. I only want princess cut, we agreed that a moissanite is a great alternative (although my second choice was aquamarine) and I don't really want a wedding band. I think we'll each just have 1 ring instead. But we also wont have a bridal party, get married in a church, say traditional vows or have an actual wedding cake either. I've already planned out 80% of our wedding on Pinterest over the last 4 years. Lol.
  7. @hippyscientist Hahaha... my nails are always done. White tip and meticulously manicured. We have talked about it for some time now... but over the 4th of July weekend it was all the "talk" at our family get together about why he hadn't asked yet... and it kind of sent him into panic mode. He's been asking me about settings and ring sizes, and wants to take me to a jeweler. blah blah blah. It's our "dating anniversary" next weekend, and we just received a suspicious sign-for delivery downstairs that I am NOT ALLOWED to pick up. It makes me a little concerned When he tells people I don't even want a diamond, they lose their shit.
  8. Yay... tomorrow I get to talk with my advisor about what classes I'll be taking and stuff. Also... on an unrelated note... I think my partner is going to propose to me soon. I'm kind of anxious and worried and upset lol.
  9. Sorry if this is a dumb question... But what exactly is a "graduate seminar?" While looking through the course listing... There are multiple classes listed under just "graduate seminar" with no extra info or description. I looked some stuff up online but couldn't find a straightforward explanation of what this really is. I get the general premise I guess, but wasn't really satisfied with my understanding and thought I would just ask.
  10. I grew up in a family where you couldn't even have a bra strap showing once you left your own room. And you were only allowed to have your room door closed if you were changing. We were all constantly confined by strict clothing rules and I was never allowed to be comfortable or free. Now I just walk around my house naked. So suck on that, religious childhood upbringing. (Although I would never walk around like that in front of strangers on air bnb. Yikes)
  11. HAHAHAHA.... I can just picture your situation lol. Also, I prefer to not have overnight guests if I can help it... because my partner and I walk around in various stages of undress most of the evening and morning.
  12. http://www.vidaamericana.com/english/tipping.html here's a link to basic tipped services and the normal amount. Generally people providing you a service are tipped. Particularly those who are in a lower paid service industry (waiter, bellhop, taxi, nail salon) or people whose work is very specialized and who can deliver varying degrees of work (tattoo artists, makeup artists, hair dressers). The former set of people often depend on tips to make a living wage. The latter is more of a showing of appreciation for the fine work they have done.
  13. That's a huge bummer. Maybe a few of them will surprise you and end up not being so bad. Although you might have to search them out because they will most likely not be going to the socials or hanging out either, in an attempt to escape the "youngins."
  14. It might be stressful... but to me I don't think it could ever be as stressful as the $100,000 is loans I would have otherwise
  15. Earlier today while driving to run some errands.... I stopped at a red light a few blocks from my apartment, and a homeless man walks across the lanes and starts banging on my driver's side window asking me to give him money. I feel bad for these people, and we do contribute to local charities and such, but god... I can't leave my house, cvs, downtown buildings, or the train without being harassed. I just want to get home safely without being approached by strange men asking me for stuff, or telling me to smile, or asking me to dance for them, or telling me about all the dirty things they would do to me, or following a few steps behind me all the way to my apartment door while asking if I'm having a nice day and what I'm doing tonight.
  16. The best planner I've ever had is the "Day designer: daily/monthly planner", Its massive though. It has a monthly calendar at the front, and then an entire page side for every single day... with a time slot, to do list, notes, and etc for each day. https://www.bluesky.com/planners/day-designer-spotty-dot-academic-year-daily-monthly-8-x-10-planner-jul-2016-jun-2017.html You can get them at target for $20.
  17. Question 1: I'm not in your field, so I can't really offer much advice... but there are subforums for chem-e and bio-e down at the bottom of the discussion homepage where you might glean some better information on that. Particularly, there might be people who have had the same question before. Question 2: You say that your overall gpa will be around 3.35 when you apply. This is above the common 3.0 cutoff, although different universities have their own standards. This will mean that your application will at least get to your department without being tossed. Also... if you do decide to mention why your early gpa is not so good... do it very quickly and move on. A single sentence was all that I used. Question 3: There is a very good forum in the Lobby, something along the lines of "the sub-3.0 gpa forum." It doesn't directly apply to you, since you estimate you will have well above a 3.0, but it does have some very great advise on accentuating the positives of your application in order to overcome a lower gpa. Some of the advice could certainly help you "hide" your early poor performance by "distracting" them with all of the other "awesome" parts of your application. Field specific work and research is the best way to overcome a poor gpa. Do you have any research experience... or any more opportunities?
  18. Yeah... Normally I'm an awesome gifts... But I hate watches and am no good at them lol.
  19. Ok my internet friends... I need help. I was thinking about getting my partner this watch for our dating anniversary... which is in 2 weeks. Does this look like a good man gift for an anniversary? https://www.etsy.com/listing/252485073/mens-skeleton-watch-anniversary-gift?ref=related-0 I don't have a lot of money right now, and this is basically pushing the limit of all I have to spend. But anniversary gifts seem harder than birthday or christmas gifts where I can lump together lots of smaller stuff.
  20. I'll be happy when I find out what my assignment is. I really like to plan and be prepared... but it's hard to plan and prepare if you don't know what you're doing. lol
  21. OMG it is and it snuggles like that all the time... See.
  22. Its hard to be stressed when you've got the official-ist anxiety medicine out there.... Kitty belly.
  23. Forget textbooks... I just want to know what classes I'm taking.
  24. Just had a nice few days of swimming, snorkeling, and snuba-ing. Now we're out fishing. Nothing good yet, but we'll see. Trying to end my year off right.
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