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Posts posted by NWFreeheel11

  1. Hey everyone, I know the waiting can be painful. As someone who just went through this last year, I feel ya. I just want to say one thing. 


    The applications will be there, so on Xmas eve, Xmas day, and new years, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and put away your computer and phones and dont let the waiting pull you away from family. They will help you forget about the wait, so enjoy them all you can!!!!!

  2. Honestly, the age old answer stands, it depends. Most PhD programs require interviews, but not all. If others are getting interview offers, then I would write to the program coordinator or whoever can help and ask about an update on your application. They can tell you if you are still under review or rejected. That would be the fastest way to piece of mind. Its still December though, so I wouldnt be getting worried just yet. 

  3. Hi Everyone, I am a PhD student in biomedical data science and wanted to give you all some food for thought during this stressful time of applications. 

    If you are applying to graduate school, you most likely have never truly failed anything in your life. Yes, a course may have turned out poorly, you were rejected from X school, or your GRE/MCAT didnt turn out as well as you would have liked. But, in reality you have never TRULY failed. This, my friends, should be the most encouraging thought you can have. 

    If you apply to reasonable schools for your profile, YOU WILL GET IN SOMEWHERE. Applying to graduate school is a crap shoot sometimes, but one or many schools will accept you and you will find a great program to go to. When I was applying, I was rejected from most of the "safety" schools I applied for and was accepted to one of the best schools in my field. Like I said, a total crap shoot, but IT WILL WORK OUT. 

    Interviews SHOULD BE FUN. If your interviews aren't fun, you're doing it wrong. Use them as a time for travel, to talk to smart people about topics you're excited about, and to meet dozens of people who share your interests. Laugh, learn, and just have fun. Just remember to stay professional while you do it. The easier you are to interview, the more the interviewer will like you. 

    Have patience, have confidence, and know that you have never truly failed anything in your life. Grad school applications will be no different. You will learn, succeed, and thrive. 

    Merry Christmas and safe travels to your interviews!

  4. My step mother is an SLP and went to a state school that is decent but not fancy shiny and she has never been without work. There is a high demand for sure. 


    In a field that doesn't pay heaps and heaps, taking loans that will leave you strapped for years is not that advisable. Here is how I see it:


    You can either 


    a. Take the fancy one with more debt and get a slightly better first job, but you will spend more time paying off debt and not having freedom from finances. 




    b. Go to the better funded school and take a job right after that may be one rung down the career ladder. If you are good at what you do, in a year or two you will be easily qualified for the same job you MAY have been able to take right out of the shiny school, but you are two years closer to paying off your already lower debt. 


    In both scenarios, you would realistically get to the same career level of paid off debt and job title, but the first keeps you strapped for cash longer and the second allows you to enjoy your life sooner in your career. Happiness and financial stability is worth its weight and will help you be better at your job with that stresser gone. 


    I would take "b". Not all those things that shine are made of gold. ;-)

  5. I am in this position where I will most likely turn down Ivys for a public university (albiet a good one, University of Washington) due to fit. However, I am curious whether undergrad presitge has any effect on job offers/careers post-PhD. They sound fancy to non-scientists but within academia, is there any bias (perhaps even unconscious) towards Ivy League schools?


    I can answer definitively yes to this. I worked at Stanford for two years with a professor I was very close with. He told me that if there are two candidates who are equal in research and publications, they will always hire the person with the better pedigree because it makes the school look better and helps them be more competitive for nearly everything. 


    Of course, if there is someone who has better research/publications, they will always win because all that REALLY matters is research performance. But all else considered equal, the better name degree wins. 

  6. I would like to ask everyone in this topic, and this forum for that matter, one question. This is not meant to be facetious at all, only reassuring. Its actually something that I ask myself quite often when I am stressed about something. 


    So, lets set the premise: everyone here is applying to graduate school. Mostly PhDs, but definitely a mixture of other things as well. So we all share high aspirations and motivation, and that is what has been pushing us to want to pursue DOCTORAL degrees in our respective fields. 


    When was the last time you failed at anything? Seriously...anything at all? And if you have, what are the lasting repercussions of that failure?


    I mean actually failed, as in, you were completely and totally unable to do something after trial and error/practice/repetition.


    Given the people who are here, I would assume that the answer to the above questions(s) is NEVER/NONE. 


    No matter how much work needs to be done, you have always finished it, you have always succeeded with it, and you have moved on to the next greater challenge. The majority of you have > 3.5 GPA, which means your academic average is > 87% perfect. The remaining < 13% has all been what has made you try harder and aspire for more. 


    So I would kindly suggest to breathe, relax, and remember that it is more than likely that you have NEVER failed at anything you have EVER attempted; there is NO reason to believe graduate school will be ANY DIFFERENT. 



  7. 1. Yes, in any given year, it is very likely that there is at least 1 international applicant that is clearly more qualified than at least one of the 12 domestics that are good enough. Very very likely.


    2. Yes this applicant may very well go to Wisconsin. Depends on how the program at Wisconsin is ranked, and whether the applicant was also overlooked/robbed by other programs he or she applied to.


    3. If it is not worth the resources, then don't accept international applications. Don't accept them and pocket the $100 without review.


    4. If Wisconsin can already recruit fantastic students, then presumably it IS prestigious enough that (2) applies and an outstanding international applicant may very well enroll if accepted.


    5. How much time do you really need to spend with each application to get a decent idea of the person's credentials? 5 minutes? Check GPA and GRE, major, school, list of publications (probably none), read three short letters, and scan a 1-page personal statement. $100 for 5 minutes corresponds to $1200 per hour.


    Any other brain busters?


    I'm just glad we won't end up working together in grad school. 

  8. I think we should agree that we all have slight variations of opinions on this. No one is going to change their mind and I think this forum should be about supporting and answering each other when we need help and insight into applications and grad school. 


    I am a culprit of this argument, but lets strike a deal. 


    Its understood that international applicants are to fill spots not used to educate US citizens for whom the universities were established. 


    We all agree that they should be reviewed at some level. 


    We disagree as to whether or not they are just thrown out instead of reviewed, and all evidence in the debate is conjecture and personal opinion about the wording of an email that none of us have actually seen first hand. 


    Can we shake hands and start posting in sections other than this one and leave the program bashing to less public mediums of communication? 

  9. I have to say I strongly disagree with the idea of going through life with the attitude "Sometimes things aren't fair." Is that how you react whenever somebody takes advantage of you? When somebody takes $130 from you without anything in return?


    Charging $130 for no *meaningful* review is not a win-win. It's a shitty way to squeeze money from people. Think how frustrating it would be if all schools did what UW does. An international applicant might apply to 10 schools and literally not get reviewed anywhere. That's not a win for the applicant.


    US schools (especially publicly funded) are designed first and foremost to educate US citizens. 

  10. Say a candidate has a good GPA and GRE and has good research experience, would the fact that the candidate has served previously in the military, especially if it's an elite unit such as the Navy Seals or US Army Special Forces, help his application to graduate programs in Political Science, especially the top programs such as Harvard and Stanford?


    Research experience and publication above all else will help you get in. If you were thinking of Public Policy or MBA, then military would DEFINITELY help, but PhD are all about research and Navy SEALs don't conduct research. 


    I agree with ARealDowner, it would make you interesting if it came down to a tie in every academic way between you and another candidate, but it wouldn't help until that last decision. 

  11. They're willing to fill their seats with domestics without considering that a few of the international applicants could be head and shoulders more qualified than the domestics. If I was in the adcom's shoes I would be more inclined to go after the best of the best, as opposed to finding 12 "good enough" domestic applicants.


    Haha, you KNOW they fill the spots with the best of the best, and if they can't do that with domestic applicants, then they do it with international ones. Programs do not accept students just to fill spots. They would have a small class before they admit someone they don't think is good for their program. NO program that receives 200+ applications reviews every application. Not even every domestic applicant. I feel that now you are just grasping at ways to insult the program. 

  12. I hope this whole thread realizes that this debate is about the woes of an unfair life. Sometimes things are not fair. Like Pasteltomato said about UW, not all of the apps are even reviewed. I am a domestic applicant, but because my MOST RECENT research experience was not in the same field, I was immediately rejected without further review. They could tell this from my CV and did not even read my essay or letters. They received over 350+ applications for 12 spots. Decisions had to be made and I didn't make the cut. 


    I am not going to start a malicious thread about how unprofessional they are. Shit happens, move on and look forward to all the great applications and interviews still in the running. If you are not a fan of how the ENTIRE US runs PhD applications, then don't apply to US schools. You can't play the game and expect them to change the rules for you, and if you don't like the rules, then don't play. 


    Our application fees pay the salary of the people they dedicate to caring for the program and the application process. Funding is tight, especially recently (our whole government shut down briefly), so if they can use app fees to pay salary then they can use more grant money for research! Win win for everyone in my opinion. I knew it was going to cost ~$130 per app with GRE, so I save enough for my apps and planned ahead. No surprises, and no hard feelings towards schools like UW. 

  13. Interviews keep sounding better and better. At first I really thought it would be a massive grill-sesh. I will, of course, take the interviews seriously, but this makes me feel a lot better.


    The interviews I went to were awesome. It started with a gathering and social event, then a day of "interviews" which really means talking about research with people who are excited to talk about research, and then another meal/social event. Its more about finding fit once you get on-site. They already know how you are as a student. Then want to know if people can stand to work with you and whether or not you will bring the department up, or down. Its supposed to be fun and relaxed. 


    I never read a whole paper when preparing for interviews, just lab web pages and a little bit about the background of some people. That was helpful to direct my questions towards the end of the interview, but no one ever asked me about their research specifically. 

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