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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Applying to Phd in Sociocultural Anthro

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    Ann Arbor, MI

    Does anyone know about how Umich housing works? Is it hard to get into the graduate housings (northwoods?) P.S. if anyone has an apartment near either central or north campus and needs a roommate, please pm me!
  2. I've officially accepted Michigan! Excited!
  3. I spoke with a professor who went to a top ten program (according to the NRC) for their Ph.D. and in the program there were only students from elite schools like the ivies and have read or learned how to read dense theoretical texts. Coming from a large state school, they felt unprepared and unwelcome in that environment. The kind of previous preparation is probably more important than name, but in socio-cultural, you might have to sit next to people who've read Foucault in undergraduate and places that teach that tend to be places that are also elitist. I know experiences can be specific to the individual, but academia is undoubtedly elitist. If you didn't get exposure to that previously, it might be hard. But content comes second to the tactics you learn - I'm privileged in that I'm coming from an undergrad that is reputably one of the hardest academically, and though I have not read much anthropology in terms of content, I have learned how to approach texts. If you're bright and motivated, you'll succeed regardless of where you go, but certain places prepare you for graduate school better than others. That said, the schools you've listed are great schools and it depends on how you prepare yourself, so take challenging courses and courses you think would prepare you for whatever subfield in anthro you want to go into. Best of luck!
  4. Hey, do you know if it's an official form email? I didn't get anything from them today.
  5. Accepted at Columbia, rejected from Berkeley. I felt Berkeley was my best fit, but it was the earliest app I sent in and riddled with problems. I am really happy though! I couldn't have imagined a better cycle. Good luck and best wishes to everyone else.
  6. Hi, Thanks for the repso Thanks! I unfortunately won't be able to visit the programs, but there is some geographical considerations like weather, distance from family, that factor into this decision. I have also reached out to students in my attempt to get the best feel as I can without visiting.
  7. Hi all, I'm wondering what insights you could give someone who has these options fit, funding, and program ranking between these options: Program 1 - Decent funding - Great in area focus - NRC ranked in the top 30 in field Program 2 - Great funding - Not great in area focus - NRC ranked in the top 10 in field Program 3/4 - Liveable funding - Decent/great in area focus - NRC ranked top 3 My most important criteria are fit and funding.
  8. Congratulations! I also read your blog, and I am happy you got through it and came out on top!
  9. Best to everyone waiting to hear back! It's so nerve wracking to wait but the struggle's almost over ! For those who've been offered admission to Michigan, how does your funding look? Do GSI/RA appointment include tuition? Please pm me.
  10. Hey! Sorry for the late response, but I am certain they have already sent out acceptances and waitlists because the result boards have shown a handful of acceptances and waitlists from them. Good luck though! I just got an email from Michigan's Rackham stating that I've been accepted (no email from the department yet), but if funding comes through, I am more likely to choose Michigan over Cornell. If you're on the waitlist, best of wishes!
  11. Haha that's what I get for using an acronym from the Simpsons although SCCCatttttcat is really cute so I like it. I got into Cornell with promised 4 years of funding! It has an amazing program for my geo area of interest and whatever happens now is just icing on the cake. But I have to be honest, a huge part of me really wants to go to the west coast but Berkeley is so hard to get into. I'm hoping for the best though, my LOR writers were very supportive of me.
  12. Checking my email so much lately. This one has me really freaking out, this is my biggest reach and fit program. But alas time will tell.
  13. Congratulations on your acceptances for those of you who've made it in! And good luck to everyone else! I heard back from my first program and it's an in! I'm so happy.
  14. This might sound silly, but I did meaning association with things I found funny or interesting, like words that described my friends (there's plenty of complex synonyms for cheap lol).
  15. ETS practice test: 167-169V; 148-153Q; did not study for the W. Actual: 168V; 157Q; 4W (lol maybe I should have studied). I took a free two day course offered at my university the weekend before and studied the night before the test. I didn't really study for the Q or W because I was told they didn't really matter for anthro programs. I promise I'm not negligent, I just didn't have much time to study before apps were due. I think if I had more time, I would have studied a bit more, although I don't think my score's a deal breaker.
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