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Everything posted by RosyPosy68

  1. Oh yay! Some news! Congrats to those selected for Netherlands!
  2. Hahaha I do the same thing with my SO and he just smiles and nods. He can't quite figure out why I'm so excited about notifications for countries that have nothing to do with my application. "Wow babe... You're so...nice...to be so excited for them..." Everyone keeps catching me refreshing my email on the weekends, too, even though I know nothing will come through. I don't think I've ever wanted something so badly in my life. Which UK Partnership??
  3. Good morning fellow UK-ers! I know someone on here posted that her interview with the UK was rescheduled last-minute from March 2 to March 9, which would mean interviews ended quite a bit later than most years. I'm guessing something came up on the UK Commission end of things that put a delay in the process. As of that March 9 interview, though, they were still saying we would have decisions by the end of this month. SO.... probably this week!! I'm going crazy, too, though. Trust me. Yes, I second this question J/collegedropout! Which partnership?? Good luck this week everyone!
  4. Wait, did Jordan really get notified? The "notification dates" tab says they did, but I haven't heard anything from any of y'all, and nobody changed anything on the 2015-2016 sheet!
  5. Congrats everyone! I'm glad we're ending the week with more announcements! I saw Mexico announcements went out, too!
  6. Now you have to change your user name Congrats!
  7. I don't know the specifics, but my understanding is that it really all depends on who the Principle candidates were and what other offers they may have. If they choose something else, I think that's usually what opens a spot for an Alternate. Good luck!!! And congrats on making it this far!!!!
  8. IIE is SO Quiet today! They must be exhausted after the notification-frenzy yesterday!! Or...Maybe they're working on a high-volume application country....like...the UK!?
  9. Well-----That's about as far away as we could be-----Southeast, anyone?
  10. If I knew any of you lived near me, I would definitely suggest an "anxiously-waiting meetup" to go have a drink and good food and talk about our projects. The rule: you can't refresh your email...AT ALL. (But only because it would be after 5 pm and, come on, someone has to force us not to be ridiculous, right?)
  11. Hello! My general impression this year is that if there ever was a pattern, it doesn't seem to be applicable this year for any of the countries! For example, the UK has notified 3rd Tuesday of the month for 5 years....and now it's Thursday! Plus, a whole bunch of other countries that were notified much later last year have already been notified this year. It all seems like a toss up! Good luck! One of my mentors did the ETA to Hungary back in the day and it changed his whole life!
  12. Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to the Morning Watch! I woke up from 3 separate dreams last night where I was just checking me email repeatedly. In one of them, I got an email from IIE, but they were just asking me some random questions. Anyone else experiencing these weird dreams?!
  13. Hey stopthat! (I got way too excited about saying that...) Are you in arts by any chance? IDK if this is the case, and I'm not a German applicant, but I've heard Arts apps get reviewed separately... maybe they get notified separately
  14. Another country! Congrats to all new German research & India ETA's, hugs to all non-selects, and good luck on the next step of waiting to all alternates!!
  15. You are DEFINITELY going to get DAAD! I can feel it! Better things are coming. For now--- big hugs from all of us! Aaannnnd while clicking the positive vote for this comment, I got the warning. Snapping.
  16. Where are Psyc_33 and Perfluidity?! Come on, guys!!! I've been talking to/rooting for y'all! ahh congrats Virmundi! Another win for GradCafe!
  17. OMG OMG!!! Germany ALREADY!?!?!?! Congrats!!!!! Who else got it?! I know there are TONS of you lurking around here!
  18. YESSSSS! Awesome! Hearing other people's success makes the waiting WAY easier! Also, if you find yourself near any thatched roof cottages... please don't burninate them. And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIGHT
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